英语人>词典>汉英 : 计数资料 的英文翻译,例句
计数资料 的英文翻译、例句


enumeration data
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Analysis of variance was used to evaluate the measurement data, and X^2 test for enumeration data.


Bowker's test and McNemar's test are the non-parametric statistical procedures for the paired nominal-scale data.


T test was applied to measurement data and chi square test or its continuity correction to enumeration data.


The measurement data was analyzed statisticly by t-test and enumeration data by chi-square test.


Statistical analysis: The measurement data were compared with the t test, and the enumeration data were analyzed with the chi-square test.


The measurement data was analyzed statisticly by t-test and enumeration data by chi-squere test.


To analyze the clinical characteristics of AS on Chinese and Western medicine,measurement data were carried out with descriptive frequency analysis and t test,enumeration data were analyzed with chi-square test,the study of TCM patterns were carried out with Pearson correlation analysis,and cluster analysis,etc.


This paper aims to find the test formulas for the marginal distribution in 2×2 table and Comparis on of the differences between the marginal probabilities with two 2×2 tables methods.

在科学研究中,广泛采用重复测量或配对设计的方法进行研究,而在许多情况下其测量或观察资料为 2分类计数资料

After investigating the clinical behavior,ultrasonic cardiograms and blood test results of acute prase(Including the Cholesterol、ESR、CRP、Platelet、Hemoglobin、Leucocyte),we analyzed the case by t test and chi Square test analysis.

对86例确诊为川崎病患儿的临床表现、超声心动图、急性期C―反应蛋白、胆固醇、血沉、血小板、血红蛋白、白细胞等资料进行计量资料t检验和计数资料χ2 检验。

Statistics dispose:logistic,t test,line regression,X2 test and SPSS,were employed to analyse the relationships between coronary artery spasm and danger risks.


更多网络解释与计数资料相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

block cursor:块游标

"块计数读出","block count readout" | "块游标","block cursor" | "块资料","block data"

categorical data:计数资料

catecholamine 儿茶酚胺 | categorical data 计数资料 | caterpillar 链轨

Empirical probability:经验概率单位

Empirical distribution, 经验分布 | Empirical probability, 经验概率单位 | Enumeration data, 计数资料

Enumeration data:计数资料

(二)计数资料(enumeration data)将观察单位按性质或类别分组,然后清点每组的个数所得资料称为计数资料,又称定性资料( qualitative data ),亦称分类变量(categorical variable).

Enumeration data:计数数据,计数资料

enumeration correlation 计数相关 | enumeration data 计数数据,计数资料 | enumeration method 列挙法

count data, enumeration data, numberation data:计数资料

计数资料,定性资料qualitative data | 计数资料count data, enumeration data, numberation data | 计算图,数据分类图nomogram

Fiona Sit:薛凯琪

[个人资料] 姓名: 薛凯琪 (Fiona Sit) 花名: Ar Fi、Fifi FIONA 出生日期: 1981年8月11日 星座: 狮子座 身高: 168cm 能操语言: 广东话/英语/法语 教育程度: 香港城市大学创意媒体系毕业 嗜好: 唱歌、逛街、画画 讨厌: 计数 最喜爱

countably infinite:無限個但可數的

Count data 计数资料 | Countably infinite 无限个但可数的 | Counter-cyclical policy 反循环政策

Ranked data:等级资料

(三)等级资料(ranked data)将观察单位按某种属性的不同程度分组计数,得到各组观察单位个数,称为等级资料. 等级资料具有计数资料的性质,又兼有半定量的性质,因其按等级大小排序,有人亦称之为有序分类变量(ordinal categorical variable).

chi-square test:检验

3、 x2检验(chi square test):可用于检验配对计数资料的差异是否有显著性及两种因素或特征之间有无相关关系. Yoshiaki[21]等通过对脑血流量(CBF)与6个月后的GOS评分之间采用x2检验分析认为:重型颅脑损伤3周后脑血流量高的较脑血流量低的患者预后好.