英语人>词典>汉英 : 调皮的 的英文翻译,例句
调皮的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
arch  ·  mischievous  ·  piquant  ·  arches

更多网络例句与调皮的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Furthermore. I'm angry with myself. Why am I so restrained and artless in my speech?


He smiled, glancing askance at her mocking eyes. The same young eyes.


The little bratty girl had a birthday.


As one cat ski operator noted,"It's like herding cats".


For your tender and impish tone.


He said nothing could induce him to do it.


I guess we're all gonna be what we're gonna be CIo';jt K


Why can you not think so: I just mischievous you the brother.


He used to be a naughty boy.


I have a very lovely, but also very naughty daughter.


更多网络解释与调皮的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The little bratty girl had a birthday:调皮的小布莱迪过生日

How was life on the playground?|在运动场玩得如何? | The little bratty girl had a birthday.|-调皮的小布莱迪过生日 | Bratty had a birthday?|-布莱迪过生日?

eg. Themotherconfinedhernaughtysontotheroom:妈妈把调皮的儿子关在房间里

135. confinesbto把某人限定在一个范围内 | eg. Themotherconfinedhernaughtysontotheroom. /妈妈把调皮的儿子关在房间里. | 136. seeto负责准备

frolicsome:[废]嬉戏的; 爱闹着玩的; 调皮的

treatise 论文(on), 论说 | frolicsome [废]嬉戏的; 爱闹着玩的; 调皮的 | gargantuan 巨大的, 庞大的

Thinking of those sixth form chicks that misbehave:想着这帮六年级调皮的小娃

Those girls I'd serenade 和那些我为之唱曲倾倒的女孩 | Thinking of those sixth form chicks that misbehave 想着这帮六年级调皮的小娃 | Hoping that those days would go on and on forever 希望这种日子久长


假如你是某中学高三年级学生,今天早上来到教室,一扇玻璃窗被打坏了,同学们正议论纷纷,认为是班上最调皮的(naughty)同学Tom所为. 你认为这对Tom不公平,应该以事实说话.

Naughty Girl:调皮的女孩

04 Dangerously In Love 危险的爱 | 05 Naughty Girl 调皮的女孩 | 06 Baby Boy 宝贝男孩

naughty students:调皮的学生

16.discipline 纪律、学科 | 17.naughty students 调皮的学生 | 18.perform caretaking duties执行照顾学生的职责

Crong.The Troublemaker:调皮的小龙

09 Treasure Hunting 寻宝游戏 | 10 Crong.The Troublemaker 调皮的小龙 | 11 Who touched My Snowman 谁动了我的雪人

naughty cavewoman who he unfroze from a block of ice:他从冰块中解救出来 调皮的山顶洞女人

that he was an archeologist, and I was this..|他是考古学家 而... | naughty cavewoman who he unfroze from a block of ice.|他从冰块中解救出来 调皮的山顶洞女人 | Are you talking about my brother?|你是在说我...

The Naughties Girl in School:<学校最调皮的女生>

Five on a Treasure Island <<宝岛少年>> | The Detective Club <<侦探俱乐部>> | The Naughties Girl in School <<学校最调皮的女生>>