英语人>词典>汉英 : 语无伦次地 的英文翻译,例句
语无伦次地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
incoherently  ·  sputteringly

更多网络例句与语无伦次地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You start to panic and babble, trying to justify it."I guess I had a little too much to drink, and--"


I fell, to the ground before her, babbling confusedly in my terror.


Piers and Dudley could only gibber.


Some of them were still babbling incoherently, utterly panic-stricken.


I walked crazily , I introduced myself tensely and showed my real purpose incoherently, but he smiled all the time.


He stumbled up to the watchman, gasping for breath and speaking incoherently.


Mulcaster looked crapulous and began a confused complaint that he had been denied legal representation and civil rights.


He could never explain why he should be president. Asked that question by Roger Mudd of CBS News, he froze and waffled."It's imperative for this country to either move forward; that it can't stand still or otherwise it moves backward," he said.


And he blathered on until Judge Preska cut in: 'How does that answer the question?


And he blathered on until Judge Preska cut in: 'How does that answer the question?


更多网络解释与语无伦次地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


爱>>(JaneEyre)中饰演罗切斯特(Rochester)一角,在剧中他向未婚妻布兰琪(Blanche)断然地说,他长得"难看得要命". 他那张被雪茄烟雾蒙住的脸因为自我厌恶而扭曲着. 他愁容满面,语无伦次,像他养的那条狗一样咆哮,还惹得布兰琪骂他杂种.

v. speak quickly and confusedly (from excitement, etc:语无伦次地说

saddle n. 马鞍 mane | v. speak quickly and confusedly (from excitement, etc.) 语无伦次地说 | scarcely ad. hardly, almost not 几乎不,简直不

splutter v. speak quickly and confusedly (from excitement, etc:语无伦次地说

forehead n. that part of the face above the eyes and below the hair 前额 | splutter v. speak quickly and confusedly (from excitement, etc.) 语无伦次地说 | scarcely ad. hardly, almost not 几乎不,简直不

incoherent:不连贯的, 语无伦次的

totem pole circuit "图腾柱"电路 | incoherent 不连贯的, 语无伦次的 | physiographic ecology 地文生态学 自然地理生态学

incoherently:无条理地; 松散地 (副)

incoherent 不连贯的, 语无伦次的 (形) | incoherently 无条理地; 松散地 (副) | incombustible 不燃性的 (形)

physiographic ecology:地文生态学 自然地理生态学

incoherent 不连贯的, 语无伦次的 | physiographic ecology 地文生态学 自然地理生态学 | mesh impedance 网孔阻抗