英语人>词典>汉英 : 角膜破裂 的英文翻译,例句
角膜破裂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

corneal rupture
更多网络例句与角膜破裂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Postoperatively, B group (36 eyes) were dropped with TobraDex and artificial tears(Dextran 70 Eye Drops), and were given mydriasis and antiglaucoma eyedrops when necessary. Uncomfortable symptoms ( dry sensation, foreign body sensation,Burning sensation) were inquired, as well as tear break-up time, Schirmer test value and corneal fluorescein staining were measured 1 day preoperatively plus 3, 7, 14, 30 days postoperatively.

继续收集36例(36眼)患者全部纳入B组,手术后应用妥布霉素地塞米松眼液、眼膏和人工泪液Dextran 70 Eye Drops,必要时联合应用散瞳眼液和降眼压眼液。B组病例分别于术前1d,术后3d、7d、14d及30d详细询问患者是否存在不适症状(干涩感、异物感、烧灼感)并评分,并行泪膜破裂时间(Break-Up Time,BUT)、泪液分泌试验(Schirmer test,ST)、角膜荧光素染色(Cornea Fluorescein Staining,CFS)检查及评分。

Uncomfortable symptoms(dry sensation, foreign body sensation,Burning sensation) were inquired, as well as tear break-up time, Schirmer test value and corneal fluorescein staining were measured 1 day preoperatively plus 1, 3, 7, 14, 30 days postoperatively.

分别于术前1d,术后1d、3d、7d、14d及30d询问患者是否存在不适症状(干涩感、异物感、烧灼感)并评分,并行泪膜破裂时间(Break-Up Time,BUT)、泪液分泌试验(Schirmer test,ST)、角膜荧光素染色(Cornea Fluorescein Staining,CFS)检查及评分。

RESULTS: Complications including cornea injury, iris injury, posterior capsule rupture, iris prolapse and hyphema, were mainly caused by inexpert skill and lacking of experience.


CASE REPORTSThe examination including slitlamp examination, tear breakup time, schirmer I test and fluorescent staining were performed in 97 outpatients with symptoms of asthenopia, foreign body sensation and dryness. The positive cases in BUT, SIt, fl staining and obstruction of tarsal glands and were 51,38,31 and 34 cases, respectively.


The major complications were corneal edema and posterior capsular rupture.


RESULTS: Among 200 cases operations, 7 cases posterior capsular rupture, 2 cases rupture of the iridodialysis, 52 cases corneal endothelial edema after 1 day, 11 cases hyphema., 3 cases IOL dislocation, 2 cases incision leakage.


Operative effect and complications of intraoperative and postoperative were observed.RESULTS: Among 200 cases operations, 7 cases posterior capsular rupture, 2 cases rupture of the iridodialysis, 52 cases corneal endothelial edema after 1 day, 11 cases hyphema., 3 cases IOL dislocation, 2 cases incision leakage.


Results Totally 550 eyes' the best corrected visual acuity was more than 0.51-3 months after surgery, accounting for 94.83%; 30 eyes (5.17%) had iris prolapse and intraoperative complications; 4 eyes (0.69%) had iridodialysis; 6 eyes 1.03% had posterior capsule rupture; 30 eyes (5.17%) had hyphema; 30 eyes had (5.17%); 109 eyes (18.79%) had postoperative complications, including corneal edema in 50 eyes (8.62%, of which endothelial-like opacity in 40 eyes); 40 eyes (6.90%) had inflammation of anterior chamber; 10 eyes (1.72%) had transient high intraocular hypertension; 5 eyes (0.86%) had hyphema, 4 eyes had pupillary capture.

结果 术后1~3月最佳矫正视力大于等于0.5的有550只眼(94.83%),术中并发症,虹膜脱出30只眼(5.17%),虹膜根部离断4只眼(0.69%),晶状体后囊破裂6只眼(1.03%),前房出血30只眼(5.17%),后弹力层脱离30只眼(5.17%)。术后并发症109只眼(18.79%)包括角膜水肿50只眼(8.62%,其中内皮条样混浊40只眼),前房纤维渗出40只眼(6.90%),短暂性高眼压10只眼(1.72%),前房积血5只眼(0.86%)瞳孔夹持4只眼(0.70%)。

Serious violent cornea can rupture, iris, or ocular contents prolapse, anterior chamber shallowing or disappearance of the pupil was pear-shaped .


RESULTS: In Phaco group, 79.2% of the patients visual acuities at the first day after operation were≥0.3. In this group, the nuclear hardnesses of some patients catract were ≤Ⅲ, and others ≥Ⅳ; complications occurred in the former including capsule rupture and vitreous prolapse(4.3%), corneal edema (22.2%); while the latter were 13.7% and 68.6%, respectively.


更多网络解释与角膜破裂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anterior chamber:前房

眼球损伤后,虹膜血管渗透性增加或由于血管破裂出血,血液积聚在前房称外伤性前房积血. 外伤性前房积血多见于眼球挫伤,是一种常见的并发症. 那前房在哪呢? 前房(Anterior chamber)的前界为角膜内皮,后

aqueous humor:水样液

由于眼睛中的排水系统构造遭到破坏,无法正常的把水样液(aqueous humor)液体排出眼球外,因此会造成眼压上升. 虽然PCG的发生机率大概只有万分之一,但是一旦发生,则会造成眼压高到角膜(comea)破裂,甚至会有失明的危险.

Rupture of endocardium; Endocardial rupture:心内膜破裂

Rupture of cornea; Cornea rupture 角膜破裂(外伤); 角膜破... | Rupture of endocardium; Endocardial rupture 心内膜破裂 | Rupture of esophagus; Laceration of esophagus; Tearing of esophagus; Esophageal ru...


目的 探讨穿透性角膜移植(Keratoplasty)术后泪膜功能及角膜知觉的恢复情况,为临床观察及用药提供理论依据. 方法 对23例患者25只眼角膜移植术前及术后不同时间的随访,检测泪液分泌量、泪膜破裂时间、角膜知觉及角膜完整性的情况.


keratopathy 角膜病 | keratoplasty 角膜移植术 | keratorhexis 角膜破裂

lattice theory:格子理论

1957年Maurice提出了格子理论(lattice theory)来阐明角膜的透明性. 图2-7 泪膜破裂形成乾燥斑的示意图 三、结膜 (一)结膜的功能 结膜(conjunctiva)表面光滑,质地透明,覆盖於眼睑内表面及眼球表面. 另外真正评价到达角膜表面的氧含量以等氧百分比(EOP)表示.


角膜穿刺术 keratopuncture | 角膜破裂 keratorrhexis | 角膜巩膜炎 keratoscleritis