英语人>词典>汉英 : 计划经济 的英文翻译,例句
计划经济 的英文翻译、例句


planned economy · central planning
更多网络例句与计划经济相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In planned economy period, Stated-owned enterprises flooded in China, and they took on over-many governmental responsibilities, which result in the aberrance of corporate social responsibility.


curriculum setting of preschool normal education,social need,"acclimation","lead"


The balance, average, balanced, target orientaton that is planned economy not only equably, also be the basic method of planned economy at the same time.


Under the new conditions, it's an urgent problem that faces us how to syncretize the engineering cost management in China with the world trend and the international convention.


His critism of the planned economy comes even more incisive and thoroughgoing than ...


His ignorantism aims to abolish the rational basis for planned economy; his spontaneous order aims to negate the basis of order for the artificially planned economy, while establishing the legal status of the market economy; and his theory of freedom aims to lay the behavior basis for the market economy.


After the economic reformation and the opening up to the outside world, with the introduction and development of market system, and with the weakening role of regulating economy with administrative management, contractual relationship in economy germinates and develops.


Long-term since, because suffer " to the thought of left " is affected and be manacled, we always think planned economy is good, market economy is bad, always regard the main feature of the socialist economy as planned economy, regard the main feature of the capitalist economy as market economy.


They will also deal the remnants of the planned economy and the government system propping it up a final blow .


As we have abolished planned economic system, we should put its cause system, analysis frame, the theoretical prerequisite and so on into historical museum. we should take more scientific market economic system with its cause system, analysis frame and the theoretical prerequisite as our system. Around these goals, We must establish a Macroscopic Service Law system whose head is getting job fully, wings are the income law of rising and financial basic law, eliminate three fissions making market apart with various financial tools, create equal employment opportunity, make country and the masses rich..


更多网络解释与计划经济相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

capitalist planned economy:资本主义计划经济

capitalist path | (经济发展的)资本主义道路 | capitalist planned economy | 资本主义计划经济 | capitalist producer of commodities | 资本主义商品生产者

central controlled economy:计划经济

be poled apart/ poles apart :大相径庭,排斥(团队最不想看到的) | 13. central controlled economy:计划经济 | 14、concept:概念

planned economy:计划经济

摘要:礼物经济(gift economy)属于经济学的一支,此概念的提出是为驳斥计划经济(planned economy)中,认为人的行为都是经过理性计算考量. 礼物经济指的是提供商品或服务者并没有明确的预期回馈对象,也没有预期回馈的内

planned economy:计划经济体制

集体经济the collective sector of the economy | 计划经济体制planned economy | 加快发展expedite development

Traditional planned economy:传统的计划经济

Microeconomic phenomenon 微观经济现象 | Traditional planned economy 传统的计划经济 | Stimulate economic development 刺激经济发展

Traditional planned economy:传统计划经济

出台政策 introduce policies | 传统计划经济 traditional planned economy | 传统计划经济 traditional planned economy

WESTBANK planned economy:计划经济

集体土地 WESTBANK collective-owned land | 计划经济 WESTBANK planned economy | 计划生育 WESTBANK family planning

centralized planned economy:高度集中的计划经济体制

综合国力:overall national strength | 高度集中的计划经济体制:centralized planned economy | 社会主义市场经济体制:socialist market economy

a planned economy:计划经济体制

拜金主义 money worship | 计划经济体制 a planned economy | 公益事业 public welfare

capitalist planned economy:资本主义计划经济

capitalist path || (经济发展的)资本主义道路 | capitalist planned economy || 资本主义计划经济 | capitalist producer of commodities || 资本主义商品生产者