英语人>词典>汉英 : 被掠食者 的英文翻译,例句
被掠食者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
prey  ·  preyed  ·  preying  ·  preys

更多网络例句与被掠食者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sometimes the deception serves as camouflage, allowing its bearer to elude detection by predators, prey, or quite often both: In Panama I found a mantid that looked like a few sprigs of radicchio, the perfect cloaking device for a stealth hunter of leaf-eating insects that is itself much coveted by insectivorous reptiles and birds.


The fish's common name originates from its hawklike habit of perching on the high ground of reefs, where it surveys its surroundings for predator or prey.


Leviathan among sharks, a whale shark gains on its small prey in the Indian Ocean off the coast of western Australia.


Ries says a bulkier shell might be more resistant to crushing by predators.


Modern geckos not more than 16 inches in length, although millions of years ago ancient gecko's are larger, now preserved in amber in the little gecko less than 1 inch in length, in which death is likely to be predators eat half or attack, only some of the body well preserved in amber.


Fathers and sons, like 17-year-old Sangsai, set out in bitter cold of winter before sunrise to reach promontories where the eagle, blindfold undone, can quickly scan the wide open landscape for prey as the sun rises.


Their prey includes skunks, raccoons, other birds, and even domestic pets.


They use a vast network of webs and call their congeners by hitting the web when a prey is spotted.


The teeth of these fleet-footed predators are too small to use as daggers for large kill, but the cats have strong jaws that lock around the throat of prey until the victim stops breathing.


Other nocturnal mammals—including desert rodents, fruit bats, opossums, and badgers—forage more cautiously under the permanent full moon of light pollution because they've become easier targets for predators.


更多网络解释与被掠食者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


研究人员模拟了 Rhode 岛潟湖的各种生态环境,并且依照实际环境的生物相放入了代表掠食者的蓝鱼 (Bluefish),以及调查环境内一样组成比重的被掠食鱼类,其中包括了银侧鱼 (silversides)、蚝隆头鱼 (tautog)、青鲈 (cunner)与鲱鱼 (menh


研究人员模拟了 Rhode 岛潟湖的各种生态环境,并且依照实际环境的生物相放入了代表掠食者的蓝鱼 (Bluefish),以及调查环境内一样组成比重的被掠食鱼类,其中包括了银侧鱼 (silversides)、蚝隆头鱼 (tautog)、青鲈 (cunner)与鲱鱼 (menhaden).

presume t:假定, 假设, 认为

1359. prestige n. 声望, 威望, 威信 | 1360. presume t. 假定, 假设, 认为 | 1361. prey n. 被掠食者, 牺牲者, 掠食 i. 捕食, 掠夺, 折磨



priapism Y:荡行为

prey 被掠食者 | priapism Y荡行为 | price control 物价管制


奈尔注意到六亿年前属於原生代(Proterozoic)的有壳微生物克劳德管虫(Cloudinids)被发现的时候,有好多都是壳上有图形破洞,像是被掠食者蹂躏过的痕迹. 所以,他认为在几亿年前就有掠食的行为,而且掠食行为的演化渐渐形成「痛苦–血–死亡」的情绪结构,


急性鼻咽炎(Catarrhal rhinitis),鼻窦炎(sinusitis)以及气管炎(tracheitis)是验尸(autopsy)过程中被发现的最为一致的结果. 圈养的掠食者鸟类和很多水禽类鸟儿的一个潜在问题是一种被称为肿爪(bumblefoot)的病症. 某些高度压力的种类,


在某些分类系统中,腔棘鱼和扇鳍鱼均被认为隶属总鳍亚纲(Crossopterygii)内之不同目. 现代腔棘鱼是矛尾鱼科(Latimeriidae)的深海鱼,因鳍棘中空故名. 体型大於多数化石种. 是凶猛的掠食者,体粗重而多黏液,鳍呈肢状,行动灵活.