英语人>词典>汉英 : 诚实者 的英文翻译,例句
诚实者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与诚实者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Honest agitator is necessary to the solution of some social problem.


The occasional anonymous tipster and the eminent autobiographer may each claim to be serving the cause of truth. There's the rub, for it is a claim that can be neither wholly admitted nor wholly dismissed.


Choose to be a barefaced liar or a truthful person and find out who is bluffing to stay in the game!


Promotion uses credit report, the person that let break one's promise is in break one's promise, be controlled everywhere, the market economy that forms honest be as good as one's word stage by stage runs an environment.


Trick and treachery are practice of fools,they have not wit enough to be honest.


And if he be a liar, on him is his lie: but, if he is telling the Truth, then will fall on you something of the of which he warns you: Truly Allah guides not one who transgresses and lies!


In the second court are incompetent doctors and dishonest agents; in the third, forgers, liars, gossips, and corrupt government officials; in the fifth, murderers, sex offenders and atheists; in the sixth, the sacrilegious and blasphemers; in the eighth, those guilty of filial disrespect; in the ninth, arsonists and accident victims.


Zeng had developed a careful system of interviews and rankings to help him choose these staff members: true to his principles, he tried to gauge their honesty, efficiency, and intellectual prowess before hiring them; he always rejected those who were opium addicts, boastful, shifty-eyed, or coarse in speech and manner.


Trick and treachery are the practice of fools;they have not wit enough to be honest.


Sir Henry Wotton said,"An ambassador is an honest man sent to lie abroad for the good of his country."


更多网络解释与诚实者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

copepod:桡脚类的动物 桡脚类动物的

Copenhagenian | 哥本哈根人 | copepod | 桡脚类的动物 桡脚类动物的 | coper | 马贩子(尤指不诚实者)


copepod | 桡脚类的动物 桡脚类动物的 | coper | 马贩子(尤指不诚实者) | coperfect module | 共完全模



Drew:杜鲁 威尔斯 聪慧与诚实的人

Douglas 道格拉斯 蓋爾 來自黑海的人;深灰色 | Drew 杜魯 威爾斯 聰慧與誠實的人 | Duke 杜克 拉丁 公爵;領導者

implied terms:默示条款

当事人虽对此未为约定,但应依据契约目的及诚实信用原则并参酌交易管理加以填补,故乙的请求为有理由. [10 ] (220) 由此案例可见,大陆法系所差者,或许唯在于未明晰提出默示条款(implied terms) 这样的概念.


Jones 琼斯 | Joneses 地位相等者 | jonnick 诚实的


利迪娅(lydia)国王克罗伊斯(Croesus)被公认是当时最富有的人 直到今天 罗曼斯语中仍用 rich as Crosesue 一词来表示一个人极其富有 据说希腊立法者梭伦(solon)去拜访他时 并没有对主人身边的财富和金碧辉煌的事物表示一丝惊讶 也丝毫不赞美这些珍宝的主人 梭伦以集高贵 内敛 诚实 谦逊 简朴 智慧聪明及勇气于一身而闻名 对于


R代表信用(Reposal)诚实守信是中华民族的传统美德,也是现代道德观念的深层内涵. 古人说:言行可模可范者,人师也. 身教重于言教. 当今大学生缺乏诚信的现象比比皆是,所以辅导员当以身作则,成为诚信教育的楷模,答应学生的事情一定要做到,

sanctifier:净化者; 批准者; 认可者 (名)

sanctified 神圣化的; 批准的; 认可的 (形) | sanctifier 净化者; 批准者; 认可者 (名) | sanctimonious 假装神圣的, 假装诚实的, 假装虔诚的 (形)


假如你违反了主的意旨,你就与篡夺者(usurper)无异. 某人霸占了别人的土地,你会说他不诚实. 假如你将安拉的礼物当作你自己的财产,而且不遵主道,完全依照一已之见使用,那你就和上面那人一样了. 假如你遵奉主道而遭受损失仍应照做,