英语人>词典>汉英 : 讽刺画 的英文翻译,例句
讽刺画 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
caricature  ·  caricatured  ·  caricatures  ·  caricaturing

更多网络例句与讽刺画相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

James Brennan's The Official Portrait of the Danish Royal Family won the annual Bald Archy prize, a spoof of the long-established Archibald portrait prize, which was awarded last week.


A fat-bellied stoneware drinking jug with a long neck; decorated with a caricature of Cardinal Bellarmine (17th century).


Now obviously, the picture of sex tourism presented in this novel is a caricature, grotesquely idealized.


Caricature and grotesqueness fight against free arrangement of colours, chequered black and white patterns contrast with red coloured fields bringing organic substance to mind.


But not only the age of the figures is affected but also the iconographic context: A wide range from putti and amors to cutting political caricature and satire.




Maurice has private collection of images garnered from previous consideration of the so-called satirical prints of London's underclasses engaged in sexy escapades by a men called Thomas Rowlandson(1756-1827), and is as unshockable as the next, but it looks to him like pornography.


Her son, not yet two years old, had a snub nose, two slanted slits for eyes, and eyebrows so high


Her son, not yet two years old, had a snub nose, two slanted slits for eyes, and eyebrows so high up and removed from the eyes that the eyebrows and the eyes must have pined for each other-a living replica of the Chinese face in newspaper caricatures.


Change has created its own backlash, and it has led to unfortunate and misleading caricatures.


更多网络解释与讽刺画相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

candid camera:抓拍镜头;有照为凭

Campus Life 校园生活 | Candid Camera 抓拍镜头;有照为凭 | Caricature 漫画;讽刺画


Bambocciata 世俗画 | Capriccio 幻想画 | Caricature 讽刺画

caret m:蠵龟,玳瑁,制绳用的纺车

1215 caresser vt. 抚摸,爱抚,轻拂,轻掠,使感满意,抱有 NULL ~unespoir抱有一个希望 | 1216 caret m. 蠵龟,玳瑁,制绳用的纺车 NULL NULL | 1218 caricature f. 漫画,讽刺画,夸张的模仿,衣着可笑者 NULL NULL


跟画师Jolly Pirate侃两句,他会替你写生,完了之后便能拿到讽刺画(Caricature). 将胶水(Glue)涂在讽刺画上,再将画贴在那个印有咖啡屋标志的杯子上,制成仿制的杯子(Fake Mug),便可与面前的猴岛杯子(Monkey Mug)交换.


>不是一出悲剧,而是对悲剧的一个「画虎不成反类犬」的拙劣漫画讽刺(caricature),以一种基督教辩证法式的夸饰修辞(pathos). 人们常为尼采的一些挑激性的论调感到不安,诸如:贬斥弱者为奴隶,颂扬强者为主人;


Candid Camera 抓拍镜头;有照为凭 | Caricature 漫画;讽刺画 | Cartoon 漫画

caricature: n.1:漫画,讽刺画(文章) 2.漫画艺术(手法)

entrepreneur: n.1.企业家 2.主办者,倡导者,中间商,承包者 | caricature: n.1.漫画,讽刺画(文章) 2.漫画艺术(手法) | salvation: n.拯救

caricature f:漫画,讽刺画,夸张的模仿,衣着可笑者

1216 caret m. 蠵龟,玳瑁,制绳用的纺车 NULL NULL | 1218 caricature f. 漫画,讽刺画,夸张的模仿,衣着可笑者 NULL NULL | 1219 carie f. 骨伤,龋 NULL NULL

comic strip:四格漫畫

Cartoon原指讽刺时事、民俗、政治和社会的滑稽漫画,也指报刊上的连环漫画和连环讽刺画,又译做 "卡通",目前它已经演变为对漫画和动画的总称而Comic一词指连环画册(Comic book)或四格漫画(Comic Strip);Manga一词由日本人创造,


可是如果 "热情"(passion)和"情感"热情无情感的人却是一个笑话和一幅讽刺画了. 他和都德(Daudet)的莎复曼丽玛黛玲(Mary MagAda-lene)是对的. 热情和情感免不了会使我们做勇气.