英语人>词典>汉英 : 谨小慎微的人 的英文翻译,例句
谨小慎微的人 的英文翻译、例句


an old maid
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Haven't you imagined those prudent people saying to their wives in the evening: I saw Havel today in the street.


It seems to champion compromise, modesty, and muddling through; to justify logrolling, deal-making, self-interest, pork barrels, paralysis, and inefficiency-all the sausage-making that no one wants to see and that editorialists throughout our history have often labeled as corrupt.


He that is more than a "real", although the underground workers, cautious, simple-hearted surface weak but I played the "hard tough, this man will is extremely powerful and strong." instead of surface


But I am persuaded, that many of my brethren, particularly those who are ignorantly in league with slave-holders or tyrants, who acquire their daily bread by the blood and sweat of their more ignorant brethren--and not a few of those too, who are too ignorant to see an inch beyond their noses, will rise up and call me cursed--Yea, the jealous ones among us will perhaps use more abject subtlety, by affirming that this work is not worth perusing, that we are well situated, and there is no use in trying to better our condition, for we cannot.


If people is keen on necessary needing of life,only like working, eating, sleeping, toileting, living carefully every second, keeping vouchers, the life will become vapid and indifferent.


更多网络解释与谨小慎微的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

an old maid:老处女, 谨小慎微的人

an old head on young shoulders | 少年老成 | an old maid | 老处女, 谨小慎微的人 | an old Parliamentary hand | 精通议会事务的人

Take sb. On:向某人挑战,雇新工人

106. strait-laced 谨小慎微的人 | 107. take sb on 向某人挑战,雇新工人 | 108. throw one's weight around 作威作福,颐指气使


英国人对司法、议会和行政之间的微妙关系相当敏感,他们的法官非常谨小慎微,有着很好的平衡感,不会、也不敢去篡夺(usurp)立法机关或者行政机关的权力. 法院在发挥司法能动性发展行政法方面,必须首先解决的问题是:什么叫法院合法地发展法律?


105. stone deaf 全聋的人 | 106. strait-laced 谨小慎微的人 | 107. take sb on 向某人挑战,雇新工人

Old feeble carrions and such suffering souls:软弱无能,忍气吞声之人

Swear priests and cowards and men cautelous, 牧师、懦夫和谨小慎微... | Old feeble carrions and such suffering souls 软弱无能,忍气吞声之人 | That welcome wrongs; unto bad causes swear才需要发誓. 为邪恶的...