英语人>词典>汉英 : 让渡 的英文翻译,例句
让渡 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
demise  ·  release  ·  released  ·  relinquishment  ·  abalienate  ·  demisability  ·  demised  ·  demises  ·  demising  ·  releases  ·  releasing

更多网络例句与让渡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Educative power stems from the essence of education which promote human's spirit and virtue, and from the educational public life which educatees inevitably move in. The essence of education and the educational public life define the essential characteristic of educative power, that is, the attributes of nature and alienability.


Educative power is an inner directive force contained in education; it's a fundamental way in which education exists. In the institutionalized education, educative power is exercised mainly by the body politic, schools and teachers, which embodies the alienability of educative power.


In the institutionalized education, educative power is exercised mainly by the body politic, schools and teachers, which embodies the alienability of educative power.


There are three types of rights, that is, inalienable rights, alienable rights by market exchanging, alienable rights by coerce.


Then the paper redefines hotel customer delivered value and hotel employee value according to the particularness of hospitality industry, adopts the hotel enterprises" value chain put forward by Zang Dexia in her "hotel enterprises" competitive advantages research based on value chain", and makes some complementarity according to this research.


This article relates only to the assi gnment of proceeds and not to the assignment of the right to perform under the credit.


The sovereignty demisability concretely expresses in part demisability of political sovereignty,economic sovereignty and cultural sovereignty.


Chapter two mainly deals with the putting forward of the issue and the concept of the national sovereignty transference with self-determination and finity and its inchoate practice.


In the context of the development of globalization, national sovereignty transference has become a realistic and important issue. On the base of using the existing research production concerning national sovereignty transference at home and abroad, this dissertation put forward national sovereignty transference with self-determination and finity as the basic paradigm to deal with the national sovereignty issue, and applies the Marxist standpoint, viewpoint and method studies the issue creatively and foreseeingly. The dissertation is composed of nine chapters(ex the introduction and epilogue).


From the angle of development trend, the author believes that in the present age lacking of cosmopolitan authority but with limited order, sovereignty transference is the reasonable being during the transition stage of the world system. One of the essentials of the sovereignty transference is to confine the freedom of the national action felicitously in the fragmentized and homogenous world and seek the optimal point of equilibrium between the national and international interests.


更多网络解释与让渡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alienability of property:财产的可让渡性

alidade 照准仪 | alienability of property 财产的可让渡性 | alienation coefficient 相疏系数,不相关系数


alien 外国的,外星的 | alienable 可让渡的 | inalienable 不可让渡


alfresco 露天的,户外的(~ adv.) | alienable 可转让的,可让渡的 | Adonis 阿多尼斯(英俊少年)


然而,自由人能够把财产让渡(alienate)出来,他们是通过契约来实现这一点的. 契约是两个自由意志同意互换财产的产物,它也体现了责任(duty)的发展. 黑格尔的中心意思在于,既然个人可以理性地行为,他们的自由行为就符合宇宙的合理性.


alienable 可让渡的 | inalienable 不可让渡的 | alienate使疏远


abaft 在船尾 在......后面 | abalienate 让渡 | abalienation 让渡


abalienate 让渡 | abalienation 让渡 | abalone 石决明(旧误称鲍鱼


demirep 娼妓 | demisability 让渡 | demisable 可让渡


demisability 让渡 | demisable 可让渡的 | demise 死亡

Nuda traditio:单纯让渡,无特定形式的让渡

Noxae dare 损害投偿 | Nuda traditio 单纯让渡,无特定形式的让渡 | Nudum ius Quiritium 空虚所有权