英语人>词典>汉英 : 被搬移的 的英文翻译,例句
被搬移的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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And a festival shall be kept for King PTOLEMY, THE EVER-LIVING, THE BELOVED OF PTAH, THE GOD EPIPHANES EUCHARISTOS, yearly in the temples throughout the land from the 1st of Thoth for five days, in which they shall wear garlands and perform sacrifices and libations and the other usual honours, and the priests in each temple shall be called priests of the GOD EPIPHANES EUCHARISTOS in addition to the names of the other gods whom they serve; and his priesthood shall be entered upon all formal documents and engraved upon the rings which they wear; and private individuals shall also be allowed to keep the festival and set up the aforementioned shrine and have it in their homes; performing the aforementioned celebrations yearly, in order that it may be known to all that the men of Egypt magnify and honour the GOD EPIPHANES EUCHARISTOS the king, according to the law.

在之后的两百多年间,罗塞塔石碑仅曾短暂地离开过大英博物馆一次——1917年时,接近尾声的第一次世界大战战火蔓延,由于博物馆方面担心伦敦遭受到激烈的轰炸而损伤古物,因此将一批包括有罗塞塔石碑、较为轻便容易搬移的重要古物,偷偷藏匿在霍本一带深达地下50英尺的地下铁车站中,为期两年。直至大战结束恢复和平后,才将古物移回博物馆继续展览。不过,并不是全世界的人们都很乐意见到罗塞塔石碑被保存在大英博物馆中,例如设址于开罗的埃及古物最高委员会(Supreme Council of Antiquities,是埃及文化部的下辖组织之一)主秘、也是知名埃及考古学家的札希·哈瓦斯博士(Dr。 Zahi Hawass)就曾公开呼吁英国应该将罗塞塔石碑归还给它真正的归属地、埃及,因为这块石碑是埃及文明的重要象征。

Since the superheterodyne receiver was invented, mixer has long been the research focus in communication and radio frequency circuit fields, which is the key component to realize the frequency translation.


CNN本期封面故事 King Tut: Behind the Mask Viewers Get First Peek at Egypt's Most Famous Mummy 揭开三千年的神祕面纱图坦卡门重见天日 CNN ANCHOR Well, with all the pomp and circumstances befitting a king, an ancient pharaoh moved to his new home on Sunday.

CNN 主播一位古代法老王在星期日搬入了新家,盛大的排场符合他的国王身份。在埃及的帝王谷,眼前这位据信和他生前样貌一致的图坦卡门国王,从他的石棺中被移到了一具拥有恒温装置的棺材中。

更多网络解释与被搬移的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


allochthonous 被搬移的 | allocution 训示 | allodial 有所有权的


现在仍有数家公司,如美国的维德(Wade Co.),莱克(Lake)、皮尔斯(Pierce)等在制造这种被称为滚移式喷灌机(Side Roll或Wheel Moving)的机器. 其优点是造价比固定式喷灌系统低,劳动强度比半固定式、手工搬管系统低,维修方便.


allochthon 矿物 | allochthonous 被搬移的 | allocution 训示