英语人>词典>汉英 : 讽刺剧 的英文翻译,例句
讽刺剧 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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L " A Modest Proposal 《一个小小的建议》" is a satire written by Swift and it is generally taken as a perfect model of satire.

。 《一个小小的建议》是由斯威夫特写的讽刺剧,它一般被认作是一部完美的讽刺剧典范。

IN THE political satire "The Thick of It", a character writes a book called "It's The Everything, Stupid". The title captures some politicians' fondness for overarching theories—for ideologies that can coherently and flatteringly explain whatever they are doing, or intend to.


The revue was a showcase for new talent.


22 In 1952, Bette Davis was persuaded to return toBroadway in a revue, Two's Company.


IN THE Oscar-nominated satire on modern business life,"Up In The Air", an earnest young executive at an outplacement firm horrifies her older colleagues by introducing them to the word "glocal".


Four children from the town of South Park, Colorado have to face the most politically incorrect situations found on TV, while satirizing current world events.


At one time there were even eight theaters in the area presenting Yiddish-language productions of musicals, revues, and heart-wrenching melodramas.


At one time there were even eight theaters in the area presenting Yiddish-lang u age productions of musicals, revues , and heart-wrenching melodramas.


At onetimethere were even eight theaters in the areapresentingYiddish-language productions of musicals, revues,andheart-wrenching melodramas.


This international festival of the arts fills every theatre, concert hall, exhibition gallery and assembly room with performances of opera, dancing, music, plays, revues, films, puppet shows and recitals, and specially-mounted exhibitions of painting and sculpture.


更多网络解释与讽刺剧相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Born Yesterday:生于昨天

早年在奥逊.威尔斯创办的迈库里剧院里当舞台电工,操作配电盘. 后来向友人蓓蒂.科珊登、阿道夫.格林一起办起了一个剧团,专门演出时事讽刺剧等. 1946年,在百老汇名剧>(Born Yesterday)中成功地份演了虽泼辣但很傻的金发女郎碧莉.唐,从此名声大作.


从19世纪90年代盛行于伦敦的喜歌剧和滑稽剧(Burlesque)发展而成. 由歌曲、说白、合唱和舞剧结合在一起. 音乐通俗、内容轻松. 有的虽带有讽刺政治或涉及社会问题,但大多为谈情说爱的日常生活题材. 20世纪起流行于美国和说英语的国家.

couch potato:沙發馬鈴薯

批评者指责通俗文化的品质低劣,制片人都是商业化的俗人,受众则是没有审美标准、在文化上受压抑的一群人,并讽刺这些守在电视前观看肥皂剧的人为"沙发马铃薯"(couch potato).


反语(irony),讽刺(satire),机智(wit),滑稽剧(farce),奇趣(whimsicality),这几个字都和幽默有相当的关系. 我们先说那个最难让的--奇趣. 这个字在应用上是很松泛的,无论什么样子的打趣与奇想都可以用这个字来表示,>的奇事,


folly 愚蠢,荒唐事,讽刺剧,轻松歌舞剧 | idiocy 白痴,白痴行为 | put up with 容忍,承受,忍受


revolving door 十字形旋转门 | revolving 循环的 | revue 讽刺滑稽剧


其六:美国音乐剧早期的"歌舞时事讽刺剧"(Revue)的形式重回百老汇,并获得了票房成功和观众认同. 而与此同时,70年代的迪斯科风格的音乐剧带动了百老汇的"周末狂热". 根据1983年同名电影改变的音乐剧>(Flash Dance)已经做好了迎接2002~2003年巡回演出季的准备.

Sanskrit drama:梵剧

romantic comedy 浪漫喜剧 | Sanskrit drama 梵剧 | satirical comedy 讽刺喜剧

satiric comedy:讽刺(喜)剧

comedy喜剧 | satiric comedy讽刺(喜)剧 | farce闹剧;笑剧

Born Yesterday:生于昨天

早年在奥逊.威尔斯创办的迈库里剧院里当舞台电工,操作配电盘. 后来向友人蓓蒂.科珊登、阿道夫.格林一起办起了一个剧团,专门演出时事讽刺剧等. 1946年,在百老汇名剧<<生于昨天>>(Born Yesterday)中成功地份演了虽泼辣但很傻的金发女郎碧莉.唐,从此名声大作.