英语人>词典>汉英 : 证明书的 的英文翻译,例句
证明书的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与证明书的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To'.'' 7.80, where it will converge with the convertibility rate for Certificates of ''.


And medical/death certificate of family member.


Results Of those deaths in which diabetes was reported in Part I of the death certificate, American physicians (19%) were less likely to report two or more diagnoses per line than physicians in Sweden (46%) and Taiwan (56%).


Nothing in subsection (4) shall derogate from or affect the application of section 66 to a certificate of provisional registry.


Nothing in sub section (4) shall derogate from or affect the application of section 66 to a certificate of provisional registry.


Under the half-way house scheme, owners wanting a certificate of title have to wait many years for this piece of paper.


It's unpopularity with their enemies became a criterion of its merit.


I n China's two mainland capitals of capitalism, it's raining money.


Article 29 After the investment is paid by the parties to the joint venture, a Chinese certified public accountant shall verify it and provide a certificate of verification, in accordance with which the joint venture shall issue to them investment certificates, which include the following items: the name of the joint venture; date, month and year of the establishment of the joint venture; names of the joint venturers and the investment contributed; date, month and year of the contribution of the investment; and date, month and year of the issuance of investment certificates


At least two statements by relatives, friends or other interested parties - such statements supplied should be in the form of statutory declarations and Forms 888 made in Australia, or declarations notarised by the notary public of the district court in Taiwan.


更多网络解释与证明书的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


TUV-PS的RoHS证明书(Attestation)是在企业进行自我声明(doc)的前提下,在CQCS的检测数据(包括由CQCS确认的其他机构,如SGS的数据)的基础上整合后,颁发的TUV-PS证明书,它证明整机产品(End Product)符合欧盟RoHS指令要求.


无人望unpopularity | 无人委托诉讼的briefless | 无人物证明书的characterless

certificate of disability:(免服兵役的)残疾证明书

certificate of diagnosis | 诊断证明书 | certificate of disability | (免服兵役的)残疾证明书 | certificate of expenditure | 支出证明书


"有关证明书"(relevant certificate) 就受雇于有关工业经营的有关人士而言,指就该人修读与该工业经营有关的有关安全训练课程而发给该人的证明书;"指定日期"(appointed day) 指根据第(17)款指定的日期;"证明书"(certificate) 指第(2)款提述


无人委托诉讼的briefless | 无人物证明书的characterless | 无人要求的unclaimed


characterize /记述...的特徵/表现特徵/赋与特色/ | characterless /无特征的/平凡的/无人物证明书的/ | characters /字符/

Certificate of Exemption from Estate Duty:豁免遗产税证明书

Certificate of Eligibility to Purchase 购楼资格证明书 | Certificate of Exemption from Estate Duty 豁免遗产税证明书 | certificate of exemption in respect of agricultural use 关于农业用途的豁免证明书

fumigation certificate:熏蒸证明书

检验证明书虽如:中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局(CIQ)、中国商检公司(CCIC)等. ⑧ 熏蒸证明书(FUMIGATION CERTIFICATE)等. 也有少数由非国家检验机构签发的检验证明书,如:A、出口商/生产厂家检验证明书(INSPECTION CERTIFICATE ISSUED BY EXPORTER/MANUFACTURER).

certificated sick leave:有医生证明书证明的病假;有医生证明书的病假

caution 告诫 | certificated sick leave 有医生证明书证明的病假;有医生证明书的病假 | certified beyond economical repair 业经证实维修不合乎经济原则


无人物证明书的characterless | 无人要求的unclaimed | 无人拥护的undefended