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说明地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与说明地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Working steadily on one task over an extended time is a good sign that you were in the creative zone, while rapid shifting from task to task suggests distractedness.


In such doing, this dissertation serves as a step stone for papers of its counterparts to come, and, more importantly, it proposes a strategic alternative to the realization of models for image processing. This dissertation consists of three major parts. In the first part, detailed discussions and delicate analyses of academic papers on Cellular Neural Network will be provided in the hope of helping us see the potentiality of Cellular Neural Network in the applications of image processing. I will focus on the aforementioned limitations on hardware compilation as well. In the second part, I will put forth "texture analysis" as one basic model of analysis when we apply Cellular Neural Network to image processing. In this so-called texture analysis, a useful "spatial feature" is especially drawn to help us overcome possible problems of more complicated Cellular Neural Network applications in image processing."Spatial feature" also serves as a well-functioning mechanism for technology of image identification. In the last part of this thesis, I will look into a case study, where Cellular Neural Network is applied to help de-screen document image. Using it as an example, we will see how algorithms of Cellular Neural Network may be of marvelous use in applications in document image processing, since it would reduce a great deal of calculation and computation when applied to software compilation, yet opens up unlimited possibilities for higher-speed hardware compilation of high-level image processing.


This fact implies that the current distributions in polar regions are governed by the configuration of the geomagnetic field lines.


Therefore, the motion is in 'geostrophic adjustment' stage. The energy of inertial oscillations reaches the maximum in this stage.


This dissertation is based on the historical development and the current situation in Pingyao's tourism market, through tourists' poll on the spot and internet, analyzes the overall constitution of the tourists generating market of Pingyao by means of combination of economic and geographic measures through the view of spatial scale and demography, including the total amount of the tourists in Pingyao, the constitution of realistic tourist generating market and potential tourist generating market, the nature of the tourist generating market in Pingyao. The thesis establishes an ACD matrix with the occupation of tourist as a main factor to analyze the relationship between tourist flows and their occupations, with the combination of quantitative and qualitative method to take an insight into the tourist segments selected, in the hope of advising a scientific measure and practicable basis for future development of Pingyao's tourism industry in order to convert the present dilemmatic situation to an optimization.


Trans-Blot Cells and Systems 170-3825 Trans-Blot Cell With Wire Electrodes and PowerPac HC Power Supply, 100120/220240 V, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm), power supply, power cord, instructions 170-3850 Trans-Blot System With Plate Electrodes and PowerPac HC Power Supply, 100120/220240 V 170-3853 Trans-Blot System With Plate Electrodes, Super Cooling Coil, and PowerPac HC Power Supply, 100120/220240 V, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm), power supply, power cord, instructions 170-3910 Trans-Blot Cell With Wire Electrodes, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm) 170-3939 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm) 170-3946 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm) Trans-Blot Cell Accessories 170-3912 Super Cooling Coil, required for all high-intensity transfers 170-3913 Gel Holder Cassette, includes 2 fiber pads 170-3914 Fiber Pads, 15.5 x 20.5 cm, 6 170-3920 Trans-Blot Standard Wire Electrode Card, cathode 170-3921 Trans-Blot Standard Wire Electrode Card, anode 170-3922 Trans-Blot Cell Buffer Tank 170-3923 Trans-Blot Cell Lid With Power Cables 170-3943 Trans-Blot Platinum Anode Plate Electrode 170-3944 Trans-Blot Stainless-Steel Cathode Plate Electrode 170-3945 Trans-Blot Plate Electrode Pair, platinum anode and stainless-steel cathode 16 规格:说明: Trans-Blot Plus

电泳转印槽组件 1。缓冲液槽及带有电缆的盖 2。凝胶支架转印夹 3。纤维衬垫 4。电极丝 5。电极板 6。特级冷却芯 Trans-Blot 转印槽是功能灵活的转印设备,可理想地用于多种转印应用。Trans-Blot 转印槽特点包括:*能进行多胶转印,可容纳3 块PROTEAN I xi 凝胶、6块Criterion 凝胶、12块Mini-PROTEAN 3 或Ready Gel 预制胶*多组参数灵活可设,可调节的电压设置(从30 V 的过夜转印到200 V 的1 小时快速实验)*电极间距设置为8 cm 用于标准印迹杂交,或设置为4cm 用于高强度印迹杂交*可选择板式电极:涂有铂金的钛作为正极,不锈钢为负极,能提供高强度电场和比其它电极更高的电流密度。或选择较经济的铂金电极丝*通过特级冷却芯和水循环仪来调节温度―是天然酶(4°C)或高强度转印的理想选择,随着转印时间增加(多达24 小时),不会引起缓冲液耗竭(在高强度转印中必须使用冷却芯,也推荐用于所有板式电极的应用)*带铰链的凝胶支架转印夹能避免滑动,确保凝胶与印迹膜间的紧密接触;每个转印夹都有颜色标记以保证在转印槽中的正确定位 Trans-Blot 转印槽的锁闭凝胶支架转印夹系统。转印夹(1)支撑凝胶(2)印迹膜(3)两侧有纤维衬垫和滤纸(4)确保凝胶三明治内的完全接触。凝胶夹垂直插入缓冲液槽中(5)。

In the ethnography research study, an investigator(a attempts to provide generic propositional answers to questions about social life and organization; strive to pursue such an attempt in a spirit of unfettered or naturalistic inquiry; utilize data based on deep familiarity with a social setting or situation that is gained by personal participation or an approximation of it; develops the generic propositional analysis over the course of doing research; strives to present data and analyses that are true; seeks to provide data and /or analyses that are new; and (g presents an analysis that is developed in the senses of being conceptually elaborated, descriptively detailed, and concept-data interpenetrated

在民族志学中研究研究,调查员(一尝试提供关于社会的生活和组织的总称问题的建议答案;努力解开脚链在精神中追求一种如此尝试或自然的质询;利用以有一种社会的设定或被个人分享或一个它的近似值得到的情形深亲密为基础的数据;发展在做研究的课程上的总称建议的分析;努力呈现数据而且分析那是真实的;提供数据及分析那的找寻是新的;而且( g 呈现一项被发展的分析在某种意义上概念地被详细地说明,描述地详细说明,和观念-数据渗透

This process illuminates that while landscape and mindscape are mutually molded, each of them constantly escapes the subsuming power of the other party.


Trans-Blot Plus Cell 170-3990 Trans-Blot Plus Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil, includes 3 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 6 fiber pads, 1 pack blot absorbent filter paper (26.5 x 28 cm, 30 sheets), roller, stirbar 170-3991 Trans-Blot Plus Cell and PowerPac HC Power Supply Accessories 170-3994 Trans-Blot Plus Gel/Cassette Assembly Tray 170-3995 Fiber Pads, 27 x 28.5 cm, 2 170-3996 Blot Absorbent Filter Paper, 26.5 x 28 cm, 60 sheets 170-3997 Stirbar 170-3998 Trans-Blot Plus Roller, 6 wide 170-39 Trans-Blot Plus Gel Holder Cassette With Clamps 170-4990 Trans-Blot Plus Super Cooling Coil 170-4991 Trans-Blot Plus Platinum Anode Plate Electrode 170-4992 Trans-Blot Plus Stainless-Steel Cathode Plate Electrode 170-4995 Trans-Blot Plus Cell Buffer Tank 170-4996 Trans-Blot Plus Cell Lid With Cables 170-4997 Gel Holder Cassette Clamps, for Trans-Blot Plus cell, set of 3 9 规格:说明:运用Mini-PROTEAN II 多道筛选仪,可以快速有效地筛选 40 种不同的抗体或血清,无需把western

转印条件可调,能在很大的分子量跨度上获得最佳转印效果*耐用的板式电极能产生强大而均一的电场,而且电极在槽内的位置灵活可换;不论运行1、2 或3 个转印夹,电极间距可调节到最小以获得最大的场强和转印效率*凝胶支架转印夹保证整个凝胶与印迹膜表面的均衡接触*转印夹的铰链设计能防止凝胶滑动,便于转印夹组装*颜色标记的转印夹及电极板确保在转印槽内的正确定向*特级冷却芯和冷却水循环器进行温度调节―可理想地用于天然酶或高强度转印,或用于延长转印时间时减少缓冲液的损耗*可选择的组装盘是凝胶三明治和转印夹组装的理想选择 Trans-Blot Plus 转印槽能从单向和双向大格式凝胶上均一、高效地转移蛋白―配合使用新推出的 PowerPac HC 电源,多数蛋白都可在1530 分钟内完成转印。

Before treatment,there are abundant microvtlli on the cell surface,many filoplodia on the cell rim,few of endoplasmic reticulums , Golgi complexes and mitochondrions with abnormal structure and lots of free ribosomes in the cytoplasm. The shape of nucleus is irregular with high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, many dark pellets of heteromatin and a few of nucleoluses in which there ar...


更多网络解释与说明地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accountably:可辩解地, 可说明地

microwave pulse radar 微波脉冲雷达 | accountably 可辩解地, 可说明地 | full subcategory 完全子范畴


accountable 应负责的 | accountably 可说明地 | accountancy 会计师之职


explaintorelease 释 | explanatorily 说明地 | explanatoryexpositiveexpositoryhermeneuticinterpretative 解释的


explanation /说明/解说/所说明的理由/辩解/辩明/解答/解释/ | explanatorily /说明地/做为解释地/ | explanatory /解释的/说明的/辩明的/

explosively:爆发地; 引起爆炸地 (副)

explosive 炸药, 爆炸物 (名) | explosively 爆发地; 引起爆炸地 (副) | exponent 说明者, 说明物 (名)

inexplicably:无法说明地; 难以理解地 (副)

inexplicable 不能说明的, 费解的, 不能解释的 (形) | inexplicably 无法说明地; 难以理解地 (副) | inexplicit 暧昧的; 含糊的 (形)

parenthetical:插句的; 附加说明的 (形)

parenthetic 插句的, 附加说明的 (形) | parenthetical 插句的; 附加说明的 (形) | parenthetically 作为插入成分地, 附带说明地 (副)

Parenthetically:作为插入成分地, 附带说明地 (副)

parenthetical 插句的; 附加说明的 (形) | parenthetically 作为插入成分地, 附带说明地 (副) | parenthood 父母身份, 亲子关系 (名)


unaccountable /无法解释的/无责任的/ | unaccountably /不能说明地/ | unaccounted /未说明的/未解释的/


unaccountably /不能说明地/ | unaccounted /未说明的/未解释的/ | unaccustomed /不习惯的/不惯的/异乎惯例的/奇怪的/