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诠释学 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The research achievements by Professor Fu Yongjun have made great influences in academia, that include the research on the problem of Modernity in Critical Theory focusing on Habermas' Philosophy, the research on German Idealism focusing on Kant's Philosophy, the research on Modern Jewish Religion Philosophy focusing on Leo Baeck, the research on Western Hermeneutics, and the attempt to construct the subject of Chinese Hermeneutics.


The study is analyzed by the concept of Hermeneutics to link up deconstruction, capturing, bracketing, construction of interpretive interactionism on data analyze and interpretation.


In concreted, the textualism in Han dynasty pays more attention to the progress of individual intentions and politics on the basis of balanced development of the three aspects. Although the textualism in Tang dynasty is also related to the three aspects, the aspect of apologetics is very outstanding.


Compared with the study of Confucian classics explanatory notes, the textualism of the subject of 《Mencius》 exists in the non-leading form in Han and Tang dynasties.


During the construction of Chinese hermeneutics, we have to consult Western hermeneutic theories as academic references. Besides, a sufficient understanding and employment of subjects developed during the history of Chinese studies of interpretation, such as the annotative study of Zhang Ju, Xun Gu (text-based semantics), textology and bibliography, is necessary to construct hermeneutic theories based on the interpretation tradition of China.


The hermeneutic method of qualitative research was adopted in this thesis. In this research, the author interviewed two male marital batters who received the court orders to participate in a batterer treatment program of spouse violence. The data was collected with an in-depth interview approach. The researcher uses the hermeneutic perspective to analysis the psychological processes of the two martial batters.


There are abundant hermeneutical thoughts and methodological systems which can communicate each other, whether in Western hermeneutics of theology or in Chinese hermeneutics of Confucian classics.


There are some differences in concrete hermeneutical method between typology and Googyang School, but both of them have the same inclination of metonymical hermeneutics, and have the same hermeneutical presupposition which is to dogmatically apply the concept of bible, scripture or canon.


Later, he renounces the conception of hermeneutics and the term of phenomenology also disappears...


While traditional hermeneutics included moments of understanding, explication and application, Schleiermacher focused on hermeneutics as the "art of understanding."


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伽达默尔是海德格尔的优秀学生,恐惧(Angst)则是海德格尔的一个关键词. 恐惧是与人根本的有终性相连的原初事实,我认为,这里面隐藏着诠释学的深刻历史意识的秘密. 死亡恐惧的不可消除,这是伽达默尔诠释学隐微论(esoterisch)实践得出的一个终极之言;


"诠释学"(hermeneutics)作为一门关于理解和解释的学问,在西方是有其特定含义的,特别是伽达默尔的哲学诠释学. 我们中国尽管有很悠久的诠释传统和诠释经验,但它形成的理论是中国的经学、训诂学、注释学,因此当我们说建立中国的诠释学,

Critical hermeneutics:批判诠释学

进而"批判佛教"得以和"佛教诠释学之当代建构"结合起来;因此,我深信以如来藏思想性论为思想基础,而参照欧陆哲学的诠释学与批判哲学的发展经验,佛教的本体诠释学 (onto-hermeneutics) 与佛教的批判诠释学 (critical hermeneutics) 在未来会被进一步发展出来,

Philosophical Hermeneutics:哲学诠释学

因而再加强中西对本体与诠释理论的认识,必能更进一步地带动学者对目前中西诠释理论的兴趣,也更能裨益中国诠释学的深度与更大幅度的发展,自然也将促进学者对"本体诠释学"(Onto-Hermeneutics)与"哲学诠释学"(Philosophical Hermeneutics)的比较认识及其对重

Philosophical Hermeneutics:哲学释义学 哲学诠释学

philosophical analysis 哲学分析 | philosophical hermeneutics 哲学释义学 哲学诠释学 | philosophical linguistic 哲学语言学

Philosophical Hermeneutics:哲学阐释学

哲学诠释学:Philosophical Hermeneutics | 哲学阐释学:Philosophical Hermeneutics | 解释学:hermeneutics

liturgics:礼仪学 研究礼仪的历史、教义与诠释的学问

liturgical year 礼仪年度 ↗year, liturgical | liturgics 礼仪学 研究礼仪的历史、教义与诠释的学问. | liturgism 礼仪主义 过分重视礼仪的态度.


一、经典诠释与正统性(orthodoxy)的建立北宋山家、山外的论争,多是以注经的方式表现出来的. 要注意的是,他们名义上是在注经,分歧也一般被叙述成理解或思想哲学路线上的不同. 实际上,我们并不能够简单地应用一般诠释学的原则来分析他们的思想论辩,


对於哲学诠释学与意识型态之论争,Ricoeur认为,二者都是局部(regional)的诠释学,各有偏重,而他提出的批判诠释学并不希望兼并二者,而是要一方面保存二者的差异,另方面从各自的立场向对方提问,以期开显出不足与可补强的方向(Ricur 1981:100).


报告会上,施米特教授从分析伽达默尔与施莱尔马赫普遍诠释学、海德格尔现象学的诠释学关系入手,对伽达默尔哲学诠释学的核心概念"前见"( prejudgment)、"经验"( experience)、"传统"( tradition)等进行了阐明,重点讨论了伽达默尔对"传