英语人>词典>汉英 : 说得通 的英文翻译,例句
说得通 的英文翻译、例句


add up
更多网络例句与说得通相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The investigation shows that the local authorities only implement, but rarely make policies in the policy system; county being the main body only means the loan economy with the transfer payment lacking the amount; the system of separation between fiscal right and affairs right makes it difficult for people to find out who should be responsible for the educational funds which is contradictable to what is stated on the document.


The arguments cut both ways.


And, though it be defensible indeed on every ground , that is the ground which chiefly moves me


I'm sure there may be a place where it makes sense to downplay your credentials. But I doubt that place is on Wall Street, especially when jobs are scarce.


And you treated she like a show - dog , is that excusable


Is not whether can be formalised, but when we will see fully fledged formalisations of it


Is not whether can be formalised, but when we will see fully fledged


Parkinson's Law is a purely scientific discovery, inapplicable except in theory to the politics of the day.


Everything jumbled together in his head, and none of it seemed to make complete sense.


The founder of modern geology, English geologist Charles Lyell, improved the principle of uniformitarianism in his famous book, Principles of Geology.


更多网络解释与说得通相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

add up to 1:合计达 2)总括起来,意味着

36. add up 1)加起来,2)说得通 | 37. add up to 1)合计达 2)总括起来,意味着 | 39. in addition 另外,加之

all add up to:有时为了进一步强调,亦作

有时为了进一步强调,亦作all add up to. | "add up"本指"把 ... 加起来",如: | add up a column of figures(把一栏数字加起来);其喻义为"言之有理,说得通",如:

add up 1:加起来,2)说得通

35. out of action 不(再)起作用,不(再)运转 | 36. add up 1)加起来,2)说得通 | 37. add up to 1)合计达 2)总括起来,意味着

The arguments cut both ways:这场辩论, 正反面都说得通

[14:12.69]What would you do if you were rich? What do you say? ;如果有一天... | [14:18.47]The arguments cut both ways. ;这场辩论, 正反面都说得通. | [14:21.64]Quit being so indecisive.Make a stand. ;别...

make sense:讲得通,有意义,言之有理

in a sense 从某种意义上说 | make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理 | sensible "a.明智的,达理的;可觉察的,明显的; "

make sense to:说得通

trigger v.引起 | make sense to 说得通 | supplement n.补充物 v.补充

The only thing that does... doesn't:唯一说得通的是...没有

The problem is,I think neither. Because neither makes sense.|问题是 我没... | The only thing that does... doesn't.|唯一说得通的是...没有 | Pathological hiccups plus inability tbalance--go.|病理性呃逆加...

blue skies:天高气爽

I mean, I believe it because now it all makes sense,but... wow!|我是说, 我相它是因为这样一来一切说得通... | Blue skies?|天高气爽? | Good evening, everyone. Thanks for being with us.|晚上好,各位. 感谢收看...

They say that:大家都说

想得通 his philosophical approach to life | 大家都说 They say that | 不肯 refuse to

That explains it:难怪; 怪不得; 这说得通

Well 怎样,如何 | That explains it. 难怪; 怪不得; 这说得通 | Any luck 得手了吗 成了吗 好了吗