英语人>词典>汉英 : 语无伦次的人 的英文翻译,例句
语无伦次的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与语无伦次的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her answer was incoherent and not understood.


He hopes that his preposterous reasons may be understood.


Anthony Tommasini, chief music critic of The New York Times, has described his playing as "incoherent" and "hammy", although he has been more positive of late.

纽约时报的首席音乐评论人Anthony Tommasini曾描述他的演奏为&语无伦次&和&闹剧&,不过最近他对郎朗的评论正面的比较多了。

By drawing inferences from his opponents' responses and eliciting contradictions, Socrates demonstrates their profound ignorance, unmasks their pretense, and ultimately frustrates them into his own befuddled state of puzzlement and unknowing.


All I have to say to that is that if I am slightly mad, there are a large number of people I could name who are raving lunatics!


All I have to say to that is that if I am slightly mad, there are a large number of people I could n am e who are raving lunatics!


更多网络解释与语无伦次的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Long Beach State:长滩州立大学

可是现在她已经是长滩州立大学(Long Beach State)的一个新生,第二轮一直跟着爸爸看比赛. "我真的没有想过这个问题. "马克-卡卡维查很少语无伦次,"当我29岁的时候,我觉得48岁的人已经行将就木了. 现在,50岁就要来到我的眼前. "

Upon a raver's rhyme, let me evict you:语无伦次人的表达,让我将你赶出

This tight, here we go again 那太困难了,我们重来一次 | Upon a raver's rhyme, let me evict you 语无伦次人的表达,让我将你赶出 | Let me diss you, let me hit you, let me 让我对你不满,让我伤害你,让我

a spate of word:语无伦次,废话连篇

a cut-up 胡闹者 | a spate of word 语无伦次,废话连篇 | a square peg in a round hole 不称职的人

sleep talking:梦呓

c.梦呓(sleep talking)所谓梦呓便是我们一般所指的讲梦话,指人在入睡后,通常在浅度睡眠期会讲一些无法理解的喃喃自语或语无伦次的言语. 持续时间短暂,通常是短的句子,而且讲话的内容缺乏意义,没有声调的高低或情绪的起伏,不过在少有的情况下,