英语人>词典>汉英 : 豪放 的英文翻译,例句
豪放 的英文翻译、例句


bold and unconstrained
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"Burning the midnight oil to see醉里sword, wind angle even梦回Camp" is "Ma Lu for fast, bow string, such as Thunderbolt scared" of the emotional scenes, such as the source of the fighting, in the absence of the word old enemy artificial country, defeat the outside of the Krupp desire and determination to fight behind the scenes that have lost the power of its rough, this first "破阵子" it lost its literary history in the historical status.


The broad minded in Su's poem have the most effect on Xin's poem, the relation of there is inherit, but Su created it and Xin inherited it, Xin got more successful than Su.


One is bold style of Brutalism in Bohai Bay region, and the Yellow River basin of the paper-cut in other provinces the same strain.


Buckaroo is the American version of vaquero.


Different species, furniture styles are also different, such as the ancient pine, oak rough ore Haofang, the elegant cherry, birch's prudent.


While there will never be unanimity of view about court dress, the desirability of these changes has a broad measure of agreement, Phillips said.


Her earlier works were marked by a certain lyrical effulgence and gentle, golden lighting, but by the 1890s, largely as a consequence of the exhibition of Japanese prints held in Paris at the beginning of that decade, her draughtsmanship became more emphatic, her colors clearer and more boldly defined.


Something in her responded to his extravagance and his exuberant manner.


Influenced by the culture of Chu, it shows the romances and the freely creativeness of Chu, the differences from those figure stone relief of the Han dynasty in the other districts in China, and its skillful styles of the images and formations and lines exert a large visual attack to us.


I used to find myself attracted to people and situations I saw as dangerous. I thought girlfriends who lived a wild life, for instance, would give me the worldliness I craved. I would seek out the most dangerous nightspots, places where fights and stabbings and drug abuse were rampant.


更多网络解释与豪放相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Action Painting:动作画派

他首创了一种所谓的"动作画派"(Action Painting)的技巧,把一张巨大的帆布在地上铺平,最好在室外,然后把颜料滴满画布. 他把那些随意滴洒在画布上的点连成线,纵横于画布之上,他做这些动作时,就像在再次发现美洲新大陆一样. 恣肆而豪放


Amorous豪放 | Amory艾默里 | Amos阿莫斯

Annie Oakley:<安妮. 欧克丽>

这齣戏的故事主角,是一个在十九世纪末期的 美国西部综艺团裡表演神枪法的女性, 本名 Phoebe Ann Moses(1860~1926)的安妮欧克丽(Annie Oakley). 根据史实的记载,她是个俄亥俄州小农庄主人的女儿,生性豪放、不让鬚眉. 在父亲过世之后,

bold as brass:(豪放的铜管)

stringing us along (陪伴我们的琴弦) | bold as brass (豪放的铜管) | the rhythm of the beat (敲击的节奏)

boldness and unconstrainedness:豪放

boil 激动 | boldness and unconstrainedness 豪放 | bolograph 辐射热测试仪


boldness and unconstrainedness 豪放 | bolograph 辐射热测试仪 | bolometer 心搏力计

Or grosser:或者更豪放的

Mm, I can't think of anything better...|恩 我想不出更好的主意了... | Or grosser.|或者更豪放的 | I'll call you after.|我一会再给你打电话

I take it you are a party girl:这么说你是个豪放妹了 )

Proudly. ( 隆重登场 ) | I take it you are a party girl. ( 这么说你是个豪放妹了 ) | -L.J.?Come on,were leaving. -Okay. ( -L.J.?快点 我们要走了. -好的. )

And the sprightliness of a pony in Ili:伊犁小马驹的豪放

The dignity of the camel thorn in Dunhuang 敦煌骆驼草的自尊、 | And the sprightliness of a pony in Ili... 伊犁小马驹的豪放...... | Oh, 哦,

Was it the proud full sail of his great verse:他豪放的诗句春满风帆

Was it the proud full sail of his great verse, 他豪放的诗句春满风帆, | Bound for the prize of all too precious you, 志在必得你之卓尔... | That did my ripe thoughts in my brain inhearse, 且为我之深思执绋...