英语人>词典>汉英 : 观测函数 的英文翻译,例句
观测函数 的英文翻译、例句


observation function
更多网络例句与观测函数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under the assumptuion that the lower bound of the density of the observed nonlinear AR (1) time series is known, we prove that the nonlinear wavelet estimator of the conditional mean function g, which is similiar with the one introduced in Chapter 2, still has the same good adaptive properties for this kind of nonlinear AR (1) series on account of the moment inequalities and exponential type inequalities for strong mixing processes.


A fuzzy logic system for classification of hydrometeor type based on polarimetric radar measurements is described.


Through the study, we can conclude that improper slave function shows fairly good earthquake-reflecting capacity to earthquakes with MS 5.0 in eastern China, which can be regarded as comprehensive parameter to the medium-term and short-term earthquake prediction and can determine three elements of an earthquake more exactly.


Robust estimation, RLS Estimation, M estimation, Independent observations, Correlated observations, Function model, Random model, Outliers analysis, Outliers Confirmation, Outliers Disposal, Infectant Distribution, Equivalent weights, Equivalent variance-covariance

稳健估计,稳健最小二乘估计, M 估计,独立观测,相关观测,函数模型,随机模型,粗差分析,粗差定位,粗差处理,污染分布,等价权,等价方差-协方差

The relationship between barotropic tidal currents and sea level were established for the first 45-day period using the transfer functions and harmonic analysis, and then carry the prediction for the second 45-day period. There is very good agreement between the observed and predicted semidiurnal tidal current, the rms error is less than 3 cm s-1. However, prediction on diurnal tidal current is rather disappointing, the rms error is about 19 cm s-1, suggesting strong baroclinic tidal component may have a significant contribution to the tidal current, which is not registered in the sea level records.


For this reason, the old methods can not fally meet the need of engineering practical application.3 By analyzing the principle and expound the methods of thecand the gray relationship clustering, the gray clustering matrix and method are presented.The gray clustering is a method that gather some obseration quotas or obseration objects to be some definable classification according to the gray relationship clustering matrix or gray albescent authority function.


Our conclusion is that we propose to have found a concrete and distinct mathematical form for the thing-in-itself in the Quantum Mechanics regime, which may serve as the non-sensible noumenal cause for an appearance of a body.


This paper discusses some application cases of the error propagation law by the examples of trigonometrical survey, and presents that not only sum function and numeral multipling function in which there is only one independent observed value but also more complex functions which are equal in mathematics are not opposite in the process of error propagation according to the error propagation law.


On the condition of remote observation and quasi- monochromatic observation,a compact image-plane interference mathematical model is deduced with OAS optical transfer function and the property of Fourier transform.


In the training of HMM, referring to the auxiliary function in reference〓, and the method in reference〓 to get the estimations of the parameters of Markov chain, we define the likelihood function and auxiliary function for the maximum likelihood estimation of CDHMM, and then induce systematically the forward-backward algorithm and the re-estimation formulas for parameters of CDHMM.


更多网络解释与观测函数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

correlated beneficiaries:利益相关者

相关观测:correlated observation | 利益相关者:correlated beneficiaries | 相关函数:correlated function


(三)对於表面的接触电位非常敏感,可利用来测量化学吸附(chemisorption)过程中,表面原子的功函数(work function)之变化. (四)鉴别率(resolution)较传统LEED为佳. 这点有益於表面结构缺陷的观测.

correlation function:相关函数

另外,观测到的宇宙大尺度结构(large-scale structure of the cosmos)的相关函数(correlation function)符合标准大爆炸理论. 宇宙大爆炸理论在其发展的过程中产生了一些疑点和问题,其中有些随着观测和理论的不断完善得到了解决,而成为了历史,

probability density function:机率密度函数

筛选得到环境变数,再利用Forest Grid程式作不同生育地因子之相关性分析挑除因子,得到:海拔高、相对日照量、近30年平均年雨量3个建模环境变数,由实际观测值做次数分配,利用韦伯(Weibull)机率密度函数(Probability density function)模式进行标准化曲线,

empirical distribution function:经验分布函数

如果有一些数,我们对它们的概率分布一无所知,那么数据本身可以用来构造一个非参数分布,这是一个不那么好看的数学函数,其间有许多断点,怎么看都不优美,尽管它的结构不雅观,坎泰利还是可以通过增大观测值的数量,来使不那么美的经验分布函数(empirical distribution function)越来越接近真实的分

goodness of fit test:拟合优度检验

K皮尔逊从这些工作中发展了一种被称为"拟合优度检验"(goodness of fit test)的基本统计工具,这是现代科学所不可缺少的. 它使科学家能够确定一组给定的观测值是否适合于某一特定的数学分布函数. 在第10章我们会看到, K皮尔逊的儿子E皮尔逊(Eqon Pearson),


这是因为在具体地回答问题前,两个人根本不存在于"实在"之中,而是合为一体,按照波函数弥漫. 用薛定谔发明的术语来说,在观测之前,两个人(粒子)处在一种"纠缠"(entanglement)的状态,他们是一个整体,具有一种"不可分离性"(inseparability)!

observation function:观测函数

observation 观测 | observation function 观测函数 | observational error 观测误差

stream function WESTBANK:流函数

stream flow routing WESTBANK 河流定辙 | stream function WESTBANK 流函数 | stream gaging WESTBANK 河川观测

observability index:可观测指数

objective function 目标函数 | observability index 可观测指数 | observable canonical form 可观测规范型