英语人>词典>汉英 : 解释语言 的英文翻译,例句
解释语言 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

interpreted language · interpretive language · intepreted languages
更多网络例句与解释语言相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A Dictionary of Literary Terms的解释,TransferredEpithet是:"a figure of speech in which is transferred from the appropriate noun to modify another to which it does not really belong"词典进一步举例说明:"Common examples are:'a sleepless night';'the condemned cell';'a happy day'.


A Dictionary of Literary Terms的解释,TransferredEpithet是:"a figure of speech in which is transferred from the appropriate noun to modify another to which it does not really belong"词典进一步举例说明:"Common examples are: 'a sleepless night'; 'the condemned cell';'a happy day'.

由此可见,移就修辞格是英汉语言中一种常见的修辞手法,本论文由无忧论文网 www.51lunwen.com 整理提供是一种特殊的语言现象,一种超常的词语组合方式,是一种艺术语言。

In terms of foreign language teaching, it is a kind of technological language with a descriptive and explanatory function.


1 What Is Python?37 Python is an elegant and robust programming language that delivers both the power and general applicability of traditional compiled languages with the ease of use of simpler scripting and interpreted languages.


The study of language learnability is not oriented to whether language is learnable but to explaining how the language acquisition device does its work.


The Advantages of MATLAB for Technical Programming MATLAB has many advantage compared to conventional computer languages for technical problem solving.Among them are: 1 ease of use MATLAB is an interpreted language,like naby versions of Basic.Like Basic.Like basic,it is very easy to use.The program can be used as a scratch pad to evaluate expressions typed at the command,or it can be used to execute large prewritten programs.Programs may be casily written and modified with the built-in integrated development environment,and debugged eith the MATLAB debugger .

优点MATLAB的编程技术MATLAB语言有很多优势,比传统的计算机语言技术问题solving.among 他们是: 1易用MATLAB是一种解释语言,像naby版本basic.like basic.like基本的,是很容易取得事半功倍的公关焦可作为刮垫评价用语打字,在指挥,还是它可以用来恩读取大型试过programs.programs可二硫化碳文字修饰内置的集成开发环境,调试和底部的MATLAB德 bugger 。

Saussure's theory of semiotics, which says that the form and the meaning of language are arbitrary, could not explain the commonly existing phenomenon of polysemy in the course of language development.


Secondly, it explains the impact of language planning on the use and development of ethnic minorities languages, and analyze the conflict between the objectives of language planning and plights of linguistic human rights.


The forth chapter mainly discusses the on-glide diphthong\'s languages feature typologies on /au//ai//iu/.


Sociolinguists emphasize variability in learner linguistic performance, and extend the scope of study to communicative competence underlying knowledge that additionally accounts for language use, or pragmatic competence


更多网络解释与解释语言相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

compiled language:编译型语言

编译型语言(Compiled Language)- 一种语言,它需要编译器程序将编程源代码转换成可执行的机器语言二进制程序. 一经编译,就可从程序的二进制形式多次运行程序,而无需再次编译. 编译型语言/程序运行往往比解释型语言或伪代码语言快,

Please explain the whole paragraph in simple terms:请把整段用浅显的语言解释

What does the first part describe ? 文章的第一... | Please explain the whole paragraph in simple terms. 请把整段用浅显的语言解释. | Can you say this more briefly, in just one or two sentences. 你能讲得...

interpretative subroutine:解释子程序

interpretation 解释 | interpretative subroutine 解释子程序 | interpreted language 解释语言

Language Interpreting:绘图语言解释错误

59 Media Type Sensor 介质类型传感器问题 | 61 Language Interpreting 绘图语言解释错误 | 62 Input/Output through Parallel Port 通过并口输入输出问题

interpretive language:解释语言

internally piloted regulator,整体指挥器操作型自力式调节阀 | interpretive language,解释语言 | interprogram communication,程序间通信

Each term is defined and explained in clear, nonscientific language:每个学期的定义和解释,在明确的, nonscientific语言

required to understand the most impor... | Each term is defined and explained in clear, nonscientific language,每个学期的定义和解释,在明确的, nonscientific语言, | with examples showing the reader the i...

每个学期的定义和解释,在明确的, nonscientific语言:Each term is defined and explained in clear, nonscientific language

required to understand the most impor... | Each term is defined and explained in clear, nonscientific language,每个学期的定义和解释,在明确的, nonscientific语言, | with examples showing the reader the i...


程序执行一般有两种方式:编译的(compiled)或解释的(interpreted). 尽管用任何计算机语言编写的程序都可以编译或解释,但有些语言主要是为一种执行方式而设计的. 例如 C 是用来编译的,而 JAVA 是用来解释的. 应当理解 C 是被明确指定为编译语言而得到优化的,

interpreted language:解释型语言

解释型语言(Interpreted Language)- 与编译型程序不同,每次运行解释型程序时都要由解释器程序实时地将源代码转换成二进制形式,而编译型程序由编译器一次性将源代码转换成可执行代码,随后从其二进制形式运行.

interpreted language:解释语言

interpretative subroutine 解释子程序 | interpreted language 解释语言 | interpreter 翻译机