英语人>词典>汉英 : 说废话 的英文翻译,例句
说废话 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
blather  ·  haver  ·  blathered  ·  blathering  ·  blathers  ·  havered  ·  havering

更多网络例句与说废话相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bernardin was desperately ill and didn't have long to live when he said, A dying person does not have time for the peripheral or the accidental ...


Didn't I tell you there'd be no more of that blather ?


I am busy and have things to do besides listening to you blather !


Your this person, how to often blather?


Speak up old man! I am busy and have things to do besides listening to you blather !


Such life can make the person becomes tacit, those who change do not know how to talk, do not be willing to blather more, turn a dumb into the person, stationmaster of a dumb.


The 3rd, blather less or do other people's business less, it is you want dedicated, you want clinging, you want hammer and tongs.


Terms of psychology, said that you worry because it somniloquy this matter, more or less psychological stress, resulting in heart every night before going to sleep very uncomfortable, worried that she said nonsense, and even so nervous, anxious and this can affect mood, causing nervous that the situation will be exacerbated daydream.


I'm so fed up with your nonsence.Cut the trop.


I'm so fedup with your BS.Cut the crap.


更多网络解释与说废话相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Didn't I tell you there'd be no more of that blather:我给你说了多少遍了 别尽说废话

and remind him of this day.|让他牢记这一天 | Didn't I tell you there'd be no more of that blather ?|我给你说了多少遍了 别尽说废话 | Blather ?|废话


blatherskite 听无聊话的人 | blatherskite 爱说废话的人 | blazar 耀类星体


16.exegete 解释者,评注家 | blatherskite 爱说废话的人,听无聊话的人 | socialite 社会名流,名士

blatherskite:听无聊话的人, 爱说废话的人

blather | 喋喋不休地说, 说废话 废话, 胡说 | blatherskite | 听无聊话的人, 爱说废话的人 | blatter | 滔滔不绝地说

talk Dutch;high Dutch;double Dutch:莫名其妙的话、胡说八道、说废话

Dutch wife 用藤或竹制成的睡眠用具 | talk Dutch;high Dutch;double Dutch 莫名其妙的话、胡说八道、说废话 | go Dutch 各人付自己的钱(原意为小气的,吝啬的;和英国人所提倡的绅士风度完全背道而行)


draconian 严厉的,严酷的 | drivel 说废话 | dyspeptic 消化不良的,不高兴的

Go around bag:绕包 (译为少说废话)

17. Beat look:打望 译为四处张望;看美女 | 18. Go around bag:绕包 (译为少说废话) | 19. Pull east and west:东扯西扯 (译为乱说话)


havelock /遮阳布/ | haver /说废话/多嘴/废话/同事/ | haversack /粮袋/背袋/

talk out of one's arse:说废话,胡说八道

take a running jump! 轻蔑的拒绝 | talk out of one's arse 说废话,胡说八道 | tell someone where to get off 对别人的干涉给予的愤怒指责

I'm so fedup with your BS.Cut the crap:我受够了你的废话,少说废话吧

Get the fuck out of here! 从这滚开. | I'm so fedup with your BS.Cut the crap. 我受够了你的废话,少说废话吧. | Hey! wise up! 放聪明点好吗?