英语人>词典>汉英 : 计划者 的英文翻译,例句
计划者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deviser  ·  planner  ·  plotter  ·  schemer  ·  schemers

更多网络例句与计划者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Research and a n e c d o t a l reports from financial planners report that many women, whether single or married, are not adequately preparing for their own retirements.


He wasn't one to plan ahead, at least not until now, the night of his fiftieth birthday.


Critics of family planning programs will seize gleefully upon this book, and that's unfortunate, because two propositions are both correct: first, population planners have made grievous mistakes and were inexcusably quiet for too long about forced sterilization in countries like India and China; and second, those same planners have learned from past mistakes and today are fighting poverty and saving vast numbers of lives in developing countries.


This work, says Kier, represents a significant advance because the results are needed both for nature conservation planners and those engaged in basic research.


The author is Kaoru Mende, Lighting Designer, President of Planners Associates Inc.

主要内容:本书作者是日本灯光设计师Kaoru Mende,计划者联合社社长。

IT者网站提供英文翻译,未经授权请勿转载】 On April 15, associate Wang Zhong be a guest shows general manager of computer of group spending table when interview of high end of Sai Di net: Associate to be in what rolled out 2004 early to be aimed at rural market " oneiromancy plans ", this computer go to the countryside is test and verify associates 5 years this the strongest confirm of rural position validity.


He is a planner with an artistic sense.


IT者网站提供英文翻译,未经授权请勿转载】 Yesterday, chen Xiaowei of president of the 9th city interacts in number of Chinajoy China International say on recreational product and technical application exhibition, 9 cities already had ready money of nearly 300 million dollar at present, planning to buy company of game research and development quickly inside a year, will advocate business Wu expands from pure game representative domain of own research and development.


The principle for economic planning should be that economic planners can prove that they can do better than market.


" In the past, media planners did not see divorcees as a market with disposable income, but now the amount of money women spend on themselves goes up after divorce," says Martin Raymond, editor of the bi - annual trends magazine Viewpoint.


更多网络解释与计划者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


adviser 参谋,顾问 | deviser 设计者,发明者,计划者 | televiser 使用电视的人

Systems Innovator:系统革新者

2. 战略计划者 Strategic Planner | 3. 系统革新者 Systems Innovator | 4. 理解团队行为含义 Understands Team Behavior


taker 接受者,收受者 | partaker 参与者,关系者,分担者 | undertaker 承办人,计划者,营业者

pension scheme:退休金计划

而就本条而言,"退休金"(pension) 一词乃包括任何离职津贴、离职酬金或类似的款项;"退休金计划"(pension scheme) 一词乃指一项就董事的服务或其他服务提供退休金的计划而该项计划乃完全或部分藉供款维持者;"供款"(contribution) 一词就退休金计划而言,


scheme 安排 | schemer 计划者 | scheming 诡计多端的


schematograph /视野轮廓测定器/ | schemer /计划者/阴谋家/策士/ | scheming /计划的/诡计多端的/


co-redeemer 共同的拯救者 | schemer 计划者,阴谋家 | blasphemer 亵渎者,辱骂者


schemer /计划者/阴谋家/策士/ | scheming /计划的/诡计多端的/ | scherbinaite /钒石/


112.hauler 拖曳者,运输工,承运者 | overhauler 彻底检修工者 | scheduler 生产计划者,调度员

planed:有计划的 根据计划的

planer 计划者 | planed 有计划的 根据计划的 | pile 柱 桩 把桩打入 用桩支撑