英语人>词典>汉英 : 谷类 的英文翻译,例句
谷类 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
corn  ·  corniness  ·  curn  ·  grain  ·  corns  ·  frumentum

更多网络例句与谷类相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In preparing the drawings our aim has been to illustrate the diagnostic characters for each material and we have excluded cell contents which are common to a morphological group but are not otherwise diagnostic, for example, aleurone grains and fixed oil globules in seeds.

在准备画过程中我们的目的是说明每种材料的诊断性格,并且我们已经排除对一形态学上的组通用的小屋内容,不以其他模式诊断,例如,在种子里的aleurone 谷类并且修理的油小球。

The synthesis and secretion of a-amylases was induced by gibberellins in the protoplasts of cereal aleurone layer cells.


Aleurone layer The outermost proteinrich layer of the endosperm of grass fruits (e. g. cereal grains).


Some α-acting elements and trans-action factors which regulate GA-induced genes at the transcription level were cloned. They played an important role in the GA response event of the cereal aleurone cells.


Green forage includes aquatic plants and continental plants, such as: alligator weed, duckweed, broad bean leaf, lettuce leaf, roll vegetable, sugar beet, watermelon peel, all kinds of vegetables and so on

C 10 青绿饲料包括水生和陆生植物。如水花生、浮萍、蚕豆叶、莴苣叶、蚕豆叶、卷叶菜、甜菜、西瓜皮、各种水果、树叶等;谷类饲料如麸皮、米糠、高粱、玉米和各种米粒碎屑等

The galactosyl oligosaccharides of raffinose series are widely distributed in seeds of many species and are localized in tissues that remain viable after desiccation, including the embryo and aleurone layer of cereals, cotyledons and axis tissues of legumes and other dicots.


Multi-grain, honey wheat, seven-grain…we're looking at all of those names and inside that brown bread wrapper we think it's going to be a really good product, adds Dr.


The content of acrylamide is higher in the following foods: the monitoring result by Food Contaminants M onitoring Net of our country shows that the content of acrylamide is higher in French fries, barley tea, instant coffee, corn tea, cereal fried food, cereal roasted food.


"Canadian whisky, light in colour and flavour, is a blend of highly flavoured and neutral grain whiskies."


The proteins,such as albumin,globulin,prolamine andglutelin were extracted from these seeds,the amount of the proteins andthe composition of amino acids in these proteins were determined.


更多网络解释与谷类相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


billboard | (户外)布告板, 揭示栏, 广告牌 宣传 | billbug | 喙甲谷象(其幼虫食谷类植物及谷粒) | biller | 开帐单的人


bushel 蒲式耳 | bushel 蒲式耳量谷类的单位 | bushels 蒲式耳计量谷物等的容量单位

By cereals we mean wheat, oats, rye, barley, and all that:我们说的谷类,是指小麦、燕麦、黑麦、大麦以及诸如此类的东西

(24)She was young and beautiful... | (25)By cereals we mean wheat, oats, rye, barley, and all that. 我们说的谷类,是指小麦、燕麦、黑麦、大麦以及诸如此类的东西. | (26)I'm thinking of your future, you know....

cental:百磅, (英国计算谷类重量的单位)

centage | 百分率 | cental | 百磅, (英国计算谷类重量的单位) | centaur | 人首马身的怪物, 半人马座


禅食由含有10%谷类(cereal)、30%蔬菜类(vegetabl)、10%汤(soup)、30%动物制品(animal products)、15%水果色拉(salads & fruit)和5%甜点(desserts)的饮食到只吃100%比例的谷类食物,本饮食建议严格地限制水份及其它液体的摄取.


加有机鸡蛋,全麦有机麦片,后来,又有了有机豆浆等等,不一而足. 麦片粥+全麦吐司+开心果+水果,就是一餐典型的健康新早餐. 可以看出,小麦、荞麦、燕麦或玉米是新健康早餐的主角,当然还有纽约人最爱的谷类食品(cereal)也是不可或缺的.

cereal product:谷类制品

cereal mash 麦芽汁 | cereal product 谷类制品 | cereal puffing machine 谷类爆花(或膨化)机


1.谷类(Cereals) 谷类是人类的主要食粮. 虽然很难确定人类是从什么时候在什么地方开始栽培谷类的,但可以推测从农耕时代就开始栽培和改良野生植物. 谷类具有很强的环境适应能力,其单位面积生产量也高于别的食物材料,

grain aphid:谷类蚜虫

grain 微粒 | grain aphid 谷类蚜虫 | grain crops 谷类

grain mash:谷类麦芽汁(以谷类为辅助原料的麦芽汁)

grain hardening (煮糖膏时)砂糖晶粒的固结 | grain mash 谷类麦芽汁(以谷类为辅助原料的麦芽汁) | granary 谷仓;粮仓;产粮区