英语人>词典>汉英 : 被控制的 的英文翻译,例句
被控制的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与被控制的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you are damaged while channeling mind control, there is a good chance that it will break.


Sapphire's blue colour is also evoked where clear competence and controlled brainwork are the issue.

Sapphire's 蓝色颜色并且被召唤清楚能力和被控制的 brainwork 是这个问题的地方。

The firing pin was controlled by the lever, which pushed pin forward, toward the primer, only when bolt was going into the battery.


A company that controls one or more other companies which are then described as subsidiaries of the holding company.


What is it about that person that makes others grant them the honour of being in charge?


In this paper, we firstly make some qualitative analysis to Lorenz critical chaotic system, and then lead it to the corresponding unstable equilibrium point and periodic orbits in terms of the linear state feedback approach. Then we make a lot of simulations which indicate this method to be feasible. Fractional-order system, as well as Lyapunov exponent, has been used as a powerful tool for the quantitative study of chaotic systems.


Jung allegedly raped the women, Watanabe said, while they were under mind control.


British sites with suitable combinations of bittern prey and habitat happen to be mainly Phragmites dominated, but a few nests were found in other vegetation (e.g. Typha, Cladium and Scirpus) and this has been documented elsewhere, particularly in other European countries Gentz, 1965; Gaukler and Kraus, 1965; Bauer and Glutz von Blotzheim, 1966; Bibby

有苦汁牺牲者和栖所的适当的组合的英国站点偶然是被控制的主要芦苇属,即,但是一些巢在其他植被(香蒲、Cladium和地下茎香草)被找到,并且这特别在其他欧洲国家Gentz在别处被提供了, 1965年; gaukler和Kraus 1965年; Bauer和Glutz冯Blotzheim 1966年; Bibby

Consecration will break most forms of crowd control so take care with your positioning when consecrating around CC'd mobs.


Rather than one cell group being the master control of the clock as scientists had assumed, the two cell groups take turns acting as master and slave.


更多网络解释与被控制的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


captivator 有吸引力的人 | captive 被控制的 | capture 引起注意

Combat Pets:被玩家控制的NPC,在战斗中帮助玩家及其队友

Cheese - 利用游戏的不平衡之处牟利. | Combat Pets - 被玩家控制的NPC,在战斗中帮助玩家及其队友. | CR - Corpse Retrevial,取回尸体 有团体灭亡的含义

Combat Pets:被玩家控制的NPC,在战斗中帮助玩家及其队友,直译也有宠物的意思

Cheese - 利用游戏的不平衡之处牟利 | Combat Pets - 被玩家控制的NPC,在战斗中帮助玩家及其队友,直译也有宠物的意思 | CR - Corpse Retrevial的缩写,指取回尸体,这要看具体游戏的设置而论,很多游戏没有这个设置

contained control:被收纳的控件 被收纳的控制项

consultant company 谘询公司 顾问公司 | contained control 被收纳的控件 被收纳的控制项 | container application 容器应用程序 容器应用程式

under contral:被控制住

out of control 失去控制 | under contral 被控制住 | controversial a.引起争论的,有争议的

controlled system:被控制系统

水轮机调节系统是由水轮机控制系统(Hydraulic turbine control system)和被控制系统(Controlled system)组成的闭环系统(Closed loop system). 水轮机控制系统是由用于检测被控参量(转速、功率、水位、流量等)与给定参量的偏差,

Directed:有指导的 有管理的 定向的 被控制的

diagonal series 对角线级数 | directed 有指导的 有管理的 定向的 被控制的 | nuclear converter 核转换器, 转换堆

be under control:被控制住

be typical of有代表性的,典型的,象征性的 | be under control被控制住 | be up in the air(问题等)悬而未决;不肯定;异常兴奋,十分激动

move to the square of the unit currently controlled, and follow this unit:去到被控制个体的区域并跟随此个体

2043 space 空间 | 2044 move to the square of the unit currently controlled, and follow this unit 去到被控制个体的区域并跟随此个体 | 2045 control next local unit 控制下一个本地个体

controlled variability:被控制的波动

breech ring 炮尾环 | controlled variability 被控制的波动 | sappy wool 油汗多的羊毛