英语人>词典>汉英 : 视情况而定 的英文翻译,例句
视情况而定 的英文翻译、例句


at stake · as appropriate
更多网络例句与视情况而定相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As the case may be, either temperature or pressure is to be increased for the process.


As the case may be and as described in the notice.


Unfortunately, there is also nothing quite like the stress in worrying that everything is going to be all right on the night, or day, as the case may be.


Later as the case may be.


The large fortune may be inherited by the husband or wife, as the case may be.


For they themselves were prophets - false or true ones, as the case might be.


Maybe he can be available for Birmingham, we will see how it goes.


And therefore the flash exposure compensation will most likely be around zero. There are no easy answers. Anyone who tells you there is one magical do-all setting for flash, is lying to you.


In English, if the center word has lead attributive and participle phrase or infinitive phrase, when translated, we need to shift forward the postposition participle infinitive or phrase to the position of limiting attribute.


B if STORER shall not agree to share such agreed costs, AAA may remove all or other part of such works, as the case may be, in which event AAA shall as soon as practicable or within such longer period as AAA may demonstrate to STORER's reasonable satisfaction is required by AAA to effect such removal, remove all or other part of such works, as the case may be, at its own expense without causing damage or deterioration of the Dedicated Facilities and shall restore the Dedicated Facilities to their state and condition immediately preceding such works or AAA may with STORER's consent leave all or part of such works intact, in which event such works shall at the expiry or termination of this Agreement become the property of STORER without claim or charge by AAA.

若仓储方拒绝分摊此商定费用,A公司可视情况而定,拆除全部或部分相关工程;在此情况下, A公司应视情况而定,在最短期间或较长期限内( A公司须证明并获仓储方认可,需要较长时间进行拆除工作),拆除全部或部分相关工程,且自付一切费用,亦不损坏专用设施或降低其性能,并恢复专用设施到拆除前的状态。或A公司经仓储方同意,将前述全部或部分工程保留原状;在此情况下,在本合约终止时,此类工程即成为仓储方的财产, A公司不得索赔或收费。

更多网络解释与视情况而定相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

as the case may be:视情况而定,根据具体情况

She played computer games last night, as is often / usually the case. 正如往常那样,她昨... | 7. as the case may be 视情况而定,根据具体情况 | You should make a decision as the case may be. 你应当根据具体...

You should make a decision as the case may be:你应当根据具体情况做出决定

7. as the case may be 视情况而定,根据具体情况 | You should make a decision as the case may be. 你应当根据具体情况做出决定. | Can I change the plan as the case may be? 我能根据具体情况改变计划吗?

be bound to up in:专注于

as the case may be 视情况而定.. | be bound to up in专注于.. | On the edge of. 在..的边缘


在战场上,铁甲骑兵(Cataphract)与快速、轻装的弓骑相互配合,两者间的比例视情况而定. 有时是一半对一半,有时只有很少量的铁甲. 马萨格泰人(Massagetae)原定居在中亚阿姆河以北. 大概在公元前七八世纪,出现了一次在欧亚腹地周期性发生的民族大迁徙.

defer to:遵守

on a case by case basis 视情况而定 | defer to 遵守 | statutory currency 法定货币

Depending on availability:视情况而定

You could pull it off.你能做到. | Depending on availability.视情况而定. | They wanted it off the books.他们想置身度外.

They had to plan for contingent expenses:他们不得不为可能产生的开支做打算

What further contingent liabilities are being assumed elsewhere in the group? : 这个集团... | They had to plan for contingent expenses. : 他们不得不为可能产生的开支做打算. | 4. adjective 视情况而定的,视...

sum adjudged to be paid by a conviction:根据定罪而判决须缴付的款项

(由1966年第13号附表增补)"根据定罪而判决须缴付的款项"(sum adjudged to be paid by a conviction) 及"根据命令而判决须缴付的款项"(sum adjudged to be paid by an order) 分别包括根据一项定罪或根据一项命令(视属何情况而定)而判决须缴付的讼费,

sum adjudged to be paid by an order:根据命令而判决须缴付的款项

(由1966年第13号附表增补)"根据定罪而判决须缴付的款项"(sum adjudged to be paid by a conviction) 及"根据命令而判决须缴付的款项"(sum adjudged to be paid by an order) 分别包括根据一项定罪或根据一项命令(视属何情况而定)而判决须缴付的讼费,

It depends:视情况而定

质化研究的方法多元,也同时能发挥研究者的创意,在我们对於采用何种方法或是抽样常常以视情况而定(it depends)做为结论的当下,文献检阅在流程上的定位更应该因地,甚至以论者角度来看,因人制宜.