英语人>词典>汉英 : 证明 的英文翻译,例句
证明 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
argue  ·  arguing  ·  attest  ·  attestation  ·  authentication  ·  certification  ·  certify  ·  circumstantiate  ·  demonstrate  ·  document  ·  documents  ·  justify  ·  manifest  ·  manifestation  ·  probation  ·  proof  ·  proofing  ·  proofs  ·  prove  ·  proving  ·  substantiation  ·  testify  ·  verified  ·  verify  ·  vouch  ·  warrant  ·  warranted  ·  witness  ·  justifying  ·  kithe  ·  manifested  ·  notarize  ·  proo  ·  proofness  ·  argued  ·  argues  ·  attesting  ·  attests  ·  certifies  ·  certifying  ·  circumstantiated  ·  circumstantiates  ·  circumstantiating  ·  demonstrated  ·  demonstrates  ·  demonstrating  ·  justifies  ·  manifesting  ·  manifests  ·  notarizes  ·  notarizing  ·  proofed  ·  proves  ·  testified  ·  testifies  ·  testifying  ·  verifies  ·  vouched  ·  vouches  ·  warranting  ·  witnessed  ·  witnesses  ·  witnessing  ·  certs  ·  demonstrations

bear evidence of · pan out · seal of · show evidence of · speak to · testify to · bear witness
更多网络例句与证明相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are series of papers studying the solvability of an incompressible, viscous, instationary fluid contained in a domian bounded entirely by a free surface. In 1977, Solonnikov proved its local solvability in a Holder space for any initial date but without surface tension. In 1984, he considered the same problem in a Sobolev space with surface tension being taken into account. In I992, Mogilevskii and Solonnikov treated the same problem in a Holder space, where the coefficient of surface tension is not a constant. There are also short-time existence results for the solvability of an incompressible, vicous, unsteady fluid bounded above by a free surface and below by a fixed bottom which approach horizontal planes at infinity. In 1981, Beale proved its local solvability in a Sobolev space for any initial date but without surface tension. In 1983, Allain were concerned with the same problem in R〓 with surface tension but under the assumption that the initial fluid domain was near a horizontal strip. In 1987, he obtained the same result without the preceding assumption. In 1996, Tani solved the same problem in R with surface tension. For the solvability of an incompressible viscous instationary fluid in Ω R bounded inside by a free surface S and outside by a rotating boundary S, in 1995 Ciuperca proved its local existence in a Sobolev space for any initial date but without surface tension. In this paper, we consider the same problem with surface tension.


Zero knowledge protocol is a basic method of cryptography,which means that the certifier owns a secret,and it doesn′t reveal any other useful information about the secret to verifier when authenticated.


Objectively speaking, the facts stated in the certificate did exist and such certificate was stamped by the claimants common seal, thus it possessed probative force, no matter what background under which such certificate was issued, or whatever the objective of the certificate was.


Certificate证明 I CERTIFY that I have explained to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents.


Firstly, a probe into the dual implications of burden of proof and the expurgation of its intrinsic meaning and result meaning is burden of proof in applied conditions of burden of proof .We should make a definition of applied conditions of burden of proof .The thesis makes a research into the internal structure of applied conditions of burden of proof so as to clearly show the triple contents of its internal structure. In addition, the thesis makes a probe into its regulating mechanism. It points out clearly that applied conditions of burden of proof must ensure the correct application and cautious application of burden of proof.


The paper consists of six chapters. Chapter One is the theoretical background, we review the course of mechanical theorem proving and briefly introduce the main mechanical theorem prover of the last decade, Among them, we stress on the Boyer-Moore theorem prover and its throretical foundation a computational logic. In Chapter Two, we discuss two theorem proving tactics. One is the rippling-out tactic, which is a tactic for manipulating the induction conclusion to enable the induction hypothesis to be used in its proof, because it extremely restricts the search space, so it has high efficiency.


CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK l,the SCHENECTADY COUNTY CLERK ,Clerk of the County of Schenectady ,and also Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts ,being Courts of Record held therein,do hereby certify that michoc'J Love whose name is subscribed to the Certificate of acknowledgment or proof of the annexed instrument ,and thereon written ,or whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument ,and thereon written ,or whose name is subscribed to the annexed jurat,,was at the time of taking such acknowledgment,or proof,or of administering such oath oraffirmation ,a Notary Public –commissioner of Deeds in and for said County ,residing therein ,duly commis-sioned and sword and authorized by the laws of the State of Now York to take the acknowledgments an sworn and proofs of deeds of conveyances ,for land,tenements,or heredita-ments and to administer oaths or affirmations in said County ,And further,that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of said officer and verily believe that the signature to said jurat or certificate of acknowledgement or proof is genuine IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF ,I have hereunto set my hand affixed the seal of said Courts and County ,this day of August ,2007 DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK

店员的办公室纽约的州 l,SCHENECTADY 县店员, Schenectady 的县的店员和至高和县法院,作为在其中拿着的记录的法院,的店员也藉此证明那一 michoc'J 名字被订购承认的证书或者被并吞的器具的证明的爱,和在那上面书面,或谁的名字被订购被并吞的器具,和在那上面书面的或谁的名字被订购被并吞的 jurat,,在采取如此的承认或证明的时候,或管理如此的誓约 oraffirmation,公证人民众-行为的委员在和为说的县,在其中住,的确 commis-sioned 和刀剑而且被拿承认的现在省约克的法律授权一宣誓和运输的行为的证明,为土地、房屋或者 heredita-ments 和在说的县中管理誓约或肯定,而且促进,哪一我很好地熟悉说的官员的笔迹而且实在相信签字到说承认或者证明的 jurat 或者证书是真正的在证言,什么的,我已经到此为止设定我的手使说的法院和县的印章附于了,2007 年八月的这天代理人县店员不对举报我得了

A "certification of marriageability" which can be prepared at the Embassy on the basis of an affidavit in which the American citizen swears or affirms before a Consul that he or she is currently legally eligible to marry persons who have previously been married need to show a certified divorce decree, annulment decree, or death certificate both to the Embassy when preparing this certificate and to local authorities.


Delivers raises the children to deliver raises the person to be supposed to adopt the organization to China to provide the following proof material:(1) its myself resident identification card, the resident register (social welfare organization achievement delivers raises person, must submit its person in charge's status credential),by adopter the situation proof;(2) by adpter the fresh parents for delivers fosters the person, must submit the written opinion which the fresh parents mutual consent delivers raises;(3) because loses one's spouse or the whereabouts by adopter the father or the birth mother is unclear, delivers by the folk remedy raises, must submit the spouse to die or the whereabouts unclear proof and the death or the whereabouts unclear spouse's parents does not exercise first fosters the power the proof;(4) is not had by adopter the parents the completely civil capacity, by does by adopter the guardian delivers raises the person, must submit myself to have the right of guardianship the proof and is not had by adopter the parents the completely civil capacity, and to is had by adopter the serious harm the proof;(5) had died by adopter the parents, by is delivered by adopter the guardian achievement raises the person, must submit his/her the fresh parents' death proof, myself has the right of guardianship the proof, and all that have the foster duty the person agreed delivers raises the written opinion;(6) delivers by the social welfare organization achievement raises the person, must submit the abandoned baby, the abandoned baby which the social welfare organization writes up is abandoned and the discovery situation proved as well as searches his/her parents or other guardian situation proofs; By adopter is the orphan, must submit the orphan the parents to die or the announcement death proof, as well as has other people which fosters the orphan duty to agree delivers raises the written opinion;(7) delivers raises the children with disabilities, must submit the disabled proof which the county levelabove hospital writes up.


In chapter three,that is the basic content of burden of proof,firstly,the dissertation totally repudiates the view that case facts are the object of bur-den of roof and also maintains that the objects of burden of proof of Chinais requirement facts.


更多网络解释与证明相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

attestation clause:证明条款

overcertification ^ 证明支票所支款额实际超出存款额 | attestation clause ^ 证明条款 | falsification ^ 证明为无根据

the birth certificate:出生证明公证

15. 双方父母的资产证明 -- The asset verification documents of the par... | 16. 出生证明公证 -- the birth certificate | 17. 亲属关系证明(与父母) -- the notarized certificate for the relation with the pa...

burden of proof:证明责任

在英美法下,"证明责任"(Burden of proof)一语至今尚以主观的证明责任概念而被使用. 在美国证据法上,证明责任有两种含义,一是"证据提出责任或义务"(burden of going forward with evidence;duty of producing evidence;


certifiable /可证明的/可保证的/可确认的/ | certifiably /可证明的/(英)疯狂的/ | certification /出证明/

phytosanitary certificate:植物检疫证明

对于木材,植物等展品,需要提供植物检疫证明(Phytosanitary Certificate),对于食品,需要提供健康证明(Health Certificate);对于医药医疗展品,还需要根据不同情况提供实验室分析证明(Health Certificate).

certify to:书面证明

certifier 证明者 | certify to 书面证明 | certify 证明

proof of deducibility:可推断证明

proof of consistency 相容性的证明 | proof of deducibility 可推断证明 | proof of existence 存在性证明

disprove v.1:反驳, 驳斥 2.证明...为误 3.证明...不真实,证明...虚假或不正确

proud a.1.骄傲的,傲慢的,妄自尊大的 2.(of)自豪的,得意的 | disprove v.1.反驳, 驳斥 2.证明...为误 3.证明...不真实,证明...虚假或不正确 | approve vt. 1.赞同,同意 2.批准,核准,对...表示认可vi.(of)赞成,称许

testify vi.1:作证,证明 2.表明,说明 vt.作证,证明

invalid a.1.无效的,作废的 2.无可靠依据的 n.病弱者,残疾者 | testify vi.1.作证,证明 2.表明,说明 vt.作证,证明 | testimony n.1.证词 2.见证,证明


attested milk || 合格乳 | attested || 经检验证明无病的;经检验证明无菌的 | attestor || 证人, 证明