英语人>词典>汉英 : 说情 的英文翻译,例句
说情 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
intercede  ·  interceded  ·  intercedes  ·  interceding  ·  intercessions

plead for mercy for sb. · intercede for sb.
更多网络例句与说情相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The headmaster means to punish him, but the teacher is going to try to beg him off.


Do you want us to beg you off?


He asked me to ask you to ask somebody named Boylan, a billsticker, to give him a job as a sandwichman.


His anger at what he sees as a gratuitous insult will never be assuaged, The Tuscan ambassador attempts to intercede on Galileo's behalf, There are the usual pleasantries and diplomatic folderol, and then the ambassador says the name.


Those boys were to have been in detention yesterday afternoon, but the games master begged them off to do nets practice.


Iago. My lord, I would I might entreat your honour To scan this thing no further; leave it to time: Though it be fit that Cassio have his place, For sure, he fills it up with great ability, Yet, if you please to hold him off awhile, You shall by that perceive him and his means: Note, if your lady strain his entertainment With any strong or vehement importunity; Much will be seen in that.


I do. I knew that to intercede for George would have been to ruin his cause.


Could you intercede with our boss for me, in case I made a serious mistake.


The Prophet asked for intercession and Allah gave permission. He was interceding for every individual that Allah created.


There are no worse instruments than these general contrivers of suits: for they are but a kind of poison and infection to public proceedings.


更多网络解释与说情相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beg off:因不能出席或无法应命而请求原谅 借故推辞[谢绝] 请假

beg of sb. 向某人恳求 | beg off 因不能出席或无法应命而请求原谅 借故推辞[谢绝] 请假 | beg sb. off 替某人请求原谅, 为某人说情, 辞退某人

beg sb. off:替某人请求原谅, 为某人说情, 辞退某人

beg off 因不能出席或无法应命而请求原谅 借故推辞[谢绝] 请假 | beg sb. off 替某人请求原谅, 为某人说情, 辞退某人 | beg to 请求 现代英汉词典beg

beg sb. off:为某人说情, 辞退某人

beg off | 请求免除 | beg sb. off | 为某人说情, 辞退某人 | beg the question | 回避问题实质

She had to beg off for a week because of her illness:她因病不得不请了一周的假

beg off请假;请示免除(责任、责罚等): | She had to beg off for a week because of her illness. 她因病不得不请了一周的假. | beg sb. off (from sth.) 替某人请示原谅;为某人说情:

beg sb. off (from sth:替某人请示原谅;为某人说情

She had to beg off for a week because of her illness. 她... | beg sb. off (from sth.) 替某人请示原谅;为某人说情: | The headmaster means to punish him, but the teacher is going to try to beg him off. 校...


infuriation 激怒 | insurmountable 难以超越的,不可克服的 | intercede 调停,代之说情


excessive 过多,过度的 | intercede 说情,调停 | precede 在前,先行

put in a word for sb:为某人说话,为某人说情

have words with:与......争论,与......争吵. | put in a word for sb:为某人说话,为某人说情. | play on words:说双关语,说俏皮话.

speak for oneself:为自己辩护 陈述自已意见 谈自己的事

speak for 代表...讲话, 为辩护 订购 要求得到 表明, 证明 推荐, 说情 | speak for oneself 为自己辩护 陈述自已意见 谈自己的事 | speak highly of 称赞, 高度评价

Advocating for my patient:帮病人说情

Then why are you--|那你为什么-- | Advocating for my patient.|帮病人说情 | I've got clinic duty.|我门诊的时间到了