英语人>词典>汉英 : 访问的 的英文翻译,例句
访问的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
visitatorial  ·  visitorial

更多网络例句与访问的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Much of the Beluga caviar existent in the world is found in the Soviet Union and Iran .


To build this file system, an atomic updating algorithm and a mult-buffer coheront policy are presented. Based on time-stamp, using variable-size blocks of files, the atomic updating algorithm controls the modification operations on the replicated files.


The security mechanisms can improve access control model to impersonate the user access monitoring and control capabilities.


From the end-user perspective, the primary advantages of distributed file systems are that they provide access to substantially more storage than could be physically attached to a single system, and that this storage can be accessed from any authorized workstation.


The user can search him to want the forum of the visit at any time, and 5 forum that sina forum also visits self-recording user recently, when the user is being visited next time, although do not login,also can use these records.


The frame adopted for this survey was the telephone listings for the Taiwan Area. In order to avoid being unable to select those residences with unlisted telephone numbers, we first took a systematic random sample of telephone numbers, and then replaced the last digit with a random number. Respondents were chosen from within the selected household according to a set intra-household sampling procedure. The target for this survey was 1200 successful interviews.


The paper novelly proposes an access control policy based-on user s intention,which is able to defend unknown file attack s,and has extraordinarily less risk than prevalent access control policies.


Designers and developers often forget about the visited-link style and end up styling visited links the same as unvisited ones.


The Coordinated Multi-Queue Algorithm relieves this problem efficiently. CMQ algorithm classifies the blocks which often be accessed together as an access group, and replaces the blocks of an access group in bulk. CMQ algorithm homogenizes the cache hit-ratios of all the storage nodes caches, and improves the global cache hit-ratios of the cluster file system.

采用存储节点缓存协同置换算法CMQ(Coordinated Multi-Queue)把一些经常同时被访问的数据块归为一个访问组,并对访问组施行整体置换策略,使各存储节点缓存的命中率趋于均匀,从而提升并行文件系统存储节点缓存的整体命中率。

Mrs Clinton will also visit South Korea, Indonesia and China, where she is expected to raise concerns about human rights and environmental issues that were side-stepped by the previous administration.

她将访问亚洲, 2月16日于日本开始访问的首站。克林顿夫人还要访问韩国、印尼和中国,她预计会提出关注前届政府所回避的人权和环境问题。

更多网络解释与访问的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

current action:当前动作,允许派生类访问的动作,并构成派生层次链

2)protected 保护段 | 1、current method 当前方法,允许派生类访问的方法实现,并构成派生层次链 | 2、current action 当前动作,允许派生类访问的动作,并构成派生层次链

He impersonated a visiting dignitary and took Victoria:他装成前来访问的政要 把维多利亚带走了

wanted by the police for murder.|警察局通... | He impersonated a visiting dignitary and took Victoria.|他装成前来访问的政要 把维多利亚带走了. | And whether she went voluntarily or not...|而且不管她是否...

Primary dir change message file:当用户改变所访问的目录时显示的信息

?Signoff message file?:当用户退出的时候调用该文件的信息. | ?Primary dir change message file?:当用户改变所访问的目录时显示的信息. | %Time - 显示你的计算机当前时间

private member:不可访问的成员

不可变类型 const type | 不可访问的成员 private member | 继承 inherit


"unusual","不常见的" | "Unvisited","未访问的" | "Unwilling To Perform","不愿意运行"

V-MCC Visitable Mobile Control Center:可访问的移动控制中心

VMCB Virtual Machine Control Block 虚拟机控制块 | V-MCC Visitable Mobile Control Center 可访问的移动控制中心 | VMCF Virtual Machine Communication Facility 虚拟机通信设施


visiogenic /适于拍电视/ | visitorial /访问的/巡察的/ | visitors /宾客/游客/

Table Accessed:被访问的表(此项仅对于牵扯到数据库操作的程序)

Called By: // 调用本函数的函数清单 | Table Accessed: // 被访问的表(此项仅对于牵扯到数据库操作的程序) | Table Updated: // 被修改的表(此项仅对于牵扯到数据库操作的程序)

Skill Tips for Newcomers:(吸引网站访问的技巧)

Sample Letters (商务信函范本) | Skill Tips for Newcomers (吸引网站访问的技巧) | Success Secrets (成功的秘诀)

Dr Jaakko Lumme:将会演示一个开放访问的三代虫DNA系统学网站

Prof. Kazuo Ogawa-Heterobothrium okamotoi (Diclidophoridae).的嗜血与产卵方式... | Prof. Richard Tinsley-自然世界中寄生虫生物学的理解:单殖吸虫研... | Dr Jaakko Lumme将会演示一个开放访问的三代虫DNA系统学网站