英语人>词典>汉英 : 讲述的 的英文翻译,例句
讲述的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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A few years after arriving, he took the little money he'd saved and a $10,000 grant from Temple University to make his thesis film,'Landing,' about the kind of immigrant experience he himself had been anxious to avoid -- the 35-minute story of a Chinese cellist who ends up a down-and-out Chinatown delivery boy.


"Please, praised me" is a live rural YangGongQi : because my father when the former life, especially looking to praise by time, so he went to the newspaper about how to save a risk of female students was raped OuYangHua, but no one believed him, he was constantly, finally caught everywhere, under the leadership of the newspaper correspondents ancient national anthem ryohei gloze investigation.


Though Not The Most Ambitious British TV Adaptation Of William Makepeace Thackeray's 19th Century Novel -Vanity Fair, This Six-Part BBC1 Version Was Arguably The Most Expensive And Elaborate.


In blue jeans and a sports jacket, Mr Putin, cast as the hero of the war, flew to the Russian side of the Caucasus mountain range to hear, first-hand, hair-raising stories from refugees that ranged from burning young girls alive to stabbing babies and running tanks over old women and children.


At their choice will be doomed to live their life bound in marriage, swallowed the bitter pill of irreconciliable fatal - this series is about the death of a woman's life story, tells the story of a woman with prior experience of life completely different story, tells the story of a woman to such an insult to their own personality husband and a third party to revenge story is about a woman looking for their new life and love story.


At their choice will be doomed to live their life bound in marriage, swallowed the bitter pill of irreconciliable fatal - this series is about the death of a womans life story, tells the story of a woman with prior experience of life completely different story, tells the story of a woman to such an insult to their own personality husband and a third party to revenge story is about a woman looking for their new life and love story.


This leads them to believe that Antarctica at one time was a land of swamps and forests.


Eight sessions of story-discussion activities were conducted and video-taped for the story-discussion group.


Airplay' is a story of love and war--a struggle between a handful of pioneers versus powerful business and government interests for the soul of music radio, told by the deejays and the artists they made rock stars.


Airplay' is a story of love and war--a struggle between a handful of pioneers versus powerful business and government interests for the soul of music radio, told by the deejays and the artists they made rock stars.


更多网络解释与讲述的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


6.C 因为这种电磁的(electromagnetic)干扰对飞机航空的安全造成最大的威胁,所以应该是所有的飞机都要有这样的禁令. 本文是根据美国著名作家(Mark Twain)马克•吐温的故事改编的一篇记叙文. 故事讲述的是"一块精美、走时准确手表最终成为废物"的全过程.

Far From Home:我的美丽乡愁

影片中所讲述的中国现代社会中对金钱的迷恋,以及外地移民在大城市中打拼的故事都并不新鲜,从之前的>(Far From Home)到去年的>(Luxury Car)阐述的都是同样的主题.


在这样的情形下,写实主义的模拟(mimesis)原则被讲述(diegesis)所取代,讲述意味着叙述过程中作者的参与. 这种讲述模式当然同我们下文中将要涉及的先锋派的"自涉叙述"(比如马原小说中作者的突兀出现)有根本的差异,因为"自涉叙述"是对讲述的讲述,

o Novelle:<传奇小说》(作品名称,歌德认为传奇讲述的是"业已发生的闻所未闻的事情

o aus den naturwissenschaftlichen Schriften 自然科学论文... | o Novelle >(作品名称,歌德认为传奇讲述的是"业已发生的闻所未闻的事情") | o Das M&auml;rchen >(作品名称,为一个传奇系列的最后...




在二十世纪前后的文学批评中,"纯叙事"与"模仿"的划分又以"讲述"(telling)和"展示"或"显示"(showing)的名称重新出现. 展示与讲述一样,是"调控叙述信息距离的两种基本方式之一","展示属于通过对状态、事件的细节性、场景性的表现、并以最为有限的叙述者介入

Only Yesterday:岁月的童话

>(Only Yesterday)又译作>. 高畑勲指导的动画,于1991年上映. 故事讲述的是在城市工作的27岁却仍然单身的女主角利用假期到乡下度假,并在那里重新的认识了自己,中间穿插着她儿时的一些往事.


锡兰在手法上沿袭了曾在戛纳电影节上引起过轰动的两部影片--<<远方>>(Distant)和<<适合分手的季节>>(Climates). <<三只猴子>>讲述的是一个关于通奸和谋杀的故事,它发生在阶级差距明显的现代土耳其社会,并给人以阴郁、强烈、逼仄的感觉.

It's about the daughter of a nice man who remarries after his wife dies:这书讲述的是一个女孩的故事 她的父亲在妻子死了以后又结了婚

What's your book about, Evangelin... | It's about the daughter of a nice man who remarries after his wife dies|这书讲述的是一个女孩的故事 她的父亲在妻子死了以后又结了婚 | and the stepmother's horrid to...

Which burns before the ice-cap reigns:在冰川来临之前燃烧着的毁灭之火

The world to that destructive fire那旋风将把世... | Which burns before the ice-cap reigns.在冰川来临之前燃烧着的毁灭之火. | That was a way of putting it - not very satisfactory:这不失为一种讲述的方式-虽...