英语人>词典>汉英 : 解析变换 的英文翻译,例句
解析变换 的英文翻译、例句


analytic transformation
更多网络例句与解析变换相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The content of this course is: analytic function (the definition of analytic function, elementary functions, etc.), conformal mapping (the definition if conformal mapping, fractional linear functions, elementary mappings, etc.), complex integration (Cauchy's integral formula, Cauchy's theorem, etc.), Series (Laurent Series, singularities, local property, etc.), residues and its applications (the Residues Theorem, integration by residues, the Argument Principle, the Maximum Principle, Schwarz's Lemma, etc.), analytic continuation and harmonic functions, etc.

本课程内容主要包括:解析函数(解析函数的定义、初等函数等)、共形映射(共形映射的定义、分式线性变换及初等映射等)、复积分(Cauchy 积分公式、 Cauchy 定理等)、级数(Laurent 级数、孤立奇点、局部映射等)、留数及其应用(留数定理、利用留数计算积分、幅角原理、最大模原理、 Schwarz 引理等)、解析开拓和调和函数等内容。

This semi-analytical method is accurate and widely used. It overcomes the limitation of the analytical solution such as conformal mapping. The position of cracks can be arbitrary.


The unique advantage of this halfanalytical numerical method is that the analytical process of Conformal Mapping can transform an irregular area into a regular one such as a rectangle. Therefore, the discretization error of numerical methods on the boundary can be avoided, and the numerical algorithm can be implemented more easily, with the computing efficiency improved.


By taking advantage of a corollary of the Desargues theorem and the corresponging extension of Desarguesian configuration, the concept of stereohomology has been defined in projective geometry and presented based on homogeneous coordinates. Consequently, a series of geometrical transformations, such as central projection, parallel projection, centrosymmetry, translation transformation, reflection, rotation transformation, which can be contained in it or derived from it have also been analytically defined.


This semi-analytical method is more accurate then the numerical methods. And it overcome the disadvantage of analysis methods such as conformal mapping, the position of cracks can be random.


Schwartz mapped the interior of each fluid cycle in the physical plane into an annulus of unit outer radius in the mapping plane according to the conformal transformation. And the perturbation theory is the main way of solving conformal parameters.


Three elements should be calculated in first-order circuit, which can synthesise analytical solution. Second-order series RLC and parallel RLC both can be calculated by the general function, which uses the Matlab to calculate differential equations. Generally, second-order and high-order circuits use Laplace transformation to formulate circuit equation, and get analytical solution by using Laplace inverse transform.


Second, transient flow for vertical well and fractural well in porous media with arealanisotropy has been researched in this paper. The analytic solution for vertical well andsemi-analytic solution for vertical fractural well is developed by using image inversion,superposition principle, Laplace transformation, Fourier transformation, as well as theirinverse transforms, and storage and skin are taken into account. For vertical fractural well,influence of pressure and productivity is studied when the orientation of artificial fractureisn't in accordance with the direction of major permeability, it is fundamental to evaluatepotential and analyze well test data.


Only with such characteristics, the movement equations can be expressed as matrices, and the idea of transforming the movement equations to the simplest form through a nonlinear transformation can be realized;(2) The form of Zi =Yi + YTH2i Y + Y7H3i Y(2)+ Y(2)T H4i Y(2)+ YTH5i Y(3) is adhibited in the nonlinear transformation, so that the multivalued problem caused by the nonlinear transformation is avoided, and the higher order transformation can be taken next;(3) The fourth order nonlinear transformation matrices H21,H31,H41 and H51 are derived, by which the original movement equations of electric power system is transformed to Jodan form in Z space;(4) By use of the fourth order nonlinear transformation, the approximate expression of the stability boundary is obtained, in Z space it is Z1= 0,in Y space it is Y1 + YTH21 Y + YTH31 Y(2)-i- Y(2) TH41 Y(2)+YTH51 Y(3)= 0;(5) The criterion used in this paper to judge whether the system critical unstable is simple and quick;(6) The method used in this paper is a direct method, and no need to construct an energy function.

正是由 于电力系统的运动方程具有这样的特性,才能写成矩阵的形式,通过非线性变换将电力系统的运动方程变换为最简单的线性形式的思想才能得以实现;(2)将通常运用于电力系统暂态稳定性分析的Normal Form变换的形式由 Yi= Zi+ ZTh2riZ变形为 Zi= Yi+YTH2iY+YTH3iY(2)+Y(2)TH4iY(2)+YTH5iY(3),从而使得在对持续故障轨线实施同样的非线性变换以确定临界切除时间时,避免了非线性变换带来的多值性的问题,而只有在没有多值性问题的困扰下,才能采用较高阶的变换:(3)推导出了将原始电力系统系统的运动方程变换到Z空间的约当形式的非线性变换矩阵H21、H31、H41、HS1:(4)在运用四阶了「线性变换的情况下,给出了受扰动后系统的稳定边界的近似的解析表达,在Z空间为Z1=0,在y空间为: Y1+YTH21Y+YTH31Y(2)+Y(2)TH41Y(2)+YTH51Y(3)=0 (5)确定临界失稳的判据简单、快捷:对于一个复杂的电力系统,其稳定边界是相当复杂的一个高维曲面,即便是已知系统稳定边界的解析表达,要求出系统持续故障轨线何时与这一高维曲面相交,在数学上几乎是不可能实现的。

The analytic expression of the fractional Fourier transform based on cylindrical coordinates was derived.


更多网络解释与解析变换相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

stress alternation:应力变换

stress 应力 | stress alternation 应力变换 | stress analysis 应力解析

analytic transformation:解析变换

analytic technique 分析技术,解析技术 | analytic transformation 解析变换 | analytic trend 分析趋势

analytic transformation:分析变换

analytic signal 分析信号 | analytic transformation 分析变换 | analytic vector 解析向量

analytical differential:解析微分

analytic transformation 解析变换 | analytical differential 解析微分 | analytical geometry 分析几何学

Domain Name System:域名管理系统

(37)关于域名管理系统(Domain Name System)的说法不正确的是_____. A)其负责域名到IP的地址变换 B)是一个中央集权式的管理系统 C)实现域名解析要依赖于本地的DNS数据库 D)实现域名解析要依赖于域名分解器与域名服务器这两个管理软件 答案:B 知识点:Internet通信协议--TCP/IP 评析:域名管理系统是一个按层次组织盼分布式服

group of automorphisms:自同购群

解析变换群 group of analytic transformations | 自同购群 group of automorphisms | 类群 group of classes


Smale)在动力系统理论中 发明的"马蹄"(horseshoe)变换,它们用几何方法说明一簇轨道的整体 行为,而不是用数值说明单个轨道的个别行为. 我们无法直接求出θ的解析表达式,但可以知道其一阶导数的表达式. dθ dθ 以θ和其一阶导数 支成相空间(θ,

inverse discrete cosine transform:反向的离散余弦变换

反向 revert | 反向的离散余弦变换 Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform | 反向地址解析协议 Reverse Adress Resolution Protocol

inverse laplace transformation:逆拉普拉斯变换

inverse Compton effect | 逆康普顿效应 | inverse Laplace transformation | 逆拉普拉斯变换 | inverse analytic function | 解析反函数

group matrix:群矩阵

群迭代法 group iterative method | 群矩阵 group matrix | 解析变换群 group of analytic transformations