英语人>词典>汉英 : 解脱器 的英文翻译,例句
解脱器 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与解脱器相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Chippewa Indians of North America invented the dream-catcher, which they say protects children from nightmares.


For a few seconds afterwards I have a fine spiritual glow… and maybe it would continue that way indefinitely – how can you tell?– if it weren't for the fact that there's a woman beside you and then the douche bag and the water running… all those little details that make you desperately selfconscious, desperately lonely. And for that one moment of freedom you have to listen to all that love crap… it drives me nuts sometimes… I want to kick them out immediately… I do now and then.


更多网络解释与解脱器相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(使用交叉线,是因为电缆连接在链路两端键控(keyed)相同,导体必须交叉从而保证传输器输出针总是连接着接收器接收针. )这样,对用户和厂家都是一种解脱.

cable releaser:弃链器

cable relay 电缆继电器 | cable releaser 弃链器 | cable reliever 锚链解脱器

cable reliever:弃链器

cable releaser 弃链器 | cable reliever 锚链解脱器 | cable reliever 弃链器

cable reliever:锚链解脱器

cable releaser 弃链器 | cable reliever 锚链解脱器 | cable reliever 弃链器

automatic safety device:自动安全装置,自动保护装置

automatic safety belt release 安全带自动解脱器 | automatic safety device 自动安全装置,自动保护装置 | automatic sample changer 样品自动更换器

automatic salter:自动加盐机

automatic safety belt release 安全带自动解脱器 | automatic salter 自动加盐机 | automatic sampler 自动取样器


读值可能为下述之一:OFF(关闭),解脱(disengaged),准备(STANDBY),定速(CRUISE),恢复(RESUME),提速(ACCEL)或滑行(COAST). 该参数反映步进电机定速控制(SMCC)模块的定速控制请求信号状态. 该参数反映PCM至变矩器离合器(TCC)的输出指令.