英语人>词典>汉英 : 谋害 的英文翻译,例句
谋害 的英文翻译、例句


plot to murder
更多网络例句与谋害相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We learn, that the rebels have not killed her mother, but have saved her, when they found Alia next to her murdered mother's body.


Because Aram and Ephraim and the son of Remaliah have planned evil against you, saying

7:5 因为亚兰,和以法莲并利玛利的儿子,设恶谋害你,说

Now then, my lord, as the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, because the LORD has restrained you from bloodguilt and from saving with your own hand, now then let your enemies and those who seek to do evil to my lord be as Nabal.


Suppose you knew beforehand the poison that would be made use of against you; suppose the poison was, for instance, brucine


I know.And I wouldn't be so stupid as to conspire against you.


" "I know.And I wouldn't be so stupid as to conspire against you.


It is a Greek gift to you.


They have designs on your life.


In this photograph a hostile crowd in a slum surrounds him. And Joshua remains silent as they vented their rage against him. This image, to me, is almost like from a Shakespearean play, with a man, surrounded by various influences, desperate to hold on to something true within himself, in a context of great suffering that he has created himself.I was intensely moved during all this. But the question is, does forgiveness and redemption replace justice?

塞内加尔年轻人,坐在轮椅上,他曾是童兵,受将军指挥,直到他抵抗命令,将军开枪射断他的双脚,图中,他也原谅了将军,将军冒生命危险走向人们,尤其是那些亲人遭其谋害的人们,这张相片中,一群充满敌意的贫民窟居民将他围住,Joshua 保持沉默,他们不断发泄对他的愤怒,这张影像对我而言,简直就像是莎翁剧本,一个人被多种势力包围,不顾一切要从他身上挤出些许的真实,全因他主导所产生的一切苦难,这对我产生了强烈的震撼,但问题是,宽恕与赎罪是否能取代正义?

Yin Tien-Xue ganged up with her intrigant to murder her husband instead.


更多网络解释与谋害相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Assassinate and mutilate:奸讦地谋害与毁灭

Circulate the lie you confiscate 撒播你凭空编造的谎言 | Assassinate and mutilate 奸讦地谋害与毁灭 | As the hounding media in hysteria 因为狗仔队已歇斯底里;

Assassinate and mutilate:谋害与毁灭

Circulate the lie you confiscate 撒播你凭空编造的谎言 | Assassinate and mutilate 谋害与毁灭 | As the hounding media in hysteria 因为狗仔队已歇斯底里;


因为克吕泰涅斯特拉(Clytemnestra)谋害了她的丈夫阿伽门农王,这一罪行若不加惩罚,将会瓦解社会组织. 奥林匹斯诸神所关注的是捍卫秩序,他们是专属城邦的神. 然而奥瑞斯忒斯的弑母则超出了人类最深层的本能;因而他不见容于其他神祗:复仇女神(Furies).

or are you too fucking gutless:是不是太没种了

Why? Why did you murder my wife?|为什么? 为什么谋害我的妻子? | or are you too fucking gutless?|是不是太没种了? | Why?|为什么?

olfactory hallucination:嗅幻觉

嗅幻觉(olfactory hallucination) (一)精神分裂症 多为使人厌恶的气味,如血腥味、尸体的腐臭味、臭鸡蛋味,也可为芳香宜人的气味,如某患者坚信嗅到煤气味,说是有人将煤气有意放进室内企图谋害他.


公元前44年恺撒被谋害以后 他的侄孙(grand-nephew)、因被他指定为继承人(heir)而收为养子的屋大维(GaiusOctavius)与安东尼(MarkAntony)争夺继承权 曾把部队扩充到60个军团 但获胜后就削减为28个.

Matthew Lien:玛修连恩

Manowar 战神 | Matthew Lien 玛修连恩 | Murderdolls 谋害娃娃/谋杀玩偶

Roundup? Dissenters:什么围捕? 对反对者的

This little roundup has had me writing reports all day.|一个小小的围捕害我写了一天的报告 | Roundup? Dissenters.|什么围捕? 对反对者的 | Another plot against the Fuhrer.|又一起企图谋害元首的阴谋


而一些优秀的新乐队如"谋害娃娃"(Murderdolls)、OTEP、 "美国头的统治"(American head charge)、这些陌生的名字也在这一年里开始频繁地出现在人们的视野之间被大家所熟知,所有的媒体都认为他们将是二十一世纪最耀眼的乐队!当然了,"土壤"(Soil)乐队也是属于未来的巅峰乐队之一,没有任何人会怀

Murdering our Holy Father:谋害了我们的教皇

They have struck us from within.|他们打入我们内部 | Murdering our Holy Father!|谋害了我们的教皇 | And threatening us all with destruction|并威胁以手中的新上帝"科学"