英语人>词典>汉英 : 视运动 的英文翻译,例句
视运动 的英文翻译、例句


apparent motion
更多网络例句与视运动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Optokinetic therapy improves text reading in patients with hemianopic alexia: a controlled trial.


He considered that it was caused by the non-uniformity of the apparent annual motion of the sun.


Most have been based on the apparent motion in the sky of the Sun or Moon.


In the title of the window, the speed and direction of the apparent motion for the object is displayed.


The software will ask you to enter the coordinates and the apparent motion of the object designation.


The specific research contents include: celestial coordinates The establishment of the Department; Sunday apparent motion of celestial bodies and the anniversary of the apparent motion; celestial parallax, atmospheric refraction, optical aberration, precession, nutation theory and applications; astronomical time measurement principles and time systems; depending on the location of celestial bodies return calculation methods.


In this paper,we use the spherical surface triangle to study the sun circle daily turn around.


Subjects had more serious symptoms, more quickly onset of vection and more short rotation time when they were lying.


Under it, apparent motions of the planets are to be explained in terms of deferents and epicycles around the earth.


The real space motion is composed of the transverse velocity and radial velocity.


更多网络解释与视运动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

apparent frequency:视在频率

运动波 wave in motion | 视在频率 apparent frequency | 发射波频率 emitted frequency

apparent motion:视运动

apparent magnitude 视星等 | apparent motion 视运动 | apparent noon 视午

annual apparent motion:周年视运动

annual account 年度账 | annual apparent motion 周年视运动 | annual audit 年度检查

planet apparent motion:行星视运动

plain bearing 滑动轴承 | planet apparent motion 行星视运动 | plank stage hitch 跳板结

celestial body apparent motion:天体视运动

celestial axis 天轴 | celestial body apparent motion 天体视运动 | celestial parallel 赤纬[圈]

diurnal motion:周日运动

这实际的地球自转和因之而起的星辰的视转动便叫做"周日运动"(diurnal motion),因为这种运动是一日一周. 星辰的每日视转动(1) 我们第二步便要表示出在地球自转的极简单的概念与因之而起的天体的周日视转动所表现的较复杂的现象之间的联系.

diurnal motion:周日运动由於地球的自转,星体在一日内的视运动

dispositor 定位星 星体所在星座的守护星 | diurnal motion 周日运动由於地球的自转,星体在一日内的视运动 | Dragon's Head 龙头黄道和月亮轨道的北交点,也叫月的北交点

diurnal motion:每日视运动{天体}

日潮流 diurnal current | 每日视运动{天体} diurnal motion | 日视差 diurnal parallax

relative motion:相对运动视运动

relative motion 相对运动 | relative motion 相对运动;视运动 | relative motion 相对运动视运动

railroad nystagmus:视运动性眼球震颤

ragweed fever 花粉热 | railroad nystagmus 视运动性眼球震颤 | rain water 雨水