英语人>词典>汉英 : 要塞 的英文翻译,例句
要塞 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
citadel  ·  fastness  ·  fort  ·  fortification  ·  fortress  ·  garrison  ·  presidio  ·  stronghold  ·  ballium  ·  garrisoned  ·  garrisoning  ·  garrisons  ·  presidios  ·  casbah  ·  fastnesses  ·  fortresses  ·  strongholds

更多网络例句与要塞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These citadels host four easily accessible defensive cannons set on the ramparts, capable of unleashing hot fury onto oncoming attackers. Additional explosives sit safely stowed in the base of the keep along the back wall. At least, they're safe as long as they don't fall into enemy hands.


At the last instant, Ninx and Zend -- hidden aboard the Falcon -- powered up the freighter, and blasted their way out of the Citadel, while the New Republic heroes infiltrated deeper into the stronghold.


Salvage a bottle of Kul Tiras Wine from the underwater shipwreck northeast of Valiance Keep and bring it to Old Man Colburn in the Valiance Keep inn.


The cliffs of Moher, the windy wilds of Connemara, lough Neagh with submerged petrified city, the Giant's Causeway, Fort Camden and Fort Carlisle, the Golden Vale of Tipperary, the islands of Aran, the pastures of royal Meath, Brigid's elm in Kildare, the Queen's Island shipyard in Belfast, the Salmon Leap, the lakes of Killarney.


During the Tanith's actions on the Fortress World of Jago, at Fortress Hinzerhaus, Gaunt is captured by Blood Pact forces during a heroic defense of the Fortress' ramparts, and is tortured by the enemy.


A handful of advance patrols had gotten across the Moselle River north and south of Nancy, but Third Army was caught up in a terrible battle for the ancient fortresses of Metz, which were practically impervious to artillery shells or bombs.


When Russia linked with the line of Western Siberia and the line of Syr Darya, it conflicted with the khanate of Kokand at first. In 1864, Russia started to aggress the khanate of Kokand.


Spread throughout the Isle of Conquest are several capturable locations, each granting a unique strategic advantage to your team.


The Pit of Saron is the second wing of the dungeon complex known as the Frozen Halls, located within Icecrown Citadel.


Nancy has never been heavily fortified because it is covered to the east by a bastion of scarps and buttes.


更多网络解释与要塞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dol Guldur:多尔.古尔杜尔 "魔法之山". 第三纪时,绿森林南部索隆要塞

64 Barad-Dur 巴拉德-杜尔 "黑暗要塞". | 65 Dol Guldur 多尔?古尔杜尔 "魔法之山". 第三纪时,绿森林南部索隆要塞. | 66 Dor Daedeloth 道?达伊代罗斯 "恐怖的阴影之地". 莫高斯北方土地.

Tempest Falconer:風暴要塞-鎔爐鷹獵者 風暴要塞-熔爐鷹獵者

Crimson Hand Inquisitor 紅手審問者 紅手審判官 | Tempest Falconer 風暴要塞-鎔爐鷹獵者 風暴要塞-熔爐鷹獵者 | Bloodwarder Squire 血護衛扈從 血守衛扈從

Macross Flash Back 2012:超时空要塞Flash Back 2012

1109 Macross Do You Remember Love? 超时空要塞 爱,还记得吗 | 1111 Macross Flash Back 2012 超时空要塞Flash Back 2012 01 | 1112 Macross II 超时空要塞II 01-06

超时空要塞Flash Back 2012:Macross Flash Back 2012

1109 Macross Do You Remember Love? 超时空要塞 爱,还记得吗 | 1111 Macross Flash Back 2012 超时空要塞Flash Back 2012 01 | 1112 Macross II 超时空要塞II 01-06

coast fortification:海岸要塞

coast chart 海岸图 | coast fortification 海岸要塞 | coast fortress 海岸要塞

Heavy Fortifications:重型要塞工事 ):可以免费升级科技以增加墙、炮塔、小要塞,要塞的战斗能力

Extensive Fortifications ( 大型要塞工事 ):可以增... | Heavy Fortifications ( 重型要塞工事 ):可以免费升级科技以增加墙、炮塔、小要塞,要塞的战斗能力. | Royal Decree to Claim the New World ( 皇室法令 ):提供...

Extensive Fortifications:大型要塞工事 ):可以增加炮塔和小要塞的建筑上限

Fort ( 要塞 ):就是可以盖一座要塞啦... | Extensive Fortifications ( 大型要塞工事 ):可以增加炮塔和小要塞的建筑上限. | Heavy Fortifications ( 重型要塞工事 ):可以免费升级科技以增加墙、炮塔、小要塞,要塞的战斗...

Macross OVA:超时空要塞

937 Macross Do You Remember Love? 超时空要塞 爱,还记得吗 | 938 Macross OVA 超时空要塞OVA | 939 Macross Plus 超时空要塞Plus

Macross Plus:超时空要塞加强版

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Stronghold Legends:要塞传奇

......要塞传奇>>(Stronghold Legends)是基于<<要塞2>>引擎开发的独立新作. 本作结合了华丽的视觉效果和平衡 性的游戏操作以及史诗般的中世纪背景. <<要塞传奇>>与<<要塞2>>相比,增加了一系列的游戏性的革新,比如新的策略征 服风格,