英语人>词典>汉英 : 认得 的英文翻译,例句
认得 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与认得相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Have you ever thought you'd like to be famous? A household name? You know, someone whom people recognize on the street, write articles about and adulate?

提要 你曾否想过出名的滋味﹖或作一个家喻户晓的人物﹖走在街上,人们认得你,还写文章报导你、奉承你。

Because of the seclusion from the world outside the monastery and the Catholic idolatry, in Ambrosio's world, there is only one type of femininity which he regards as true and acceptable, that is, the ideal type of the sacred Virgin Mary.


I want to know whether you are the Angell.


At the same time, while 69 percent of those polled could name Paris's Arc de Triomphe, only 40 percent could identify London's Marble Arch.


I know her face but I can't call her name to mind.


I remember his face, but I can't call his name to mind.


I recognized his decisive nose, more remarkable for character than beauty; his full nostrils, denoting, I thought, choler; his grim mouth, chin, and jaw — yes, all three were very grim, and no mistake.


I recognized his decisive nose, more remarkable for character than beauty; his full nostrils, denoting, I thought, choler; his grim mouth, chin, and jaw---yes, all three were very grim; and no mistake.


Lived firmly to see the person in house carefully, a lot of is familiar with, also have a lot of unfamiliar, of my know have COO Chen Danian, li Yu of grand game CEO... I just feel this conference is like very grand.


Ican tell a red spruce from a white,name a handful of mossesand lichens,recognize sarsaparilla when I see it,identifymost of the birds and many of their songs.you'd think thiswould be enough.


更多网络解释与认得相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

in my bloodstream:就在我的血液中

...plus one of your sleeping pills...|再加上一颗你的安眠药... | ...in my bloodstream.|就在我的血液中 | Recognize?|还认得吗?

Help me call the doctor:帮我叫医生

At the face you don't recognize 那张脸你已不再认得 | Help me, call the doctor 帮我叫医生 | Put me inside 让我进去


在天堂中有呼吸,是呼吸属天的(celestial)神的气息. 神是生命,神将气息吹入人的里面. 旧约的信徒们都在天堂,亚伯拉罕的工作是教导和照顾现时在天堂的一切乞丐(按指在世上为乞丐的). 信徒死后,灵体即到主那里去. 在天堂中我认得有一百五十人,




原因是他不认得英语单词. 某旅班长张继华,在旅里教导队集训了半年,仍然不会操作炮兵快反系统. 参加考核时,把"指令"(Dictate)键,错按成了"删除"(Delete)键. 原因是他不认得英语单词.

find one's way:认得路

find one's way to 到达 | find one's way 认得路 | find one's way 找到路

Just genetically:基因上认得

-How do you know my dad? -Well, I don't really.|你怎么认识我老爸的? 我不认识他 | Just genetically.|基因上认得 | He's kind of my dad too.|他也算是我老爸吧

recognise me:还认得出这个我吗

他来的时候 who I'm waiting for | 还认得出这个我吗 recognise me? | 花开花落 Flowers come out and die away.

but he overthrows the words od the faithless:却倾败奸诈认得言语

12 耶和华的眼目眷顾聪明人,The eyes of the LORD keep watch over kno... | 却倾败奸诈认得言语. but he overthrows the words od the faithless. | 13 懒惰人说,外头有狮子,The lazy person says,"There is a lion ...


disabled残废 | recognizing认得、承认、确认 | measure 这里指措施