英语人>词典>汉英 : 订户 的英文翻译,例句
订户 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sub  ·  subscriber  ·  subbed  ·  subs

更多网络例句与订户相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My subscribers got a free gift and were more likely to buy the magazine to begin with.


Although many of those the Times wanted to reach weren't regular readers of the paper, Boardman said the idea was to do something that was loud enough and obvious enough, arresting enough, that it might catch their eyesif they were out at a store or gas station.


Although many of those the Times wanted to reach weren't regular readers of the paper, Boardman said the idea was" to do something that was loud enough and obvious enough, arresting enough, that it might catch their eyes" if they were out at a store or gas station.


The Castanet Transmitter is a server application that can send a channel's updated content to subscribers tuners when they are first initiated.


On the contrary, he continues to recommend that his clients own the Ultrashort Lehman 20+ Year Treasury exchange traded fund /quotes/comstock/13*!

事实上,他近期以来一直在持续建议自己的订户买进Ultrashort Lehman 20+ Year Treasury,这一ETF产品双倍做空20年期国债价格。

The price of the paper was two dollars a year, but he took in three subscriptions for half a dollar apiece on condition of them paying him in advance; they were going to pay in cordwood and onions as usual, but he said he had just bought the concern and knocked down the price as low as he could afford it, and was going to run it for cash.


Not a subscriber of Crossway Christian ISP Service ?


Com in correcting or preventing violations of these Terms by, or that result from the activity of, a subscriber, patron, customer, invitee, visitor, or guest of the Subscriber constitutes a violation of these Terms by Subscriber.


I drew up the proposals, got them put into form by our great scrivener, Brockden, and, by the help of my friends in the Junto, procured fifty subscribers of forty shillings each to begin with, and ten shillings a year for fifty years, the term our company was to continue.

q 我做了一篇建议书,由大律师布洛克顿先生把建议书的格式弄好,又由俱乐部中我几位朋友的鼎力相助,介绍了五十个订户,开办时每人出四十先令,以后五十年每年十先令,这是我们同伴续约的年限。

Rather than using index cards, they store customer data on disk or magnetic tape, one record per subscriber.


更多网络解释与订户相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

news agency:通讯社

与通讯社(news agency)或图片社一样,报业集团向各地订户提供相同的稿件. 一家报业集团可以仅有少数几家订户,也可以拥有数百家订户.


希格勒的作品最初是通过有声读物渠道发行的,即在线订户可以免费下载,但每次只有一段情节,几个月陆续下载才能获得一部完整的故事. 他的处女作>(Earthcore)就有1万多位读者. 该书的续集>(Ancestor)读者队伍扩大到3万.


6.2鉴定者(Authenticator)控制 Authenticator控制包含一些用于行为基础的信息,这些信息用来在和CA交流中产生非 密码的身份检查. 例子有:母亲未婚时的名字,社会安全号的最后4个数字,或其他和订户 的CA共享的知识信息;这些信息的散列;

Wedding Bells:婚礼钟声

加拿大的>(Wedding Bells)杂志非常大胆地在已经接近饱和的美国市场推出. >(Martha Stewart Weddings)是一本有超过650000个订户的季刊,但是在2003年它一年出版了5期而不是4期. 即便是那些刊名不带有"新娘"字眼的杂志,

Besteller m:订货人,订户,订购者,订货方,甲方,委托单位,顾客

订货清单(明细表) Auftrags-Liste f | 订货人,订户,订购者,订货方,甲方,委托单位,顾客 Besteller m , | 订货日期 Auftragsdatum n


Fidelity Ventures的合伙人拉里•张(Larry Chang)以Google Reader的订户数量为标准,整理了100大风投博客榜单,以下是该榜单前20位排名: 序号 博客姓名 所属风投公司回调函数、消息和事件例程 调用(calling)机制从汇编时代起已经大量使用:准备一段现成的代码,


客户机/服务器体系结构 网络访问服务器(NAS)作为 RADIUS 客户机运行. 客户机负责将订户信息传递至指定的 RADIUS 服务器,然后根据返回的响应进行操作. 灵活认证机制 RADIUS 服务器可支持多种认证订户的方法. 当订户提供订户名和原始密码时,


具备订户预置 (provisioning) 接口,降低运行成本共享和私有接入号,通行码 (pass code) 级别可配置通过大量接口,降低订户 (subscriber) 预置和管理方面的运营成本通过订户接入码、参加人 (participant) 接入码和其它方法,实现安全的会议控制



duplicate subscribership:双重报纸订户身份

duplicate readership 双重报纸读者身份 | duplicate subscribership 双重报纸订户身份 | edition 版;版本