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观测得到的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与观测得到的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

IPMS In addition to using the latitude observation stations ILS information, will be the international use of Astrolabe, compared with instruments such as the zenith tube observations get latitude information to an integrated manner, regularly publishes research and analysis in polar coordinates and polar motion.


The rapid variations of Fe K line are hard to be explained by any of current models.


According to the observation experiment at the Jiufeng station where there is smaller environment noise, the conclusions are drawn as follows.In the normal atmosphere, the observed value is about 500×10-5ms-2, which is greater than theoretical value about 30×10-5ms-2, and if in the low vacuum, the observational error about 2.3×10-5ms-2 is generated. The vacuum maintaining system in falling room can not work normally, which will yield 0.1~4.1×10-5ms-2 error to the gravimetric observation. In the case of that the measurement is in the stable geological conditions and the smaller environment noise, the action of vibration isolating spring is not obvious, but it yields greater effects on measurement accuracy.


With this advanced radiative transfer model, we simulate the multispectral, multiangular reflected solar radiance measured by the future satellite.


It is found that the GRAPES model is able to reproduce the observed atmospheric kinetic energy spectrum, including the transition to k-5/3 dependence in the small-meso scale. Meanwhile, there exists a maximum effective time-step, when the time-step is smaller/larger than the maximum effective time-step, the simulated kinetic energy spectrum gradually decays/unphysically grows as the time-step increases.


As a consequence, lower gabbros of the oceanic crust could have a larger crystal grain size on average than that of the upper gabbros as seen from the filed observations at the Oman ophiolite.


As a consequence, lower gabbros of the oceanic crust could have a larger crystal grain size on average than that of the upper gabbros as seen from the filed observations at the Oman ophiolite.Key words Computational Geodynamics Laboratory;Department of Geophysics;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China


Observation data were analyzed with focus on concentrations of nitrogen oxidants and nitrogen deposition flux.


The time series in Magnetotelluricscontains multiple spectra and often has unneeded natural electromagnetic signals and the interference of 50 Hz and its harmonic frequency.

大地电磁测深法野外观测得到的原始资料是包含多种频谱的时间序列,这种时间序列中常包含不需要的信息和50 Hz及其谐波的干扰。

With FDDA method, the precipitation echo reflectivity field gained by observation and three dimension wind field as well as other parameters obtained by retrieval are put into the usual mesoscale or smallscale numerical model, so that the inner structure of mesoscale or smallscale weather system is better researched and precipitation is estimated more exactly.


更多网络解释与观测得到的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Corrective Action:纠正措施

纠正措施(Corrective Action):当针对关键控制点(CCP)的监测显示该关键控制点失去控制时所采取的措施. 监测(Monitor):为评估关键控制点(CCP)是否得到控制,而对控制指标进行有计划地连续观测或测量.


D.邓肯在1984年>一书中,评价了杰文斯(Jevons)关于"均值"(mean)和"平均数"( average)的区别:对恒定的真实值进行观测时,把得到的各个有偏离的观测值进行平均所得的结果是均值;

correlation function:相关函数

另外,观测到的宇宙大尺度结构(large-scale structure of the cosmos)的相关函数(correlation function)符合标准大爆炸理论. 宇宙大爆炸理论在其发展的过程中产生了一些疑点和问题,其中有些随着观测和理论的不断完善得到了解决,而成为了历史,


建议你先了解残差 (Residuals) 的意义是什麼以及为什麼要做残差分析但是理论上的误差项我们观测不到,所以就只能用我们所看到的来评估,这个看得到的就是实际值与配适值(Fitted value)之间的差,也就是残差.


这些实际的类型很少得到系统的研究--罗依(Roy)所代表的对生物学家和物理学家的心理测试是一个罕见的例外. 如果社会科学家开始在物理学家和生物学家的实验室和野外台站中进行观测,

Systolic Array:脉动阵列

处理速度的脉动阵列(systolic array)结构来实现QR-RLS算法.通过建立以最优干扰抑制器权矢量为状态矢量的状态方程和以期望信号的多线性回归模型为观测方程得到实现最优干扰抑制的Kalman滤波.以上自适应方法的不足是需要期望信号.本文通过约束矩阵的零空间矩阵将约束MMOE问题转化为低维无约束MMSE问题,


反卷积(deconvolution)即是根据已定义的药物代谢动力学公式,由观测到的血浆内各物质浓度图谱给出所需的药物输入速率. 最新版本的WinNonlin对反卷积方法作了进一步改进,使得用户可根据自己特定的药代动力学数据通过反卷积计算得到个体的数值.