英语人>词典>汉英 : 说服相信... 的英文翻译,例句
说服相信... 的英文翻译、例句


persuade sb of sth
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The friends and members of family could not convince afeared invalid and let them belive that many of animal are innocuity, many tourist are fly safely and million people ride elevator safely everyday.


And the dolphin succeeded, convincing Amphitrite of Poseidon's love and wish to make her his wife and the Queen of the Sea.


Has the sun during the day when the sun drying the buttocks to prevent diaper rash, as bandy-legged thing, and this has nothing to do, the elderly will have new things to do not believe that even resist emotions, to convince them slowly.


Well madam, we 'll make in this world be to convince a woman that even a bargain costs money.


He managed to persuade us of the workability of the plan; now we had to persuade the boss.


Criticisms like LaSalle's, and those of the many other critics trying to persuade you that Brokeback isn't "really" gay, that Jack and Ennis's love "makes no sense" because they're Wyoming ranch hands who are likely to vote Republican, only work if you believe that being gay means having a certain look, or lifestyle, or politics; that it's anything other than the bare fact of being erotically attached primarily to members of your own sex.

像LaSalle的评论,还有其他那些努力说服你接受以下观点的评论:断背山并不是真正意义上的同性恋,Jack 和Ennis的爱毫无意义因为他们是有可能给共和党投票的牧场工;这样的评论只有在你相信同性恋就意味著有特定的外表,生活方式或政治观点,相信同性恋就是除了性吸引这个赤裸裸事实之外的一切事物的时候才会达到它的效果。

This film is a Leos Carax style film, landscape orientation moving long take, David Bowie and Iggy Pop's music… also Juliette Binoche and Denis Lavant, Denis Lavant had act his two film before,"Bad Blood" and "Boy meets girl", and character name all are "Alex", so a lot people thought Leos Carax is imagine that role is him.

仍然在拍摄短片来说服投资人?让他们相信你可以拍部好片,赚个大钱?或者徘徊在电影堋之间?好吧,如果 Steven Spielberg能够找到投资人,在24岁时拍摄自己的第一部片,他能否拍得比Leos Carax好?我认为,不!Leos Carax是一位天生的导演,他充满技巧,如果你把他的所有片子都看一遍,然后排列拍摄先后顺序,相信很多人都会错。

Peitho {pi'-tho} a primary verb; TDNT - 6:1,818; v AV - persuade 22, trust 8, obey 7, have confidence 6, believe 3, be confident 2, misc 7; 55 1 persuade 1a to persuade, i.e. to induce one by words to believe 1b to make friends of, to win one's favour, gain one's good will, or to seek to win one, strive to please one 1c to tranquillise 1d to persuade unto i.e. move or induce one to persuasion to do something 2 be persuaded 2a to be persuaded, to suffer one's self to be persuaded; to be induced to believe: to have faith: in a thing 2a1 to believe 2a2 to be persuaded of a thing concerning a person 2b to listen to, obey, yield to, comply with 3 to trust, have confidence, be confident

相关经文回前一页 3982 peitho {pi'-tho}字根型动词; TDNT - 6:1,818;动词 AV - persuade 22, trust 8, obey 7, have confidence 6, believe 3, be confident 2, misc 7; 55 1 劝服 1a 说服,亦即用话语使人相信 1b 交朋友,得到某人的喜爱,获得人的好印象,或指企图争取获得某人,努力去讨好某人 1c 使平静 1d 使信服,亦即鼓动某人使其加入某个信仰或流派而做某事 2 被说服 2a 被说服,让自己被劝服;相信:对某事有信心 2a1 相信 2a2 被说服而相信关於某人的事 2b 听从,服从,屈从於,遵从 3 信任,有信心,有信心的

A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out, a forever friend, sometimes in life, you find a special friend, some one who changes your life just by being part of it, someone who makes you laugh until you can not stop, someone who makes you believe that there is really good in the world, someone who convinces you that there really is unknocked door, just waiting for you to open it, this is the forever friendship.


"He is sort of the international face of the Khmer Rouge, out there convince the world, and the West, to believe that the regime was a success and was good for the country," said Channg.


更多网络解释与说服相信...相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

convince sb. to do sth:说服某人去做谋事

convince sb of sth 使某人相信谋事 | convince sb to do sth 说服某人去做谋事 | talk sb into doing sth 说服. .

Convince me:说服我相信

Kobayashi.|叫Kobayashi | Convince me.|说服我相信 | Tell me every last detail.|把详情原原本本说出来

Dissuade t:劝阻 persuade . 说服, 劝说, (使)相信, 劝某人做(不做)某事

444. Dissipate . 驱散, (使)(云、雾、疑虑等)消散, 浪费(金钱或时间) dispel disperse scatter spread squ... | 445. Dissuade t. 劝阻 persuade . 说服, 劝说, (使)相信, 劝某人做(不做)某事 | 446. Distal adj. 末梢...


perspire /流汗/ | persuadable /可说服的/可使相信的/ | persuade /说服/劝使.../使信服/劝说/

persuade vt.i:使相信ii说服,劝说

convince vt.使确信,使信服 | persuade vt.I使相信II说服,劝说 | persuasion n.说服,说服力

It is our task to argue the peasants into believing scientific farming:说服农民相信科学种田是我们的任务

(2)She tried to argue him int... | (3)It is our task to argue the peasants into believing scientific farming.说服农民相信科学种田是我们的任务. | (4)My younger sister thinks she can argue Father into i...

c. persuaded:说服, 劝说, (使)相信, 劝某人做(不做)某事

b. forced强制, 强加, (用武力)夺取, 促使, 推动, 施加压力 | c. persuaded说服, 劝说, (使)相信, 劝某人做(不做)某事 | d. frightened使惊吓,惊恐

Samantha tried desperately to believe that love was stronger than sex:莎曼珊则极力说服自己 相信"爱胜于性

You're a freak.|你是个怪胎 | Samantha tried desperately to believe that love was stronger than sex.|莎曼珊则极力说服自己 相信"爱胜于性" | Why are you crying?|你怎么哭了?

So the goverment convinced the world Monsters were stuff of myth and legend:因此政府说服人们相信 怪兽是神话与传奇里的东西

and should focus in more important things ... | So the goverment convinced the world Monsters were stuff of myth and legend,|因此政府说服人们相信 怪兽是神话与传奇里的东西 | and the locked them away in ...

Eg:I am sure John can persuade his mother .He has kissed the Blarney stone:约翰口齿伶俐我相信他一定能说服他妈妈

Eg:I am sure John can persuade his mother .He has kissed the Blarney stone.约翰口齿伶俐我相信他一定能说服他妈妈. | 3. Make the fur/feathers fly 源自斗鸡中几毛满天飞的场景,现指"... | 4.Time has wings 时...