英语人>词典>汉英 : 语法意义 的英文翻译,例句
语法意义 的英文翻译、例句


grammatical meaning
更多网络例句与语法意义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It separated 3-D space, 2-D space, temporal space and abstract space (focused on the first 3). 3-D space/2-D space belong to the same category in syntactic model; but 2-D space/ temporal space /abstract space share the same category when we talked about how to confirm the spatial direction. 2. It investigated a spatial system proposed by Mr. Qi Huyang, and argued that there is necessity to modify this system. 3. It enumerated a series of grammatical forms which are involved in the "Spatial System", and pointed out that there exits a relation among these forms: words representing "Spatial and Locative"→ phrases representing "Spatial and Locative"→ sentences representing "Spatial and Locative".


In the following chapter, it will analyze grammatical meanings of locative structures, including judgment of grammatical meanings and relative relationships among them.


According to the principle of Combination of grammar form and meaning, this dissertation makes on arrangement about the Zigong dialect grammar phenomenon, to show the basic character and it connection with Putonghua ,by comparision,and analysis, As for the grammar phenomenon, which has enongh materials, this parer makes the full description and girt, some explanation, according to the connected theories, such as the three planes of grammrs, convertable analysis, Semantic drection, Semantic character and so on.


The grammatical meaning can be expressed by certain grammatical form. As a kind of grammatical form which expresses grammatical meanings, suprasegmental feature or prosodic feature is the important hint to help understand syntactic construction, semantic structure and pragmatic structure.


This paper is a comparison of the grammatical syntagma and grammaticalization process, manner, degree and formation of tag questions in English and Chinese.


The aim of this dissertation is to discuss the grammatical meaning of modern Chinese subject. In this paper we use the new theoretic production of topic and antitheses to open out the taxeme of modern Chinese subject.


Fundamentally, the choice of polysemic word meaning depends on its word meaning, including grammatical meaning, affective meaning, and collocative meaning.


Mu Shen (1985) has pointed out that Chinese logical meaning is equal to English conceptual meaning; its rhetorical meaning equal to English associated meaning, and Chinese grammatical meaning equal to English thematical meaning.


Wang Dechun (1983) has divided Chinese semantic meaning into lexical meaning, rhetorical meaning and grammatical meaning.


The grammatical meaning of a sentence refers to its grammaticality, that is its grammatical well-formedness.


更多网络解释与语法意义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

derivational affix:派生词缀

另一类词素或者只有语法意义,而没有词汇意义(例如表示名词复数的-s),或者只有一定的词汇意义,但在词中只表达次要的意义,称为"词缀"(affix). 英语中绝大多数词缀都是"派生词缀"(derivational affix). 构词法主要包括下列三种方式:



English Grammar:英语语法

英语语法(English Grammar)是英语语言的组织规律,它赋予语言以结构体系,而词汇则是语言的建筑材料,它通过语法而赋予语言以意义内容. 英语的语法结构具有层次性,它可以分为五个不同的层次,即句子、分句、词组、词和词素. 作为一门外语学科,


语法是语言的架构或运行机制,它限定了语言的组合范围,即什么是合语法的(grammatical);词汇则是语言的表征手段,更确切地说是意义创生的手段. 算法是深层表征,意指是表层表征. 在算法层面,符号和运算严格遵守结构依赖原则和投射原则,

grammatical meaning:语法意义

语义相异的同义词(Semantically different synonyms)2)句子的意义包含两个方面:语法意义(grammatical meaning)和语义(semantic meaning). 一个句子的语法意义是指它的语法性. 一个句子的语义是否可接受受选择性限制规则的支配.

grammatical agreement:语法一致

决定主谓一致有若干原则,如意义一致(notional agreement)、语法一致(grammatical agreement)、就近一致(principle of proximity)等. 所谓意义一致即从意义角度来处理主谓一致问题,主语形式为单数,但意义角度为复数,谓语动词采用复数形式;有时,

grammatical meanings:语法意义

语法表现:grammatical form | 语法意义:grammatical meanings | 语法功能:grammatical functions

gradable adjective:等级形容词

grammatical meaning语法意义 | gradable adjective等级形容词 | grammatical context语法语境

gradable adective:等级形容词

grammatical meaning 语法意义 | gradable adective 等级形容词 | grammatical context 语法语境

the grammatical meaning of the word:词语语法意义

汉越语法对比:Grammatical Comparison between Chinese and Vietnamese | 词语语法意义:the grammatical meaning of the word | 战略:Information