英语人>词典>汉英 : 西印度群岛 的英文翻译,例句
西印度群岛 的英文翻译、例句


West Indies · the West Indies
更多网络例句与西印度群岛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The British West Indies, or the Bahamas, are a portion of same that may be seen in the present.


However, the do focus some of their grants to porgrams in Californian, the Cayman Islands and the British West Indies.


An island of the British West Indies in the northern Leeward Islands.


The trade routes of the carrier are between the East Coast of North America , including the Gulf of Mexico, and South America, the steamers of the line calling enroute, whether south or northbound, at West Indian, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico ports, in particularat the ports of Haiti, Dominican RePublic, Windward and Leeward Islands, British West Indies, Jamaica, Cuba, Bermuda, etc.


A country of the West Indies comprising the western part of the island of Hispaniola and two offshore islands.


Clove is the ground flower buds of Caryophyllus aromaticus, native to the Moluccas or Spice Islands, but now grown principally in Zanzibar, Pemba, and the West Indies.


Comparative advantage—a current corporate management term—actually goes back a long way in imperialist practice, and my talk will explore this topic in relation to errors that have come up in the past when comparing two symmetrically opposed regional archipelagoes, for instance, the East Indies and the West Indies.


Britain removed the elected government and assembly of the Turks and Caicos islands, an overseas territory in the West Indies, and reimposed direct rule from London, after an official inquiry found signs of "systemic corruption".


The islands of the West Indies except for the Bahamas, separating the Caribbean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean and divided into the Greater Antilles to the north and the Lesser Antilles to the east.


The islands of the West Indies except for the Bahamas, separating the Caribbean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean and divided into the Greater Antilles to the north and the Lesser Antilles to the east.


更多网络解释与西印度群岛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cathedral, Alcazar and Archivo de Indias, in:塞维利亚的大教堂、城堡和西印度群岛档案馆

■卡塞雷斯古城 Old Town of Caceres 1986 | ■塞维利亚的大教堂、城堡和西印度群岛档案馆 Cathedral, Alcazar and Archivo de Indias, in | ■萨拉曼卡古城 Old City of Salamanca 1988


Antillean | 安替列群岛 | Antilles | 安的列斯群岛(西印度群岛中的主要岛群) | antillitter | 反对乱抛垃圾的

British West Indies:英属西印度群岛(英国在西印度群岛的属地)

British warm | (英国军官穿的)厚呢短大衣 | British West Indies | 英属西印度群岛(英国在西印度群岛的属地) | British | 大不列颠的, 英国的, 英国人的

Indies:印度地方/东[西] 印度群岛

indictor /起诉者/ | indies /印度地方/东[西] 印度群岛/ | indifferency /不关心/无兴趣/

CASTRIES,West Indies:卡斯特里.......................西印度群岛

ST.LUCIA,West Indies 圣卢西亚岛......................西印度群岛 | CASTRIES,West Indies 卡斯特里.......................西印度群岛 | KINGSTON, Jamaica 金斯敦...............................牙买加

West Indian Conference:西印度群岛会议

West Indian Company Ltd.;西印度有限公司;WICO; | West Indian Conference;西印度群岛会议;; | West Indies Act;西印度群岛法;;

West Indian Commission:西印度群岛委员会

West German Christian Social Union;西德基督教社会联盟;CSU; | West Indian Commission;西印度群岛委员会;WIC; | West Indian Company Ltd.;西印度有限公司;WICO;

the West Indies:西印度群岛

第二章 国土与历史概况 殖民地时代美洲大陆的发现者克里斯托弗 哥伦布(Chfistopher Columbus)于1492年在西印度群岛(the West Indies)登陆,他遇到了慷慨友好的居民,并把他们称作印第安人(Indians)(因为他以为自己发现了通往度的西向航线).


cascara | 鼠李, 用其树皮制成的缓泻剂 | cascarilla | 西印度苦香树(产于西印度群岛) | cascarilline | 卡藜灵

Dutch West Indies:荷属西印度群岛

Dutch East Indies 荷属东印度群岛 | Dutch West Indies 荷属西印度群岛 | dyarchy 两头政府