英语人>词典>汉英 : 许可证贸易 的英文翻译,例句
许可证贸易 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

license transactions · license trade
更多网络例句与许可证贸易相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The bonded goods imported under processing agreements should be exported after undergoing processing in China.


Need to show export/domestic business licence and Exporting Goods Quality License authorised by local Quarantine Bureau Domestic business can offer VAT invoice.


Compulsory licensing, which is permitted under world-trade rules, will allow Brazil to import unbranded copies of the drug at a quarter of the current price while paying Merck a nominal royalty.


To large, bulk goods subject to import license administration, overfilled quantity is handled in accordance with international trade practice.


The black-eared mantella is currently listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, which bans trade without an export permit.


G an up to date list of tree species in the FMU that are listed in Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and relevant permits for their harvest and trade.


At present, our company import and export foreign trade agent, we can provide you with the following one-stop import and export agent services, including:(1) on behalf of contract (2) apply for a permit / automatic import license (3) declaration / allocation module / Inspection / Insurance (4)various documents, including the export letter of credit document / open import letters of credit (5) foreign exchange write-off / import and payment (6) for the export tax rebate and no matter which port internally , sea, air, my companies have to provide quality low-cost operation.


更多网络解释与许可证贸易相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

actionable subsidy:可诉补贴

如果执行BCA政策的区域内某些生产商存在免费获取排放许可证的现象,则将可能被认定为一种扰乱国际贸易秩序的可诉补贴(Actionable Subsidy)行为,而经营同类产品的外国同行在出口其产品到该国时,可以根据WTO的>要求同样的国民待遇.

export licence:许可证

商标 .出口许可证(Export Licence) 进出口报关 .进出口贸易转关运输货物通关程序 .报关企业 .俄罗斯加强对进口鞋类产品报关价值....坦桑尼亚报关手续和单证票据 各国通关政策 .克兰海关进口关税政策 .纳米比亚海关关税 .南非海关和进口管制...本公司拥有海关报关、商检(报检)、运输及政府事务等各方面经验丰富的资深专业人员

joint venture agreement:合营协议

牐爄nternational trade agreement 国际贸易协议 牐 | 牐爅oint venture agreement 合营协议 牐 | 牐爈icensing agreement 许可证协议

trade liberalization:贸易放宽,贸易自由化

trade liabilities 商业负债 | trade liberalization 贸易放宽,贸易自由化 | trade license 贸易许可证

license licensed licenser licence:许可证

licencer 发许可证者 | license licensed licenser licence 许可证 | license trade 许可证贸易

licenced capacity:经许可的生产能力

Licence to Trade Ordinance;贸易许可证条例;; | licenced capacity;经许可的生产能力;; | licenced premises;领有执照的房地;;

license of course:当然许可证

license agreement 许可证协议 | license of course 当然许可证 | licensing 许可证贸易

paperless trading:无纸化交易

大幅度取消各类非关税贸易壁垒,使进口商品许可证数目降低到最低点;鼓励无纸化交易(paperless trading)和电子商务,并在这类新型贸易方式中率先清除贸易壁垒;鼓励各国政府采购和公共投资项目实行电子采购和公开招标.

trade war:贸易竞争,贸易战,商战

trade wall 贸易壁垒 | trade war 贸易竞争,贸易战,商战 | Trade Waste Permit 工商业废物许可证


在以许可证贸易(Licensing)方式进行技术引进(Acquisition of Technology)机械产品的国产化工作中,图纸转换工作是对引进技术的消化、推广和提高的前提. 由于技术转让国国与国之间的观念、习惯、资源条件、技术标准和语言文字存在的差异,