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词典 的英文翻译、例句


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Pattern of Legal Structure/Separation of Civil and Commercial Code/Abstract Pinciple 知识词典 The legal systems in China,including those in the Mainland,Taiwan and Macao,have actually drawn reference and derived from civil law systems,and particularly established on the basis of Germany legal system.


A place where one may sleep; lodging:found bed and board at an inn.a maternity ward with 30 beds.drank milk before bed.(7) A place for lovemaking.(8) A marital relationship with its rights and intimacies.a flower bed.a clam bed; an oyster bed.(11) The bottom of a body of water, such as a stream.(12) A supporting, underlying, or securing part, especially:tomatoes on a bed of lettuce.


We build our basic Chinese polarity lexicon base on some existing Chinese and English sentiment lexicons. In the same while ,we also build domain lexicon、domain polarity lexicon、dynamic polarity lexicon、network polarity lexicon、privative lexicon、degree adverb lexicon.


Author's meaning/meaning of text/hermeneutics/translationstudies 知识词典 Author's Meaning and the Meaning of Text ——Hermeneutics and Translation Studies XIE Tian-zhen (The Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai IntemationalStudies University,Shanghai 200083,China)Any kind of translation, literary or unliterary, is boundup with the understanding and explication of source text.


In Old French, a language that developed from Latin, Late Latin colpus, from Latin colaphus, became colp, or modern French coup, with the same sense.


Couper yielded the word coupon,"a portion that is cut off," which came to refer to a certificate that was detachable from a principal certificate.


Quasi-prefix/word family/word formation/connotation 知识词典 An Exploration of a Contemporary Neological word Family of "零+X" Zhang YishengThis paper analyzes and explains a contemporary word family with the pattern of "零+X"from the perspectives of construction/collocation,expression/comprehension,and development/change.


Though it dates at least to the beginning of the 19th century, it has been the object of critical opprobrium for more than a hundred years, charged with being both pretentious and unetymological.


This usage was objected to as a Gallicism when it was first introduced but has long been standard.


North American/non-school youth sports/enlightment 知识词典 Non-school youth sports in North America has developed rapidly since the '70s, which promotes the youth's health and fitness and develops their personal - social attributes such as selfdiscipline, cooperativeness, achievement motivation,courage and persistence as well.


更多网络解释与词典相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

index of a civilized society:牛牛词典:文明社会指数

牛牛词典:文化创新cultural innovation | 牛牛词典:文明社会指数index of a civilized society | 牛牛词典:文明指数civilization index

astonishing astonishing:[简明英汉词典]adj.可惊异的

assure assure [简明英汉词典]vt.断然地说, 确告, 保证, 担保 | astonishing astonishing [简明英汉词典]adj.可惊异的 | astute [简明英汉词典]adj.机敏的, 狡猾的

back pay and escape ; abscond for arrears wages:牛牛词典:欠薪逃匿

牛牛词典:企业诚信 enterprise credit ; credit of enterprises | 牛牛词典:欠薪逃匿back pay and escape ; abscond for arrears wages | 牛牛词典:全国道德模范national ethics model

checkbook diplomacy:牛牛词典:金钱外交

牛牛词典:截弯取直cutoff; straight channel; direct flight bypass Hong Kong | 牛牛词典:金钱外交checkbook diplomacy | 牛牛词典:金钱外交丑闻checkbook-diplomacy scandal

electronic dictionary:电子词典

在线词典用超文本标记语言(HyperText Markup Language)和某种计算机语言编写成、并上载到网上运行,有些文献将它称为电子词典(electronic dictionary),有些文献则把它叫做在线词典(on-line dictionary或者dictionary online).

electronic engineering dictionary:电子工程学词典

20 mechanical engineering dictionary 机械工程学词典 | 21 electronic engineering dictionary 电子工程学词典 | 22 medicine dictionary 医学词典

Hartmann:词典学词典 外研社

1860 话语分析入门:理论与方法 外研社 Gee 2000 | 1861 词典词典 外研社 Hartmann 2000 | 1862 实用文体学教程 外研社 Wright 2000

jargon file:计算机术语词典

FOLDOC Computer Dictionary:FOLDOC计算机词典 | Jargon File:计算机术语词典 | Longman Dictionary of Common Errors:朗文常见英语错误词典


jungle a tropical forest too think to walk through easily:丛林;密林 | lexicographer 词典编辑人,词典编纂者 | lexicography 词典


词典学(lexicography)是关于词典等工具书的设计、编纂、使用、评论和历史等研究的学问;具体而言有两个方面的内容:一是词典编纂理论,二是词典编纂实践. 按照这个思路来构建词典学的学科体系大致有三个层面的内容:框架体系、学术体系和应用体系.