英语人>词典>汉英 : 调整者 的英文翻译,例句
调整者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
adjuster  ·  regulator  ·  adjustor

更多网络例句与调整者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Additionally, Glutamine is a regulator of acid-base balance and a nitrogen transporter.


The chief mission of a bestowal Son is to establish the planetary status, release the Spirit of Truth for planetary function, and thus effect the universal coming of the Thought Adjusters.


First is the distinction between unipolarity, bipolarity, and multipolarity.


The court meeting this month will start a massive paper chase as AMD uses America's generous rules on the discovery of evidence to amass documents on Intel's actions, which it can feed to regulators elsewhere.


Mark activated the opacity regulators, and the armor plating in front of him shimmered, and became transparent.


A significant change in legal factors or in the business climate that could affect an asset's value, including an adverse action or assessment by a regulator (such as if the EPA rules that a company is polluting a stream and must change its manufacturing process, thereby decreasing the value of its plant or equipment).


In addition there are independent firms of surveyors and average adjusters, whose business is to examine claims and report to their principals how they should be settled, while insurers may also have recourse to other experts, such as solicitors, doctors and engineers.


We explain how men's bathhouses avoid negative attention and minimize the transfer of stigma to their network partners, including customers, suppliers, and regulators, through careful management of their business activities.


These kerfuffles show that conflicts of interest can probably be solved by market pressure rather than intervention by regulators.


"Regulators have not paid much attention to potential mammary carcinogens," the researchers wrote.


更多网络解释与调整者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


adjustable-pitch 可调节倾斜度的 | adjusted 调整过的 | adjuster 调停者


例如在官僚性行政管理中,位于服从者之上的领导者等级分层的权力影响了集体目标的调整( coordinated )实现. 发出有约束性的命令的权威意味着领导者不需要劝说服从者去完成分派给他们各自的任务,因此就没有必要达成清楚的共识.


prolocutor 议长,代言人,主席 | interlocutor对话者,参加谈话者 | adjustor 调整者,调停者


""词典编纂者(Lexicographer):著字典的人,一个对人无害的苦哈哈者. ""国税(Excise):一种人人恨之入骨的货物税,按抽税者的兴致任意调整. "包斯威尔在>中说,国税局的官员们被约翰逊尖酸刻薄的句子气得火冒三丈,他们和大法官商议,


pacer 步测器 | pacesetter 步调调整者 | pacha 巴夏


Phonogram: 表音符号,语音图,形声字 the Geneva Phonogram Convention | pacesetter: 步调调整者,先导者 | sensational effects: 轰动效应

corporate readjustment:公司账务重新调整 corporate readjustment 公司账务重新调整

991 1 corporate raider 公司侵夺者 corporate raider 公司侵夺... | 992 1 corporate readjustment 公司账务重新调整 corporate readjustment 公司账务重新调整 | 1006 1 cost accounts 成本账户 cost accounts 成本账...

regulative:调整的; 规定的; 管制的 (形)

regulation 规章; 条例; 规则, 规定; 管理 (名) | regulative 调整的; 规定的; 管制的 (形) | regulator 调整者; 调节器; 管理者; 调节阀 (名)


meterloss 仪表显示损耗 表头损耗 | meterman 仪表调整者 | metermercurycolumnunitofpressure 米汞柱

adjustor scar:调整肌痕

adjustor muscle || 调整肌 | adjustor scar || 调整肌痕 | adjustor || 调停者, 调节器