英语人>词典>汉英 : 西域 的英文翻译,例句
西域 的英文翻译、例句


the Western Regions
更多网络例句与西域相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among them, sandal wood, agalwood, aloe wood, and many others were introduced to China from India through Central Asia by land and from South East Asia by sea around


It was a sort of amanuensis symbol and calculational methods that trafficked in the economic amanuensis of all nation in Western Regions, and was a special technology of economic affiliate with all nation in Western Regions.


This bastinado originates in the Western Regions big as if country , solid and square , to be tasted rarely .


The jaws of the ancient greet wall, an important posthouse in the Silk Road, the important main road between central area and west region, and the important battlement of the great wall built in Ming Dynasty as well, 35km to south part of Shandan County, near to 312 National Highway and G245 Freeway, covering an area of 190,000km 2, was built in

建设条件:长城硖口古城坐落于山丹县城南 35公里,旁依 G245高速公路和312国道,始建于明万历元年(公元1552年),总面积19万平方米,是丝绸之路的重要驿站,也是古时中原通往西域的交通要道,更是汉明长城的重要城障,现已列入全国重点文物保护单位。

The Separation about Nomadism and Ecesis in the westen regins peoples, bring far-reaching influence to the mythology of westen regins.


The ancient mythology is divided into the mythology of Nomadism and the mythology of Ecesis, and with the ab extra mythology which swarm into along the silk road composed the three power of the mythology of westen regins.


Spurs Dynasty Gurkha Khan (9 end of the century in 1211 a) period, with the introduction of Islam in the Western Regions and the gradual expansion of the Islamic culture on the impact of Western culture more and more.


Mei is infatuated with the Northwestward in our country especially the scene in autumn.


This article discusses the three tremendous cultural variations in Xiyu,analyses the main causes led to the variations and their substance,and argues that the substance of Xiyu culture's variations was the triumph of the Turki and Islamic culture ,the advanced culture keeping forging ahead and based on advanced economy,over the Yilan culture of weak quality, short of a subject ethnic consciousness and being reduced to a declining state;it was also the defeat met with by the Greek, Persi...


At the same time, the Shie drum is differentiate and relation with the Surnel and wasp-waisted drum. The third chapter is genre and spread of Shie drum. Shie drum originated by Qiu Ci in Ili Area and spread into western region of ancient China with jiezu.


更多网络解释与西域相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

taiwen banger:台湾香肠

西域风情鸡翅 western anorous feeling s chicken | 台湾香肠 taiwen banger | 美味炸鸡腿 american fried chicken


Element of Earth元素地球 | Rank: GRAND DUKE OF THE WESTERN REGIONS OF HELL排名:大公的西域地狱 | Astaroth rules 40 legions of spirits and is a Day Demon圣女规则第40军团的精神,是一个重要的日子妖魔

West Part of China Music:西域音乐

中西部地区:middle and west China | 西域音乐:West Part of China Music | 西部大开发:exploring the West China


turinal 烯丙雌烯醇 | turkestan 西域 | turkey 吐绶鸡


turk /土耳其人/ | turkestan /西域/ | turkey /土耳其/吐绶鸡/

Westlife maga mix:西域男孩冠军混音组曲

06 I lay my love on you(single re-mix) 深情不移(单曲混音版) | 08 Westlife maga mix 西域男孩冠军混音组曲 | The Love Album 爱 亚洲特别版 2CD

Viburnum opulus:{欧洲荚蒾}{荚蒾}{欧洲荚迷}{欧洲绣球}{欧洲绣球,欧洲荚蒾}{欧洲锈球}

Viburnum mullaha {少毛西域荚蒾}{西域少毛荚蒾}{少毛西域荚迷} | Viburnum opulus {欧洲荚蒾}{荚蒾}{欧洲荚迷}{欧洲绣球}{欧洲绣球,欧洲荚蒾}{欧洲锈球} | Viburnum ovatifolium {卵叶荚迷}

pamir plateau:帕米尔高原

[葱岭] 新疆省西南帕米尔高原(Pamir Plateau)之一大山系,乃亚细亚大陆诸山脉之主轴,自古称'世界之屋脊'. 其南接北印度,东至新疆乌铩国(Usa 或 Osh ),西抵阿富汗斯坦之活国(Kunduz),北连天山,而分西域为二. 大唐西域记卷十二活国条(大五一.九四○上):'葱岭者,

Stachyurus himalaicus:西域旌节花

形.2.胚胎学根据对西域旌节花(Stachyurus himalaicus)的胚胎学研究并参考前人对中国旌节花和早春旌节花的研究总结出旌节花科的胚胎学特征.3.分支系统学共选自孢粉学、胚胎学的36个性状进行分支分析.4.结论综合孢粉学、胚胎学和分支分析的结果,

Passer ammodendri Gould , Saxaul Sparrow:黑顶麻雀(西域麻雀)

120、家麻雀* Passer domesticus (Linnaeus) , House Sparrow | 121、黑顶麻雀(西域麻雀)*Passer ammodendri Gould , Saxaul Sparrow | 122、[树]麻雀 * Passer montanus (Linnaeus) , Tree Sparrow