英语人>词典>汉英 : 清楚地说明 的英文翻译,例句
清楚地说明 的英文翻译、例句


spell out
更多网络例句与清楚地说明相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That the boys liked this little better than the girls is very clearly evident from the story I have already told of the Field Mouse.


The Agreement by TTT was based solely upon a fundamental clange in TTT Group policy.


Women's status in Islam in the "Koran" and "Hadith" clearly there.


After a century, the kinetic theory of gases was also won the rapid development of .1857, the Clausius for the first time clearly statistical concepts, derived gas pressure, volume and temperature inter-correct relations, but also in 1858 introduced the concept of .1859 free path of molecular motion, the Maxwell velocity distribution law is derived, established the mathematical theory of transport processes .1868, the Boltzmann velocity distribution law was introduced in the gravitational field .


MOORE: Lookit's hard to tell, I can only go on the stated reasons that the producers havecommunicated to me in the form of an email communication and they set out veryclearly that it's all in relation to the documentary about the Uighar ethniccommunity in the western provinces of Chinaand the documentary is about Rebiya Kadeer and I think the fact that she willbe here live in Australiahas probably added insult to injury.


As he stood in front of the group of high-powered over-achievers he said,"Okay, time for a quiz." Then he pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouthed Mason jar and set it on the table in front of him.


If so, please indicate PhD program clearly in your application form.


This will allow one to show unambiguously the impact of PIM in teaching general physics.


I hope that, after this paper, it will be much clearer that the principle of "informed choice" is an invaluable tool for an ethical practice in medicine, and how difficult it is to be achieved.


Life-time of atomic gases in Quadrupole and TOP traps are analyzed and fit the experiment data well.


更多网络解释与清楚地说明相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amplitude error:幅度误差

H误差暂存器可以在单一频段上找出误差的特性,并将H误差暂存器放置于这个频率区域,而不是在单阶作法上找出一个幅度误差(amplitude error)的特性. 为了清楚地说明,图三中显示了在这个时域中的一般迴音路径脉冲响应,这正是H暂存器中所包含的.



Efficient Frontier:效率前缘

为了更清楚地呈现他的这一重要思想,他又发展出了"效率前缘"(efficient frontier)的理论来解释报酬和风险之间的正相关关系. 他说:"身为一位经济学家,我试图用坐标来说明报酬和风险两者之间的关系,预期报酬和风险分别在坐标的两轴,

metaphorical extension:隐喻扩展

下面是Lyons(1982:109)对You must be very careful 的分析,这个分析清楚地说明它们的区别:对于二者之间的关系,Sweetser(1990)和Talmy(1988)都认为情态助词的认识用法是其义务用法的隐喻扩展(metaphorical extension).

to put the record straight:澄清误解

1. to make it clear that... 清楚地说明,清楚地表明,把...说清楚 | 2. to put the record straight... 澄清误解 | 3. to be all ears (at sth.) 耳朵有两只,单复数同行 洗耳恭听,全神贯注地倾听着,听得津津有味


不妨可以说,"审美情感"不过是"日常情感"的一种"升华"(Sublime)的形式而已. 但是,最能清楚地说明这样一个问题的,又莫过于我们的>小说了. 作者曹雪芹一生坎坷的遭遇,这已是人尽皆知的事. 而曹雪芹在作品中自述:"一把辛酸泪,


"像这样只停留在介绍商品的性质(substance)是很难把产品推销出去的. 2.Explanation 因此,为何六角形手柄的槌子就好呢?这点您要详细地说明出来. 经过E的阐述后,构成商品的每个性质或特征,具有的意义或功能,就能很清楚的让客户了解.

sweep the board:(轻易地)大获全胜

spell out 清楚地说明,详细地解释 | sweep the board (轻易地)大获全胜 | vice versa 反之如此,反过来(也是这样)

walk out on me:甩了我

flavor口味 | walk out on me甩了我 | spell out v.讲清楚, 清楚地说明

His story illustrates her true generosity very clearly:他所说的事很清楚地说明了她确实慷慨大方

illustrate vt. 举例说明,图解,加插图... | His story illustrates her true generosity very clearly. 他所说的事很清楚地说明了她确实慷慨大方. | The book was illustrated with color photographs. 这本书配上了彩...