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解热的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
antifebrile  ·  febrifuge  ·  febriruge

更多网络例句与解热的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example: antimalarials primaquine morpholine, flutter malaria quinoline, quinine, chloroquine, quinacrine; antibacterial drugs have sulfa drugs, chloramphenicol and furans; antipyretic analgesics are acetyl salicylic acid, phenacetin, acetanilide, antipyrine, aminopyrine; other drugs such as vitamin K, probenecid, hydralazine, quinidine, methylene blue, toluene and so on.


Objective To study antifebrile and antibacterial effections of Qing-ying-ye-li.

目的 研究青英颗粒的解热抗菌作用。

The effects of the both recipe appeared to be definite,and the antifebrile effect was improved as the natural musk is replaced by the artifitial one.


Results The high dose of QY(5.2g/kg)had obvious antifebrile effects as compared with the control group and the treated group had better effect of inhibiting bacteria than that of the control group.

结果 青英颗粒高剂量组(5.2g/kg)有明显解热作用;治疗组对金黄色葡萄球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌ATCC、甲型溶血性链球菌、丙型链球菌的抑制和杀灭作用优于对照组。

METHODS:Multi-analysis on the production and marketing of Chinese antipyretic analgesics was conducted.


AIM: To study the antipyretic effect and; mechanism of Daqingye injection.

目的: 阐明大青叶的中枢解热机制,为其临床应用提供实验依据和理论指导。

A method based on the mixing calorimetry for determination of hydrate dissociation heat was introduced.


The dissociation heat is related to the mass ratio of TBAB and the functional relation is same as Langmuir function.


ObjectiveTo observe the effect of Yinhuang micro- enema on the content of prostaglandin E2 in the febrile rat hypothalamus and to explore the possible antipyretic mechanism of YHCE. MethodsThe febrile rats modle was established by injecting 20% suspension of yeast hypodermically (10 ml/kg).


ConclusionOne of the antipyretic mechanism of essential oil of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort.


更多网络解释与解热的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


antifascist 反法西斯者 | antifebrile 解热的 | antifebrin 乙醯胺苯

antifebrile:退热的, 解热的 解热剂

antifatigue | 抗疲劳剂 | antifebrile | 退热的, 解热的 解热剂 | antifebrin | 乙醯胺苯, 退热冰

antipyretic analgesic:解热镇痛药

比如5-H 的取向决定了A/B的骈合方式,因为环的骈合方式与药物的活性密切相关,在书写时一定要明确指明.5α-H时A/B为反式方式骈合,5β-H时A/B为第一军医大学 徐江平概述解热镇痛药(antipyretic analgesic)为一类具有解热、镇痛药理作用,

Artemisia annua:(青蒿)

被当地一种称为金鸡纳树的树皮治癒. 後来大量使用的抗疟疾药物--奎宁(quinine)即是由此提炼出来. 近年来,世界卫生组织大力推介一种新的抗疟药物--青蒿素(artemisinin),这种药物是从中国传统用於解热的草药--青蒿(Artemisia annua)中提炼出来的.


vermifuge 驱虫剂,杀虫药 | febrifuge 退热药,解热药 | lucifugous 畏光的


解氢酶hydrogenlyase | 解去的前车unlimber | 解热的antifebrilefebrifuge


antifat | 减肥的 防胖的 | antifatigue | 抗疲劳剂 | antifebrile | 退热的, 解热的 解热剂

febrifugal:止热的; 退烧的 (形)

febrific 产热的; 发烧的 (形) | febrifugal 止热的; 退烧的 (形) | febrifuge 退热的; 解热的 (形)

Couches:[法]微微前倾的; 不是竖立着的

lagging n.绝缘层材料 | couches [法]微微前倾的; 不是竖立着的 | aspirin n.阿斯匹林(解热镇痛药), 乙酰水杨酸

New fever and pain relievers:新型解热镇痛药物

新型地方病用药New medicines for endemic diseas... | 新型解热镇痛药物New fever and pain relievers | 医药专用紧缺的中间体和新型抗生素Special-purpose medicinal intermediaries in short supply and new antib...