英语人>词典>汉英 : 语言分析用的语言 的英文翻译,例句
语言分析用的语言 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与语言分析用的语言相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus requestsearnestly to dispose the very big molding machine database theplatform, this project, the large-scale machinery system takes on bythe UNIX system, because its system stability and the security are allgood, has the certain support and the safeguard to the serverstability, this number of times according to the project transplant,the language which uses is COBOL, COBOL took public face commerciallanguage, mainly for the data processing, the data collection and theanalysis using of, is suitable for the data processing domain, itslogical rigorousness, the grammar readability, the maintainability,with the COBOL language easy transplant, all is becomes the commercialapplication procedure first choice language the superiority and thecharacteristic, Through the above demand, an item like this startedabout the data transplant project.


This procedure is used mainly to the principle of compiler syntax analysis is vc language, the syntax is Sequence Analysis.


All results of Chinese analysis are expressed in the interlingua and all information of English generation can be got in it. We discuss different phenomena between Chinese and English, design and implement a syntactically and semantically combined interlingua.


Through a large number of examples in this book describes the basic use of ANSYS 8.1 software methods, including modeling, meshing, applied loads, solving and post-processing, etc.; then introduced using ANSYS finite element analysis process commonly used in high-level analytical methods, such as the non-linear static analysis, modal analysis, transient dynamic analysis, thermodynamic analysis, optimization design, etc.; In addition, the book pairs of ANSYS parametric programming language APDL made an initial set to try to make the reader of this strong preliminary understanding of language.

本书通过大量的实例介绍了ANSYS 8.1软件的基本使用方法,包括建模、网格划分、施加荷载、求解及后处理等;进而介绍了用ANSYS进行有限元分析过程中常用的高级分析方法,如非线性静力分析、模态分析、瞬态动力分析、热力学分析、优化设计等;另外,本书还对ANSYS参数化编程语言APDL作了初步阐述,力图使读者对这种强大的语言有初步的认识。

It is successful to use the large FEM business software to implement the shakedown analysis.


This article is about the Xining dialect SOV variety of sentences and the Altai various language-related linguistic phenomenon comparison, with a list of facts and analysis of two types of linguistic expression of the similarities and differences to show that Xining dialect in accordance with the laws of internal development at the same time, ethnic groups because the contacts arising from language contact has led to obvious features of the current characteristics of the Altai.


Drawing on studies in intercultural communication, applied linguistics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, discourse studies and other researches related to the studies of language, culture and communication, the author bases her ideology for interculturalizing ELT in China mainly on three lines of thinking: 1 the perception of language, communication and culture as triunity in language teaching and learning; 2 the understanding of the English teaching/learning process as dialogic interactions between the learner and the culture Other and between their pertaining linguacultures; 3 the rethinking of ELT in China as intercultural literacy education oriented towards intercultural speakership of the learner as a full-fledged member of the global community powered with intercultural communication competence in English.


Raft foundation can be analyzed by this program. And interaction of raft foundation in different plane shape and different thickness with soil that simulated by Winker or two-parameter soil model and high-rise building superstructure can be computed and analyzed. The program provides a new and effective analysis tool for the practice of high-rise building raft foundation engineering.


This paper aims at applying lexicology, semantics and pragmatics to the analysis of the flexibility and indefinity and emotionality and open-ended property which lexical connotation shares to clarify the view that the connotation of a word, in E


From the cognitive perspective, this part also examines the logic evidence for discriminating metalanguage and object language. Additionally, tracing back to its origin, the metalinguistic theory can be divided into the formalized and the one of natural language As a conclusion, this chapter will point out three orientations to the study of linguistic metalanguage The second chapter tries to retrospect to the origin of the theory and find the prototype for the pairs of metalanguage and object language, on which according to this chapter, modern mathematics and modern logic have key effects. In fact, mathematician, philosopher and logician B Russell and G. Frege discriminated metalanguage from object language.


更多网络解释与语言分析用的语言相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


UML是一种通怀孕初期恶心严重是男孩还用的可视化(Visualizing)、规范定义(Specifying)、构造(Constructing)和文档化(Documenting)的建模语言. 为了使用户在系统建模过程中利用迭代方式(每次迭代微过程包括分析、设计、实现、测试和配置)进行递增式的开发,


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object language:目的語

后来,"元"与某种认知活动联系在一起,如"元语言",纯理语言,或关于语言的语言,指用来分析和描写另一种语言被观察的语言或目的语( Object language)的语言或一套符号;又比如"元认知"、"元分析"等等,其含义可以简单地描述为"关于认知的认知"、"关于分析的分析".

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Formal Semantics:形式语义学

研究兴趣包括语义学、语用学、语言哲学、自然语言逻辑、语篇分析、英语语法、翻译理论等. 本章主要讨论语义研究中的一些基本概念和分类并勾勒出形式语义学(formal semantics)的研究范围. 我们还将扼要介绍逻辑在语义研究中的作用. 最后简介余下各章的内容.

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