英语人>词典>汉英 : 说真话的 的英文翻译,例句
说真话的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
truthful  ·  veracious

更多网络例句与说真话的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My heart, so that the fox, black bear for me to say, and tell the truth in my life.


All that one is gains by falsehood is not to be believed when he speaks the truth.


Obama needs to inject some truth serum into the banking discussion.


Pupils undilated -- signs of the truth .


Those immoral people have the courage of speaking truth only when they put on Don Quixote-like masks and armors.


In the historic view,we can derides the following developing trend on the rights and law principles of speech: the right can to speak and prior restraint principle;the right to speak true thing and true plea principle;the right to speak true lie and actual malice principle;the right not to speak and spirit free principle;the right to require to speak and the principle of access to the media;the right to speak with action and...


In the historic view.We can derides the following developing trend on the rights and law principles pf speech:the right can to speak and prior restraint principle;the right to speak true thing and true plea principle;the right to speak true lie and actual malice principle;the right not to speak and apirit free principle;the right to require to speak and the principle of access to the media;the right to speak with action and the two-track protecting principle.


The great advantage of telling the truth is that one's so much more likely to sound convincing.


Who speaks to the instincts speaks to the deepest in mankind, and finds the readiest response.


However, no one can stop the voice to tell the truth.


更多网络解释与说真话的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a bleeding heart:软心肠的,对社会问题太感伤的人,假装同情者

8 grab the headlines成为报纸头条新闻 | 9 a bleeding heart软心肠的,对社会问题太感伤的人,假装同情者 | Cross my heart在自己胸口画十字架(表示说的是真话);发誓;赌咒[儿语]

but a false witness speaks deceitfully:作假见证的,显出诡诈

17 说出真话的,显明公义; Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence, | 作假见证的,显出诡诈. but a false witness speaks deceitfully. | 18 说话浮躁的,如刀刺人, Rash words are like sword thrusts,

Jennifer Garner:珍妮弗.加纳

这部由瑞奇 热维斯(Ricky Gervais)和珍妮弗 加纳(Jennifer Garner)主演的电影讲述了一个发生在所有人都只说真话世界的故事﹐热维斯饰演的年轻人发现了如何从谎言中获利的秘密.

on oath; under oath:发誓说真话

owe to 归因于 | on oath; under oath 发誓说真话 | occur to (念头)出现 (在某人的脑子里),想到

Patti LaBelle:最小的业绩也比最宏大的打算更杰出

1.最小的业绩也比最宏大的打算更杰出. ----Patti Labelle | 2.如果你一贯讲真话,说过的话不必记太久. ----Jesse Ventura | 3.我体会:与家人争论时,最好选在他们满嘴食物时. ----Kenneth Cole

Gianni Rivera:里维拉

詹尼-里维拉(Gianni Rivera)是AC米兰历史上最伟大的10号球员,这位金球奖的得主一向以敢说真话,敢对心爱的红黑军团发表一些尖锐的评论而闻名. "德高望重的里维拉备受米兰球员和球迷尊重,因此他一向敢于发表一些鲜辣的观点,在6月中旬,


首先按计时战斗 选生存 用笛子大魔王(绿色的那个人) 把全部人打死 最后一个是人造人桃伯伯 打死了就行了 我是说真话哦 生存模式打完就行了 >你说的是哪个最后一页第几行?


reflect 反映;表现;反射;映出;反省 | truthfully 说真话地;诚实地 | effort 努力;艰难的尝试;努力的成果


can lining resin 罐头内涂料 | telltruth 说真话的人,坦率诚实的人 | Auditing 审核

pupils undilated -- signs of the truth:瞳孔没有放大 -- 这是说真话的迹象

respiration normal ,|呼吸很正常 | pupils undilated -- signs of the truth .|瞳孔没有放大 -- 这是说真话的迹象 | Your cover story is that you washed out of the farm ,|你的掩护身份是,你被农场开除了