英语人>词典>汉英 : 被虐待狂 的英文翻译,例句
被虐待狂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
masochism  ·  masochist

更多网络例句与被虐待狂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One then tends to give others one's rage, only to find oneself abused as others go out of control having the anger of oneself in their field.


Bull; Sadism and masochism are sometimes abbreviated as SM.


Anyone not using your product, in my opinion, is a masochist and a fool!


The theoretically interesting point is that what seems to be a preponderantly masochistic people have developed sadistic specialists.


Or do you want to be mistreat? Are you happy only with your sight to their love?


I love being trapped here in this hospital and interrogated by sadistic Aurors!


Madison Avenue is full of masochists who unconsciously provoke rejection by their clients. I now brilliant men who have lost every account they have ever handled. Confessions of an Advertising Man


ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES 业务人员 Madison Avenue is full of masochists who unconsciously provoke rejection by their clients. I now brilliant men who have lost every account they have ever handled.

Confessions of an Advertising Man 麦迪逊大道充塞着许多被虐待狂,他们总在无意识中煽动起客户的排拒感;我认识一些出色能干的人,总被客户辞退。

We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic.


We've been dominated by sadists, orignored by the apathetic.


更多网络解释与被虐待狂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


她被配置在客体(即缺席)的位置上,她是男性欲望的接收者,是被动地出现(appearing),而非主动表现(acting). 她的性欢愉仅能从她自己被客体化的情形而形成. 另外,假若男性采虐待狂式的支配态度,女性因此可能采取相对应的被虐待式姿态.

retrograde ejaculation:逆行性射精(精液倒射入膀胱,从而导致不孕)

retarded ejaculator 晚泻者,滞泻者(指长时间性交后仍无法射精的人) | retrograde ejaculation 逆行性射精(精液倒射入膀胱,从而导致不孕) | Sabmasochism 性虐待以及被虐待狂


只有极少部分的人,通常称之为"被虐待狂"(masochism)需要疼痛来刺激动起或引发性满足,但绝大多数不需要也不想要这种疼痛. 即使被虐待狂也很清楚兴奋的疼痛程度,会和伴侣事先讨论达成协议,以免超越疼痛的界限. 问:我是个十四岁的高一学生,


masochismmasochist 被虐待狂 | masochist 受虐待者 | masonic 共济会会员的

and this little masochist:这个小被虐待狂

guess it's clear he's gone 我猜很明显他已经走了 | and this little masochist 这个小被虐待狂 | is lifting up her dress 正在举起她的衣服

and this little masochist:这是个小被虐待狂

guess it's me and me 猜到了又是我 | and this little masochist 这是个小被虐待狂 | she's ready to confess 她已经准备承认


sado-massochist 虐待狂与受虐狂 | sadomasochism 被虐待性变态 | sadu 圣人

SM Sadomasochism:(虐待狂)、Masochism (被虐待狂)

SLG simulation game 模擬類遊戲 | SM Sadomasochism (虐待狂)、Masochism (被虐待狂) | SMS short message service 簡訊