英语人>词典>汉英 : 诉讼受理 的英文翻译,例句
诉讼受理 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Article 1 Where any shareholders that separately or aggregately hold 10% or more of all the shareholder's voting rights of a company lodge a company dissolution case for any of the following causes, if which conforms to the provisions in Article 183 of the Company Law, the people's court shall accept the case

第一条 单独或者合计持有公司全部股东表决权百分之十以上的股东,以下列事由之一提起解散公司诉讼,并符合公司法第一百八十三条规定的,人民法院应予受理

Where any shareholders of a limited liability company or any shareholders of a joint stock company that separately or aggregately hold 1% or more of the shares of the company for the consecutive 180 days or more lodge a case with the people' s court according to Paragraph 3 of Article 152 of the Company Law for the reason that any members of the liquidation group commit the aforesaid act, the people ' s court shall support the case.


In foreign currencies for the purpose of calculating unit, the people's courts decide cases in accordance with the date of publication of country are converted into RMB exchange rate calculation of pay; appeal cases and to apply for a retrial of cases the cost of litigation, according to People's Court of First Instance decided to handle the case of the National Day of the exchange rates published .


Article 108 of the Civil Procedure Law prescribes the fundamental elements of any cognizable civil case, which are that:(1) the plaintiff must be a citizen, legal person, or other entity that has an interest in the case;(2) the defendant must be identified specifically;(3) the claims, facts, and arguments must be specific; and (4) the case must be a civil case within the scope of the jurisdiction of the courts generally, and within the jurisdiction of the specific court in which the lawsuit is filed.


Writer from analyze the history origin of this system with apply present condition to commence, try with candor and efficiency this civil case in courts of the basic value and civil case counter-claim inside proper value of system for angle of view, bring up a condition and counter-claim to the foundation theories problems such as concept,property and characteristics etc.s and cross action of the cross action of before accept,review handle.take up a series of problem of etc. to carry on to re-examine with define, try hard for was perfect the cross action system of the our country to become an individual to fasten the integrity,contents enrichment,function ready,operate viable litigation system.


First, on the hand of litigation, the world is moving towards a more normative solution in the jurisdiction, adjudication and execution of lawsuits concerning shareholders rights. China should bring in litigations concerning right to address inquiries as a remedy to the imperfection of law. The scope and object of adjudication of court should be determined by the nature of case. Ways to perfect specific provisions in the area of jurisdiction, time limit, preservation measures as well as execution are also proposed in the paper. Second, on the hand of non-litigation, scrutinizer as a means of non-litigation is neutral and order of investigation is convenient. Non-litigation should be brought into Chinese company law as a supplement of litigation.


The dissertation deduces that inner mechanism of the legal system interact one another to construct the spatial continuance and transformation and the intention of spatial evolution of Taiwan's courthouses, including several critical affected factors:the scope of law, the source of law, the instance level of court, the court proceedings, the contentious or nonlitigious legal affairs, the civil or criminal procedure and tribunal.


No person shall bring a putative or certified class action to arbitration, nor seek to enforce any predispute arbitration agreement against any person who has initiated in court a putative class action; or who is a member of a putative class who has not opted out of the class with respect to any claims encompassed by the putative class action until: the class certification is denied; or the class is decertified; or the customer is excluded from the class by the court.


The proportion of securing of property before litigation is much lower compared with securing of litigation and measurement of securing in the process of execution. It's partly because that parties have no consciousness to protect the right of securing before litigation and the application is less, the primary reason, however, is that the comprehension of imperfect conditions in the process of execution of securing before litigation is different, which make lots of application unexecuted.


Article 36 Where, after bankruptcy declaration, the bankrupt enterprise's properties are sealed up, distrained or frozen in other civil procedures, the people's court that accepts the bankruptcy case shall immediately notify the people's court that takes the measure of sealing up, distraining or freezing the properties to cancel the measure, and handle the transfer formalities to the people's court that accepts the bankruptcy case.


更多网络解释与诉讼受理相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Answer)...这是法院受理当事人(litigants)的起诉开始诉讼的程序. 这也是法院开庭审理案件前,当事人之间交换诉状(Statement...of Claim or Complaint)和答辩状(Answer)的诉讼程序. 根据"联邦民事诉讼规则"(Federal Rules


:> 把负责财务行政和财务诉讼的财务法院(Exchequer)从御前会议中分离出来使:> 应向朝廷的一位大臣即大法官(Chancellor)申请发给令状,根据令状并向大:> 法官公署(Chancery)缴纳费用,皇家法院才可受理.


如果超过追溯时限,那麼欠债方(debtor)有权要求法院不受理债主(creditor)的起诉. 这与中国有关诉讼法的规定不同,中国法下,超过诉讼时效,当事人只是丧失了胜诉权,但仍然可以在法院起诉,只是在没有其他证据主张起诉仍在诉讼时效期内的话,

entertain actions:受理诉讼

enterprise 企业事业企图事业心 | entertain actions 受理诉讼 | entertain 招待




joinconnectconjoininghandover 交接 | joinder 诉讼受理 | joinder 共同诉讼


joinder /联合诉讼/共同诉讼/诉讼受理/ | joined /加入/参加/结合/ | joiner /联合者[物]/木匠/人缘广者/

dismissal; nonsuit:驳回诉讼

dismissal of proceedings;驳回诉讼; 诉讼不受理;; | dismissal; nonsuit;驳回诉讼;; | disordered environment;环境秩序混乱;;

Power of attorney:代理权

这就是所谓的授予代理权(Power of Attorney)制度. 虽然受让人不能以受让债权人身份提起诉讼,但如果他以让与人的名义对债务人提起诉讼,要求法院实施该项让与,法院可以受理. 也就是说,让与人是正当当事人,尽管实际进行诉讼的是受让人.